October 2006 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Oct 1 07:05:08 UTC 2006
Ending: Tue Oct 31 23:48:24 UTC 2006
Messages: 2097
- The Exporter - Israel's Foreign Trade News
מכון היצוא - דלית ירדני
- The Exporter - Israel's Foreign Trade News
מכון היצוא - דלית ירדני
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-09-10 - 2006-09-30
Dan Langille
- portupgrading multimedia/x264 : patch failed to apply cleanly
- Can't ping localhost?
Laurence Sanford
- Using wget to mirror just part of a web site?
- Using wget to mirror just part of a web site?
Garrett Cooper
- Using wget to mirror just part of a web site?
- Good networking books for a beginner?
Chuck Swiger
- Problems with installation
Chuck Swiger
- portupgrading multimedia/x264 : patch failed to apply cleanly
Michael Johnson
- freeBSD official font
Luchezar P. Petkov
- RAM problems
Dino Vliet
- Restoring FreeBSD grub loader
Ivan "Rambius" Ivanov
- RAM problems
- RAM problems
Atom Powers
- RAM problems
Tamouh H.
- RAM problems
- triouble with my Deskjet 500
Ian Smith
- pcm0 + rl0 in the same irq causes panic
Alexandre Vieira
- pcm0 + rl0 in the same irq causes panic
Alexandre Vieira
- Restoring FreeBSD grub loader
- triouble with my Deskjet 500
Gary Kline
- BSDStats 4.0 - You need to upgrade ...
Marc G. Fournier
- rwhoisd : semicolons in whois output
James Long
- boot2 -> BTX halted, but loader(8) boots fine
Anton Shterenlikht
- BSDStats 4.0 - You need to upgrade ...
Marc G. Fournier
- Trouble with setting up Netgear WG311v3
Sunjae Park
- Directory server
rithy4u- CEO
- Checking remote processes
jhall at vandaliamo.net
- Checking remote processes
Garrett Cooper
- Checking remote processes
Dan Nelson
- Checking remote processes
jhall at vandaliamo.net
- FreeBSD Handbook 27.9.2
- FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE : rm swapfile after swapoff can't release
the disk space
Honest Qiao
- BSDStats 4.0 - You need to upgrade ...
Marc G. Fournier
- Directory server
Ansar Mohammed
- SWAP priority
- Problem with pf - bug?
Matthias Fechner
- USB IrDA Adapter
Jonathan McKeown
- Playing audio
Olivier Nicole
- FireFox/Thunderbird: Won't save config nor save any extensions
O. Hartmann
- build minimum freebsd from make world
Tang Ho Yim
- Trouble with Berkeley DB version 4.4.20?
Alex Zbyslaw
- SWAP priority
Chuck Swiger
- dell poweregde 2900/2950 and FreeBSD
Bill Moran
- Permissions on /var/mail directory
Lowell Gilbert
- Using wget to mirror just part of a web site?
Christopher M. Hobbs
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Marwan Sultan
- Running Name Server
Warren Liddell
- Running Name Server
Derek Ragona
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Bill Moran
- Running Name Server
Greg Barniskis
- Question about installing FreeBSD
Michael Christensen
- Running Name Server
George Allan
- Application run on SCO Openserver but not freeBSD.
Jim Borland
- Application run on SCO Openserver but not freeBSD.
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ipfw & cups
- 6.1 and NFS
Francisco Reyes
- 6.1 and NFS
Bill Moran
- dell poweregde 2900/2950 and FreeBSD
Bill Moran
- Using wget to mirror just part of a web site?
Ivan Levchenko
- xrestop usage
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Ted Johnson
- dell poweregde 2900/2950 and FreeBSD
Paul Schmehl
- dell poweregde 2900/2950 and FreeBSD
Paul Schmehl
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Ivan Levchenko
- Application run on SCO Openserver but not freeBSD.
Martin Hepworth
- Question about poweredby logo
Paul Schmehl
- SWAP priority
- What assembler(s) do you folks use with FreeBSD?
- Question about poweredby logo
Jerry McAllister
- SWAP priority
Charles Swiger
- What assembler(s) do you folks use with FreeBSD?
Charles Swiger
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Ted Johnson
- What assembler(s) do you folks use with FreeBSD?
Simon Phoenix
- How to Re-Label / Re-create filesystems?
- NAS server
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Ivan Levchenko
- Trouble with Berkeley DB version 4.4.20?
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Dave McCammon
- How to Re-Label / Re-create filesystems?
Jerry McAllister
- NFS problems!
Anders Troback
- Questions about adding new disk
Daniel Johansson
- Questions about adding new disk
Garrett Cooper
- SWAP priority
- Ruby gaining weight?
Pete Slagle
- Can't Upgrade Python Through Ports
Ted Johnson
- Question about installing FreeBSD
Jonathan Chen
- Mount permissions on disk
Daniel Johansson
- portupgrading multimedia/x264
Andriy Babiy
- backup existing sata drive
Damian Wiest
- Directory server
Damian Wiest
- portupgrading multimedia/x264
Michael Johnson
- NAS server
Norberto Meijome
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Marwan Sultan
- NAS server
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Bill Moran
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Jonathan Horne
- scripting question
jan gestre
- scripting question
Atom Powers
- Ruby gaining weight?
Alex Zbyslaw
- Directory server
Atom Powers
- Good networking books for a beginner?
Duane Whitty
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Olivier Nicole
- freeBSD official font
Luchezar P. Petkov
- freebsd-update
- downloading Free BSD
Foo JH
- Apache2* and mod_perl2
Foo JH
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Norberto Meijome
- Apache2* and mod_perl2
Paul Schmehl
- ipfw & cups
Norberto Meijome
- SWAP priority
Norberto Meijome
- Playing audio
Norberto Meijome
- Checking remote processes
Norberto Meijome
- Checking remote processes
Norberto Meijome
- Fw: Re: Apache2* and mod_perl2
James Corteciano
- Checking remote processes
Ow Mun Heng
- USB IrDA Adapter
Zeng Nan
- Mount permissions on disk
Norberto Meijome
- scripting question
Ivan Levchenko
- What about carpdev?
Prokofiev S.P.
- Ruby gaining weight? [RESOLVED]
Pete Slagle
- Ruby gaining weight? [RESOLVED]
Karol Kwiatkowski
- cvsup.freebsd.org DNS lookup failure(s)
Forrest Aldrich
- need help with ppp
KHOO Guan_Chen
- installing ports
Mbuthia Wangui
- installing ports
Garrett Cooper
- installing ports
Bill Moran
- cvsup.freebsd.org DNS lookup failure(s)
Matthew Seaman
- need help with ppp
Nikos Vassiliadis
- Checking remote processes
David King
- mail to root
Malcolm Kay
- R: Re: ipfw & cups
- need help with ppp
Peter A. Giessel
- Question about installing FreeBSD
Pete C
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Chuck Swiger
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
Jeff Dickens
- sendmail won't start
Andy Greenwood
- sendmail won't start
Philip Hallstrom
- sendmail won't start
wc_lists at xxiii.com
- installing ports
Jeff Palmer
- PortSnap problems & relocating ports
- how to block rj45 sockets.
Marwan Sultan
- Can somebody help me out !!!!!!
DeadMan Xia ....
- Can somebody help me out !!!!!!
Chuck Swiger
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
John Nielsen
- cvsup.freebsd.org DNS lookup failure(s)
Solovyov, Evgeny
- installing perl5.8.5
Bawan Karn
- SMART errors and file systems
Michael Knoll
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- installing perl5.8.5
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
Dan Nelson
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
Daniel Gerzo
- ZendOptimizer and libm.so.2?
- Strange cron behavior
- scripting question
jan gestre
- mail server rejects local and virtual clients
admin at hdk5.com
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
jan gestre
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- port failing for me on xorg-libraries
Jeff MacDonald
- IPFW + NATD rules
Alex de Kruijff
- Question about installing FreeBSD
jan gestre
- Question about installing FreeBSD
Garrett Cooper
- Strange cron behavior
Philip Hallstrom
- Strange cron behavior
Atom Powers
- Unable to compile libapreq2
Foo JH
- installing ports
Mbuthia Wangui
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- (no subject)
Karsten Fuhrmann
- fetchmail -> sendmail problem
Karsten Fuhrmann
- fetchmail -> sendmail problem
Mikhail Goriachev
- regex(3) for only C locale
Perry Hutchison
- installing ports
Mbuthia Wangui
- Update Your Online Account
Halifax On-Line Banking
- mail server rejects local and virtual clients
Gerard Seibert
- Strange cron behavior
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
Gábor Kövesdán
- what are pX and #X
pobox at verysmall.org
- what are pX and #X
Alistair Sutton
- what are pX and #X
pobox at verysmall.org
- what are pX and #X
Jonathan Horne
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
Bill Moran
- what are pX and #X
- hp laserjet 1020 experiences
- Strange cron behavior
- Updating jails
- build minimum freebsd from make world
Lowell Gilbert
- NFS problems!
Lowell Gilbert
- Information please
CTLD Design Ltd
- FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE : rm swapfile after swapoff can't release
the disk space
Honest Qiao
- Updating jails
- Please confirm (conf#f179b3facd9a3e536756615e845b32b0)
Peter Saint-Andre
- what are pX and #X
pobox at verysmall.org
- FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE : rm swapfile after swapoff can't
release the disk space
Nikos Vassiliadis
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
Jeff Dickens
- Updating jails
Ivailo Tanusheff
- Information please
Atom Powers
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
John Nielsen
- ipfw & cups
- sshd stalling upon login
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- Please confirm (conf#f179b3facd9a3e536756615e845b32b0)
- sshd stalling upon login
Desmond Coughlan
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- sshd stalling upon login
Philip Hallstrom
- cheapskate webmail interface
- cheapskate webmail interface
John Nielsen
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- Ruby gaining weight?
Dimitar Vasilev
- Kopete MSN + Cam
Tofik Suleymanov
- Problem with HighPoint rr232x driver FreeBSD 6.1 amd64
Klaus Friis Østergaard
- can't built /usr/ports/mail/mutt-ng
Jeff Dickens
- CDROM read(?) errors during CD boot.
- problems with a LaCie USB disk
Thierry Lacoste
- Virtual Users sharing main account
White Hat
- Virtual Users sharing main account
Philip Hallstrom
- sshd stalling upon login
- Virtual Users sharing main account
Erik Norgaard
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
Chuck Swiger
- sshd stalling upon login
- Virtual Users sharing main account
Peter A. Giessel
- no specifc dhcpd port found
- no specifc dhcpd port found
John Nielsen
- no specifc dhcpd port found
John Nielsen
- no specifc dhcpd port found
Philip Hallstrom
- no specifc dhcpd port found
Peter A. Giessel
- Problem with Subversion
Warren Liddell
- cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- Modifying cvsup-mirror port to mirror OpenBSD cvsup
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
jan gestre
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
Beech Rintoul
- can't built /usr/ports/mail/mutt-ng
- no specifc dhcpd port found [SOLVED]
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware licensing problems
Constantine A. Murenin
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
- 6.1 and NFS
Francisco Reyes
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
Beech Rintoul
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
- Compatibility Between Releases Policy
Jason C. Wells
- sshd stalling upon login
Girish Venkatachalam
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
Beech Rintoul
- apache in "strange" jail getting permissions errors
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- no specifc dhcpd port found
Jonathan McKeown
- Compatibility Between Releases Policy
Erik Norgaard
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Jonathan McKeown
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Olivier Nicole
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Jonathan McKeown
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Olivier Nicole
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Jonathan McKeown
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Olivier Nicole
- tools for network traffic accounting
Niek Dekker
- tools for network traffic accounting
Bachilo Dmitry
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
thomas at hindsight.de
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
Nick Withers
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
- tool for checking website
Martin Schweizer
- tool for checking website
David Kelly
- tool for checking website
Martin Schweizer
- tool for checking website
- tool for checking website
Martin Schweizer
- tool for checking website
ovidiu ene
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Jonathan McKeown
- Need to Emulate Linux..
B. Cook
- tool for checking website
Derek Ragona
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
John Nielsen
- Need to Emulate Linux..
Boris Samorodov
- tool for checking website
Derek Ragona
- tools for network traffic accounting
Philip Hallstrom
- Compatibility Between Releases Policy
Jason C. Wells
- Couldn't open SMTP server!
Aziz Manas
- Cannot make depend without USB?
up at 3.am
- W3Mail/Perl Mail Module
Don O'Neil
- tool for checking website
Ivailo Tanusheff
- Strange cron behavior
Damian Wiest
- make buildworld problem
Nick Browning
- Compatibility Between Releases Policy
Erik Norgaard
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
Jerry Bell
- Compatibility Between Releases Policy
Robert Huff
- Couldn't open SMTP server!
Alex Zbyslaw
- W3Mail/Perl Mail Module
Don O'Neil
- W3Mail/Perl Mail Module
Don O'Neil
- Can't get direct rendering with i915
Alexandre Vieira
- Cannot make depend without USB?
up at 3.am
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware licensing
Chuck Swiger
- NFS problems!
Matthew King
- tools for network traffic accounting
- Cannot make depend without USB?
Garrett Cooper
- Can't get direct rendering with i915
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
Gábor Kövesdán
- unattended installation
Carlos Ramirez
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
- PAE tuning
Paul Lathrop
- Can't get direct rendering with i915
- PAE tuning
Chuck Swiger
- PAE tuning
Paul Lathrop
- PAE tuning
Chuck Swiger
- PAE tuning
Chuck Swiger
- PAE tuning
Richard Cotrina
- PAE tuning
Paul Lathrop
- PAE tuning
Peter A. Giessel
- Strange X problem
Paul Schmehl
- PAE tuning
Chuck Swiger
- no serial port: "configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs"
- sshd stalling upon login
Matthew Seaman
- sshd stalling upon login [solved]
- port 110 connection refused FreeBSD 6.2 server
admin at hdk5.com
- port 110 connection refused FreeBSD 6.2 server
Derek Ragona
- W3Mail/Perl Mail Module
Karol Kwiatkowski
- FreeBSD and 2 ADSL links
Thiago Rocha
- unattended installation
pete wright
- FreeBSD and 2 ADSL links
Peter A. Giessel
- Removing removable ATA hard drives
Antony Mawer
- tool for checking website
Murray Taylor
- FreeBSD and 2 ADSL links
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
jan gestre
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
jan gestre
- checksum mismatch
jan gestre
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware licensing
Constantine A. Murenin
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware
Matt Emmerton
- upgrading amavisd-new port fails
jan gestre
- checksum mismatch
jan gestre
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
Alain Wolf
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
Matt Emmerton
- RE Problem with HighPoint rr232x driver FreeBSD 6.1 amd64
Klaus Friis Østergaard
- Strange X problem
- Strange X problem
Paul Schmehl
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
Alain Wolf
- NMI ISA 34, EISA ff
beastie at mra.co.id
- Strange X problem
Norberto Meijome
- strange DNS problem
Wojciech Puchar
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
Alex Zbyslaw
- stop ata drive rotation after umount
Michel Le Cocq
- FreeBSD and 2 ADSL links
Josh Paetzel
- checksum mismatch
Bill Moran
- A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation
Martin McCormick
- strange DNS problem
Bill Moran
- Member of group wheel, but still can't shutdown system?
thomas at hindsight.de
- unattended installation
Jonathan Horne
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- strange DNS problem
Wojciech Puchar
- Strange X problem
Robert Huff
- strange DNS problem
Bill Moran
- strange DNS problem
Wojciech Puchar
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
- Disaster recovery.
Grant Peel
- Portsnap Update Question
- Portsnap Update Question
Armin Pirkovitsch
- Portsnap Update Question
- Disaster recovery.
Alex Zbyslaw
- Portsnap Update Question
Alex Zbyslaw
- Portsnap Update Question
- Portsnap Update Question
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
- Printing Problem
Karl Agee
- Disaster recovery.
Peter A. Giessel
- Printing Problem
Karl Agee
- error in building a fortune-mod port, where is fortune?
Michael P. Soulier
- Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to install
on stand-alone system without internet connection
- Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to
install on stand-alone system without internet connection
Jerry McAllister
- Disaster recovery.
Grant Peel
- Disaster recovery.
Dan Nelson
- Disaster recovery.
Peter A. Giessel
- Disaster recovery.
- error in building a fortune-mod port, where is fortune?
Josh Paetzel
- error in building a fortune-mod port, where is fortune?
Michael P. Soulier
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- error in building a fortune-mod port, where is fortune?
Michael P. Soulier
- PAE tuning
Paul Lathrop
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- Strange X problem
Paul Schmehl
- Disaster recovery.
Grant Peel
- PAE tuning
Paul Lathrop
- PAE tuning
Peter A. Giessel
- unattended installation
Damian Wiest
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware licensing
Chuck Swiger
- Disaster recovery.
Dan Nelson
- Anyone using the Eagle ADSL modem driver?
- A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation
Chuck Swiger
- A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation
Martin McCormick
- Good References and or Books for learning ADA
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
Kris Kennaway
- A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation
Chuck Swiger
- Printing Problem
Karl Agee
- MySQL hangs jail on startup
Steve Price
- Strange X problem
Bob M.
- A Question of How to Handle Numerical Notation Solved
Martin McCormick
- Strange X problem
Paul Schmehl
- Printing Problem
Andrew Gould
- Printing Problem
Karl Agee
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied (OSX client)
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied (OSX
Chuck Swiger
- Error with CVSUP server
Warren Liddell
- Error with CVSUP server
Josh Paetzel
- Strange X problem
- Strange X problem
Paul Schmehl
- port php5 - what I am supposed to do here?
Alain Wolf
- adding a linux boot option
Jonathan Horne
- tracking a stolen laptop?
Jonathan Nichols
- tracking a stolen laptop?
Jerry McAllister
- ssh(d) "Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user"
Robert Huff
- sshd stalling upon login [solved]
ke han
- adding a linux boot option
- Event LOG Server
James Corteciano
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied (OSX
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied
(OSX client)
Garrett Cooper
- Good networking books for a beginner?
James Long
- Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to
install on stand-alone system without internet connection
John Hoover
- Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to
install on stand-alone system without internet connection
- tracking a stolen laptop?
Erik Norgaard
- Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to
install on stand-alone system without internet connection
Jim Stapleton
- Periodic 'Weekly' output errors
Gerard Seibert
- Ntop + SNMP
Warren Liddell
- freeBSD official font
Luchezar P. Petkov
- Strange X problem
Ian Smith
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was
supplied (OSX client)
- following RELENG_6_1
Thierry Lacoste
- ZendOptimizer on FreeBSD 6.1 - Apache core dumps
Andreas Widerøe Andersen
- FreeBSD 6.2 PRERELEASE boot problem
Jack Raats
- ipfw and temporary port access
- POE networking, what's the range?
Michael Johnson
- POE networking, what's the range?
Joe Marcus Clarke
- POE networking, what's the range?
Erik Trulsson
- POE networking, what's the range?
Michael Johnson
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware
Constantine A. Murenin
- http://www.freewebtown.com/bustar00t/Musliman%20Vs%20Christian.exe
George W bush
- POE networking, what's the range?
Dan Nelson
- ipw(4) and iwi(4): Intel's Pro Wireless firmware licensing
Constantine A. Murenin
- ssh(d) "Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user"
Per olof Ljungmark
- ACPI/Xorg bug
doug at safeport.com
- ssh(d) "Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user"
Robert Huff
- http://www.freewebtown.com/bustar00t/Musliman%20Vs%20Christian.exe
Paul Schmehl
- vr0: watchdog timeout FreeBSD 6.1-p10 Crashing my backups
- Panic/Fatal trap 12 while installing 6.1-RELEASE
Juha Saarinen
- Panic/Fatal trap 12 while installing 6.1-RELEASE
Juha Saarinen
- POE networking, what's the range?
perryh at pluto.rain.com
- Ntop + SNMP
Kurt Buff
- Network dies after a while with high torrent load
- POE networking, what's the range?
Chuck Robey
- /dev/uscanner0
Neil Short
- Network dies after a while with high torrent load
Robert Huff
- POE networking, what's the range?
Michael Johnson
- Sundry hardware issues on an Alderwood/Intel 925 Express board +
Juha Saarinen
- POE networking, what's the range?
perryh at pluto.rain.com
- Using portconf and /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
James Long
- new pango screwing up my x11
kalin mintchev
- cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-09-17 - 2006-10-07
Dan Langille
- FreeBSD Bonding Support.
- is this apache or some file on the system ?
Desmond Coughlan
- stop ata drive rotation after umount
Michel Le Cocq
- Confirmation Requested
Wells Fargo Online
- Confirmation Requested
Wells Fargo Online
- Ntop + SNMP
Warren Liddell
- cvsup and portupgrade
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Error building php5-pcre
Warren Liddell
- cvsup and portupgrade
Erik Norgaard
- cvsup and portupgrade
Zbigniew Szalbot
- cvsup and portupgrade
Armin Pirkovitsch
- cvsup and portupgrade
Warren Liddell
- cvsup and portupgrade
Erik Norgaard
- FreeBSD Bonding Support.
Lowell Gilbert
- cvsup and portupgrade
Zbigniew Szalbot
- stop ata drive rotation after umount
Lowell Gilbert
- unable to find makeobjops.pl
Antoine Solomon
- cvsup and portupgrade
Armin Pirkovitsch
- stop ata drive rotation after umount
Michel Le Cocq
- cvsup and portupgrade
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Periodic 'security' output errors
Robert Huff
- cvsup and portupgrade
Armin Pirkovitsch
- Ntop + SNMP
Dan Nelson
- cvsup and portupgrade
Alex Zbyslaw
- FreeBSD OpenSSL broken
Girish Venkatachalam
- FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE : rm swapfile after swapoff can't
release the disk space
Ceri Davies
- Highpoint rr232x driver with rr2300 card?
- FreeBSD OpenSSL broken
Erik Norgaard
- sendmail + spamassassin
dick hoogendijk
- Expunging IMAP mailbox via cronjob : possible?
Garrett Cooper
- Expunging IMAP mailbox via cronjob : possible?
Garrett Cooper
- sendmail + spamassassin
Robert Huff
- sendmail + spamassassin
Jonathan Horne
- Make buildworld fail due to sendmail/sasl installation.
Jesse Geddis
- sendmail + spamassassin
- cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
James Corteciano
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Lothar Braun
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
pbdlists at pinboard.com
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Cristian Mijea
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Matthias Apitz
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
James Corteciano
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Lothar Braun
- Make buildworld fail due to sendmail/sasl installation.
Jesse Geddis
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
James Corteciano
- Unix-Syslog Duplicate origin?
Yousef Raffah
- sendmail + spamassassin
dick hoogendijk
- Using portconf and /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
- sendmail + spamassassin
Robert Huff
- Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?
Bob Willcox
- cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre
- sendmail + spamassassin
Dave McCammon
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- cheapskate webmail interface
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- new pango screwing up my x11
kalin mintchev
- LSI SAS adapter
up at 3.am
- How does useradd determine the default mailbox/maildir location for
new users
Niek Dekker
- minimum requirements
free bsd
- minimum requirements
Andy Greenwood
- minimum requirements
- stop ata drive rotation after umount
Michel Le Cocq
- minimum requirements
Jerry McAllister
- Something Like Beagle
Tom Grove
- Something Like Beagle
- minimum requirements
Eric Schuele
- LSI SAS adapter
up at 3.am
- strange DNS problem
pckizer at nostrum.com
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
up at 3.am
- Cable Management software?
Kurt Buff
- IRQ conflicts on USB controlers
Erik Norgaard
- How does useradd determine the default mailbox/maildir location
up at 3.am
- requesting help to make sound work on thin/diskless client
Raymond Gibson
- How-to maintain upgrade??
Gary Kline
- Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?
Mike Tancsa
- moving from startx to wdm -- how to make x11 not to listen on tcp ??
- requesting help to make sound work on thin/diskless client
Tore Lund
- How-to maintain upgrade??
Gerard Seibert
- LSI SAS adapter
John Baldwin
- Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?
Nikolas Britton
- Upgrading firmware on Areca RAID card?
Nikolas Britton
- wxGlade error
Rod Person
- mount_msdosfs 240G
Kevin Sanders
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Juha Saarinen
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Juha Saarinen
- How-to maintain upgrade??
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Antony Mawer
- requesting help to make sound work on thin/diskless client
Doug Poland
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Juha Saarinen
- wxGlade error
Michael S
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Antony Mawer
- AHCI support in 6.1-RELEASE?
Juha Saarinen
- cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre
- moving from startx to wdm -- how to make x11 not to listen on
tcp ??
Eric Schuele
- mount_msdosfs 240G
Jonathan Horne
- Error building php5-pcre
Warren Liddell
- How-to maintain upgrade??
Gary Kline
- Using portconf and /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
James Long
- NFS Client..attr caching..
Jeff Mohler
- Error upgrading python from ports
Heinrich Rebehn
- problems with a LaCie USB disk
Thierry Lacoste
- How-to maintain upgrade??
Gerard Seibert
- cheapskate webmail interface
Michael S
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Alex Zbyslaw
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
Shantanoo Mahajan
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- cheapskate webmail interface
Desmond Coughlan
- Help
Nikola Popovski
- How-to maintain upgrade??
Robert Huff
- cheapskate webmail interface
- cheapskate webmail
Desmond Coughlan
- cheapskate webmail interface
Jonathan McKeown
- Something Like Beagle
Tom Grove
- dovecot installed
Desmond Coughlan
- bind problem
Robin Tiwari
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied (OSX
David Robillard
- bind problem
Lothar Braun
- aclocal19 doesn't find macros
Lothar Braun
- mount_msdosfs 240G
Kevin Sanders
- unable to find makeobjops.pl
Lowell Gilbert
- problems ssh'ing debug1: An invalid name was supplied (OSX
Lothar Braun
- How does useradd determine the default mailbox/maildir location
for new users
Lowell Gilbert
- How-to maintain upgrade??
- dovecot installed -- WAS: Re: cheapskate webmail interface
Gerard Seibert
- dovecot installed -- WAS: Re: cheapskate webmail interface
Ted Mittelstaedt
- how to route my public IP
runlevel 3
- How does useradd determine the default mailbox/maildir location
for new users
Erik Norgaard
- Something Like Beagle
- how to route my public IP
Chuck Swiger
- Using portconf and /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
- Creating a Super user Account
alena eckert
- Segfaulting perl
David King
- how to route my public IP
Derek Ragona
- .dmg files?
Drew Sanford
- minimum requirements
Derrick Ryalls
- KDE Control Center
Rem P Roberti
- How to change all /bin/bash at /etc/passwd to /sbin/nologin?
up at 3.am
- .dmg files?
- 6.1-stable + Wireless + ndiswrapper kernel crash
Athanasios Zorbas
- How does useradd determine the default mailbox/maildir location
for new users
Niek Dekker
- Creating a Super user Account
- unattended restore in script
Chris Whitehouse
- Creating a Super user Account
Jonathan Chen
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
- OOo-204rc3, package
Gary Kline
- Creating a Super user Account
Lowell Gilbert
- dual core AMD chips
- dual core AMD chips
Kris Kennaway
- Creating a Super user Account
Jerry McAllister
- ssh tunnel - remote access through nat
- ssh tunnel - remote access through nat
Chuck Swiger
- dual core AMD chips
- dual core AMD chips
Kris Kennaway
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Damian Wiest
- .dmg files?
Paul Schmehl
- dual core AMD chips
Paul Schmehl
- problems using gmirror
Tom Worster
- .dmg files?
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- ssh tunnel - remote access through nat
- .dmg files?
Peter A. Giessel
- requesting help to make sound work on thin/diskless client
Raymond Gibson
- wxGlade error
Rod Person
- iDefense Security Advisory 10.10.06: FreeBSD ptrace PT_LWPINFO
Denial of Service Vulnerability
Bill Moran
- iDefense Security Advisory 10.10.06: FreeBSD ptrace PT_LWPINFO
Denial of Service Vulnerability
Colin Percival
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Scott T. Hildreth
- iDefense Security Advisory 10.10.06: FreeBSD ptrace PT_LWPINFO
Denial of Service Vulnerability
Bill Moran
Hadi Maleki
- Getting started with FreeBSD
- .dmg files?
David King
- Getting started with FreeBSD
ke han
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Garrett Cooper
- iDefense Security Advisory 10.10.06: FreeBSD ptrace PT_LWPINFO
Denial of Service Vulnerability
Colin Percival
- Help
Amarendra Godbole
- idle auto logoff
- idle auto logoff
Olivier Nicole
- idle auto logoff
- Getting started with FreeBSD
- idle auto logoff
Murray Taylor
- KDE Control Center
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- fsck problems under 6.0
Philippe Lang
- KDE Control Center
Rem P Roberti
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Erik Norgaard
- Problems with ACLs
Patrik Jansson
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Garrett Cooper
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Garrett Cooper
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Garrett Cooper
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Spiros Papadopoulos
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Garrett Cooper
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Erik Norgaard
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Tore Lund
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Script to fetch Wikipedia text
Kyrre Nygård
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Erik Norgaard
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Michael S
- iDefense Security Advisory 10.10.06: FreeBSD ptrace PT_LWPINFO
Denial of Service Vulnerability
Bill Moran
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Getting started with FreeBSD
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Tore Lund
- libcrypto(3) and statically linked ports....
Eric Schuele
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Erik Norgaard
- libcrypto(3) and statically linked ports....
Lee Capps
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Jerry McAllister
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Michael S
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Erik Norgaard
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Jerry McAllister
- libcrypto(3) and statically linked ports....
Eric Schuele
- custom kernel, make buildkernel and then?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- ntpd with flags in rc.conf
Zbigniew Szalbot
- ntpd with flags in rc.conf
Sang-Kil (Sam) Suh
- ntpd with flags in rc.conf
Duane Hill
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Giorgos Keramidas
- ntpd with flags in rc.conf
Alex Zbyslaw
- Getting started with FreeBSD
Giorgos Keramidas
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
Jeff Dickens
- "kernel: calcru: negative runtime of -604787 usec for pid 16
(yarrow)" messages..
- idle auto logoff
- "kernel: calcru: negative runtime of -604787 usec for pid 16
(yarrow)" messages..
Bill Moran
- keyboard detected but it's unplugged.
- Is OpenNTPD better than the included NTPD?
- Is OpenNTPD better than the included NTPD?
Kris Kennaway
- Using external USB2.0 HDD for backup
Toomas Aas
- NIS ypserv problem with client ypbind
Simon Gao
- Is OpenNTPD better than the included NTPD?
Chuck Swiger
- Using external USB2.0 HDD for backup
Colin Percival
- Is OpenNTPD better than the included NTPD?
Gábor Kövesdán
- Is OpenNTPD better than the included NTPD?
Kris Kennaway
- Is 6.2(beta) running ok? 6.2 realease date ok?
- Is 6.2(beta) running ok? 6.2 realease date ok?
Bill Moran
- Is 6.2(beta) running ok? 6.2 realease date ok?
- Logitech optical mouse w/ scroll wheel
William Tracy
- Logitech optical mouse w/ scroll wheel
William Tracy
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Giorgos Keramidas
- "Value too large to be stored in data type"
Kevin Downey
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- StartX casues system reboot
Mark Jacobs
- StartX casues system reboot
Mark Jacobs
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Giorgos Keramidas
- Samba 3 port broken on 6.1-RELEASE or...?
Juha Saarinen
- Samba 3 port broken on 6.1-RELEASE or...?
Kris Kennaway
- Fwd: Samba 3 port broken on 6.1-RELEASE or...?
Juha Saarinen
- Logitech optical mouse w/ scroll wheel
- cheapskate webmail
jan gestre
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Giorgos Keramidas
- StartX casues system reboot
illoai at gmail.com
- Samba 3 port broken on 6.1-RELEASE or...?
Atom Powers
- Samba 3 port broken on 6.1-RELEASE or...?
Juha Saarinen
- OOo-204rc3, package
Eric Schuele
- NFS Client..attr caching..
Eric Schuele
- Question re ncurses and the various ttys
Murray Taylor
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Mark Jose
- pf.conf + altq problem
Muhammad Reza
- Question re ncurses and the various ttys
perryh at pluto.rain.com
- OOo-204rc3, package
Gary Kline
- File dates on msdosfs devices
Ray Newman
- webbased email administration
Andreas Widerøe Andersen
- webbased email administration
Ted Mittelstaedt
- webbased email administration
Patrik Jansson
- cheapskate webmail
Juha Saarinen
- webbased email administration
Daniel Gerzo
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Chris - WEBignite
- webbased email administration
Jim Pazarena
- ports vs configure/make/make install Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re:
RE : Re: RE : Re: cheapskate webmail interface
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- webbased email administration
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Simon Phoenix
- MDaemon Warning - Virus Found
- Prevent process in disk wait
- Prevent process in disk wait
- ntpd with flags in rc.conf
Alex Zbyslaw
- OOo-204rc3, package
Eric Schuele
- Initio SCSI Controller & FreeBSD 6.1 Release
Grant Peel
- ports adding users
Jonathan McKeown
- Hard Drive Issues
- requesting help to make sound work on thin/diskless client
Doug Poland
- Hard Drive Issues
Jerry McAllister
- Hard Drive Issues
Garrett Cooper
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Michael S
- Hard Drive Issues
Lowell Gilbert
- Hard Drive Issues
Garrett Cooper
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- Hard Drive Issues
Spiros Papadopoulos
- Question re ncurses and the various ttys
Derek Ragona
- gif questions
- Hard Drive Issues
David Kelly
- Prevent process in disk wait
Daniel Bye
- Openssl 0.9.8c woes
- ltdl library problems
Aaron P. Martinez
- Problems with ipfw and ssh
Spiros Papadopoulos
- ltdl library problems
Chuck Swiger
- RHEL 4 slave NIS server setup problem
Simon Gao
- Question re ncurses and the various ttys
- ltdl library problems
Aaron P. Martinez
- Prevent process in disk wait
Olivier Nicole
- Question re ncurses and the various ttys
Murray Taylor
- optimal kernel options for VMWARE guest system
Jeff Dickens
- Prevent process in disk wait
- Running Perl from a C program
Olivier Nicole
- Changing Hostname = Reboot machine?
David Schulz
- blade system recommendations
John Daniels
- iSCSI support..
Jeff Mohler
- test please delete
Josef Grosch
- iSCSI support..
Josef Grosch
- Changing Hostname = Reboot machine?
Jonathan Chen
- test please delete
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Desmond Coughlan
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Olivier Nicole
- Changing Hostname = Reboot machine?
David Schulz
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Spiros Papadopoulos
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Gerard Seibert
- moxa multiport serial cards
Philip M Brown
- Virus found in the message
Mail Admin
- Message deleted
Mail Admin
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Desmond Coughlan
- moxa multiport serial cards
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD 6.2 MySQL cannot allocate...
georg at dts.su
- RS-485 net (was: Re: moxa multiport serial cards)
Boris Samorodov
- (no subject)
Philip M Brown
- Openssl 0.9.8c woes
Girish Venkatachalam
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
- MySQL and Roundcube Problem - db won't start!
Spiros Papadopoulos
- VMWare
Davison, Robert
- cups and /dev/lpt
Per olof Ljungmark
- VMWare
Bill Moran
- Changing Hostname = Reboot machine?
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- Openssl 0.9.8c woes
- Download what?
Rick Stout
- Not sure about...
- Not sure about...
Bill Moran
- Download what?
- PostgreSQL Shared Memory and Semaphors
pobox at verysmall.org
- Download what?
pobox at verysmall.org
- Download what?
Michael S
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- SOLVED (was: RE: Openssl 0.9.8c woes)
- "ini_restore" patch for php4.4.4?
- Samba install failing
Jean-Paul Natola
- External touchpad?
Ian Smith
- Hard Drive Issues
Richard McIntyre
- cups and /dev/lpt [SOLVED]
Per olof Ljungmark
- Changing Hostname = Reboot machine?
Jonathan Chen
- Hard Drive Issues
Chuck Swiger
- Hard Drive Issues
Tom Judge
- ports adding users
Lowell Gilbert
- Hard Drive Issues
David Kelly
- Hard Drive Issues
George Allan
- ssh tunnel - remote access through nat
Solovyov, Evgeny
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Karl Agee
- Non English Spam
Beech Rintoul
- Non English Spam
pobox at verysmall.org
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Donald J. O'Neill
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Paul Schmehl
- Non English Spam
Paul Schmehl
- Non English Spam
- VMWare
Pete Slagle
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Karl Agee
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Karl Agee
- Non English Spam
- Non English Spam
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- Non English Spam
Matthew Seaman
- Perl's GetOpt::Std -- Where is it?
Garrett Cooper
- Perl's GetOpt::Std -- Where is it?
Garrett Cooper
- Perl's GetOpt::Std -- Where is it?
Josh Carroll
- Perl's GetOpt::Std -- Where is it?
Josh Carroll
- Non English Spam
Anders Gulden Olstad
- Openssl 0.9.8c woes
Girish Venkatachalam
- ports adding users
Jonathan McKeown
- skype/webcam
Andriy Babiy
- Perl's GetOpt::Std -- Where is it?
Garrett Cooper
- skype/webcam
Norberto Meijome
- Removing Giant from a driver
usleepless at gmail.com
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- Non English Spam
Beech Rintoul
- Performance 4.x vs. 6.x
Danial Thom
- Non English Spam
Beech Rintoul
- Non English Spam
Robert Huff
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Donald J. O'Neill
- asus mb with freebsd
- Xorg -configure results a black screen
Bjoern Thomsen
- Boot2 loading process
Jan Pfeifer
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Karl Agee
- Xorg -configure results a black screen
Paul Schmehl
- freebsd-update Reboot?
Chris Maness
- Panic lanuching dosbox
Andrea Venturoli
- "canary mismatch on efree()"
- Boot2 loading process
Valentin Nechayev
- Removing Giant from a driver
usleepless at gmail.com
- USB Mass Storage stopped working, help requested
Jim Stapleton
- Removing Giant from a driver
Bill Moran
- how to connect a modem to the PS2 port?
- how to connect a modem to the PS2 port?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Non English Spam
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Boot2 loading process
Jerry McAllister
- Boot2 loading process
Jan Pfeifer
- AAARRRGH: cgi-bin.. "Not Increment Counter"
Gary Kline
- startkde: cannot start kdeinit. Check your installation
Donald J. O'Neill
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-09-24 - 2006-10-14
Dan Langille
- Xorg in 6.2-RELEASE
Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez
- Non English Spam
Beech Rintoul
- Boot2 loading process
Valentin Nechayev
- Boot2 loading process
Valentin Nechayev
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Martin Hudec
- USB Mass Storage stopped working, help requested
Erik Norgaard
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Peter Jeremy
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- USB Mass Storage stopped working, help requested
Jim Stapleton
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Khaled J. Hussein
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Robert Joosten
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Joerg Pernfuss
- Performance 4.x vs. 6.x
Danial Thom
- FreeBSD Loader
Nathan Lasseter
- [PMX:VIRUS] Delivery failed
celine at cs.cmu.edu
- imap "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" question
David Banning
- Non English Spam
Ian Smith
- imap "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" question
Bill Campbell
- dictionaries/spellchecking
Simon Phoenix
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Jonathan Horne
- FreeBSD Loader
Tore Lund
- PHP new vulnarabilities
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Paul Schmehl
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Paul Schmehl
- Xorg -configure results a black screen
illoai at gmail.com
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Bill Moran
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Joerg Pernfuss
- imap "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" question
- how to connect a modem to the PS2 port?
Boris Samorodov
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Paul Schmehl
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- Non English Spam
Gerard Seibert
- mimedefang with LDAP-enabled sendmail
Jonathan McKeown
- Segfaulting perl
David King
- imap "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" question
- PHP new vulnarabilities
- Sunday's newbie questions
gregb at west-third.com
- FREEBSD cross-platform compatibility
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- FREEBSD cross-platform compatibility
Chris Hill
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Paul Schmehl
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- Boot Live CDROM with Grub
David H. Guerrero
- Non English Spam
Beech Rintoul
- FREEBSD cross-platform compatibility
Tore Lund
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
William Tracy
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Thomas Vogt
- Route #3 - USB 802.11 a/b/g
Jim Stapleton
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Tore Lund
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Joao Barros
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jonathan Horne
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jim Stapleton
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Joao Barros
- Sunday's newbie questions
Bill Moran
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and mod_php4 is
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and mod_php4
is gone??!!
Bill Moran
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and mod_php4
is gone??!!
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jerry McAllister
- squirrelmail
Gary Kline
- squirrelmail
jan gestre
- PHP new vulnarabilities
jan gestre
- PHP new vulnarabilities
Bill Moran
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Paul Schmehl
- squirrelmail
Jonathan Horne
- Non English Spam
Olivier Nicole
- dvips conflict with teTeX
David Banning
- dvips conflict with teTeX
Jonathan Chen
- build minimum freebsd from make world
Tang Ho Yim
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Andy Harrison
- Acroread not working
- Flash Plugin not working
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Girish Venkatachalam
- Error building php5-pcre
Warren Liddell
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jeff Mohler
- Acroread not working
Boris Samorodov
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and mod_php4
is gone??!!
Joerg Pernfuss
- "canary mismatch on efree()"
Giorgos Keramidas
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and
mod_php4is gone??!!
- libphp4.so not installed from /usr/ports/lang/php4 and mod_php4
is gone??!!
- Multi-CPU Question
- Multi-CPU Question
- Multi-CPU Question
- Multi-CPU Question
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Alexandre Vieira
- Multi-CPU Question
Nikos Vassiliadis
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jeff Mohler
- Flash Plugin not working
Michael S
- Acroread not working
Michael S
- atapicam trouble
Johan Johansen
- I am such a fool! How to recover my data?
Kyrre Nygård
- Deinstalling X-windows
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- I am such a fool! How to recover my data?
Kyrre Nygård
- Deinstalling X-windows
Erik Norgaard
- Deinstalling X-windows
Robert Huff
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Scott T. Hildreth
- Acroread not working
- Acroread not working
Michael S
- Deinstalling X-windows
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Joao Barros
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Bob M.
- mimedefang with LDAP-enabled sendmail
Jonathan McKeown
- slice vanishing
J. W. Ballantine
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Vladimir Terziev
- Deinstalling X-windows
Erik Norgaard
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Scott T. Hildreth
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Martin Hudec
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Vladimir Terziev
- atapicam trouble
Josh Carroll
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
Jonathan Horne
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Simon Gao
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jonathan Horne
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
david coder
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Chuck Swiger
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jeff Palmer
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Robert C Wittig
- squirrelmail
Gary Kline
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Robert Huff
- squirrelmail
Gary Kline
- kldunload -f has no effect
- Teletronics wlan 200mW card supported under 5.x?
Gordon Pedersen
- Choosing Bash and Gnome
- Squid diskd msgget error in jail
Johan Hendriks
- Teletronics wlan 200mW card supported under 5.x?
Nikolas Britton
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
William Tracy
- Choosing Bash and Gnome
Michael S
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Gerard Seibert
- Network MSN/Chat sniffer for Freebsd?
Ansar Mohammed
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jerry McAllister
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Damian Wiest
- Teletronics wlan 200mW card supported under 5.x?
Gordon Pedersen
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jim Stapleton
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Martin Hudec
- openoffice for amd64
Stroganov A. V.
- python-mode in emacs
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- Performance 4.x vs. 6.x
Danial Thom
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Damian Wiest
- python-mode in emacs
- python-mode in emacs
Alex Zbyslaw
- datalink VPN ?
Marwan Sultan
- Redistribution of FreeBSD
Doel-Mackaway, Richard
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Joerg Pernfuss
- Redistribution of FreeBSD
Josh Paetzel
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- python-mode in emacs
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- python-mode in emacs
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- bittorrent consuming 100% cpu
Matthew Rench
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Anders Gulden Olstad
- portaudit thinks a vulnerability just disappeared
James Long
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
Olivier Nicole
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jim Stapleton
- Redistribution of FreeBSD
Jerry McAllister
- Performance 4.x vs. 6.x
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Robert Huff
- User vs Kernel mode
Olivier Nicole
- User vs Kernel mode
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Automated installations
valentin_nils at be-known-online.com
- FreeBSD Loader
Eric Schuele
- User vs Kernel mode
Olivier Nicole
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
jan gestre
- Automated installations
George Allan
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
jan gestre
- User vs Kernel mode
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Sendmail with SpamAssassin and ClamAV
Martin Tsanov
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Boris Samorodov
- I am such a fool! How to recover my data?
Mad Timekeeper
- I am such a fool! How to recover my data?
Mad Timekeeper
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD
Vladimir Terziev
- Non English Spam
Ted Mittelstaedt
- SATA Raid controller.
- SATA Raid controller.
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- Acroread not working
- atapicam trouble
Johan Johansen
- Problem with Portsnap Update
Gerard Seibert
- Problem with Portsnap Update
Alistair Sutton
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jim Stapleton
- atapicam trouble
Donald J. O'Neill
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- bittorrent consuming 100% cpu
Andy Greenwood
- mimedefang with LDAP-enabled sendmail
Jonathan McKeown
- Is nForce5 supported?
Bill Maroney
- Automated installations
Bachilo Dmitry
- python-mode in emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- Flash Plugin not working
- Installing and upgrading ports
Jonathan Arnold
- Flash Plugin not working
Bob M.
- Acroread not working
Boris Samorodov
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Tore Lund
- Problem updating mplayer
Filippo Moretti
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Giorgos Keramidas
- python-mode in emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- Problem updating mplayer
Norberto Meijome
- Installing and upgrading ports
Gerard Seibert
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jeff Mohler
- Base sendmail: undefined symbol in libmilter when -DLDAPMAP set in
Jonathan McKeown
- build minimum freebsd from make world
Lowell Gilbert
- openoffice for amd64
Lowell Gilbert
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Robert Huff
- kldunload -f has no effect
Lowell Gilbert
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Nathan Vidican
- Installing and upgrading ports
- kldunload -f has no effect
usleepless at gmail.com
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Simon Gao
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Jim Stapleton
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Simon Gao
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Raymond Pasco
- kldunload -f has no effect
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Ceri Davies
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- Database error
Dixit, Viraj
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Damian Wiest
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Anish Mistry
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Peter A. Giessel
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Chuck Swiger
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Derek Ragona
- Port redirection troubles with natd/ipwf
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Gerard Seibert
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Peter A. Giessel
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Girish Venkatachalam
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Girish Venkatachalam
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Peter A. Giessel
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
jan gestre
- Port redirection troubles with natd/ipwf
jan gestre
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Giorgos Keramidas
- File system full
Office of CEO- rithy4u.NET
- Automated installations
valentin_nils at be-known-online.com
- File system full
Robert Huff
- File system full
Giorgos Keramidas
- mimedefang, perl, and amd64 trouble
Michael W. Lucas
- freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 153, Issue 22
Jeff Molofee
- Sendmail with SpamAssassin and ClamAV
Olivier Nicole
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Girish Venkatachalam
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- Problem updating mplayer
- LDAP home directories
Chandler, Jay
- LDAP home directories
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Matthew Seaman
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Anish Mistry
- LDAP home directories
Chandler, Jay
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Problem updating mplayer
Girish Venkatachalam
- PCI wireless adapter card
Tyler Thompson
- LDAP home directories
Erik Norgaard
- PCI wireless adapter card
Bachilo Dmitry
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Zbigniew Szalbot
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Alex Zbyslaw
- Flash Plugin not working
- File system full
Paul Murphy
- Flash Plugin not working
- Upgrading in the same RELENG without shutdown ?
- desktop application for cataloging books, DVD, ...
Matthias Apitz
- Problem updating mplayer
- Sendmail with SpamAssassin and ClamAV
Mikael Nyström
- Problem with Portsnap Update
- File system full
Robert Huff
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Ian Lord
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- File system full
Giorgos Keramidas
- Sendmail with SpamAssassin and ClamAV
Martin Tsanov
- File system full
Matthew Seaman
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Martin Turgeon
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- File system full
Robert Huff
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Timothy Smith
- ACL: Default and other problems
Nico -telmich- Schottelius
- selective NAT/gateway
Nathan Vidican
- pfstat error
Stas Khromoy
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Erik Norgaard
- File system full
Giorgos Keramidas
- pfstat error
Fabian Keil
- PCI wireless adapter card
Bob M.
- Installing and upgrading ports
Jonathan Arnold
- selective NAT/gateway
Ivan Levchenko
- Your message to testbed awaits moderator approval
testbed-bounces at wwtld.org
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Andrea Venturoli
- ipfw vs. ipf on a freebsd router
John Levine
- ipfw vs. ipf on a freebsd router
- LDAP home directories
Atom Powers
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
- ipfw vs. ipf on a freebsd router
Giorgos Keramidas
- Uucp mail coming in
Dale Johnston
- Uucp mail coming in
Dale Johnston
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Martin Turgeon
- Installing and upgrading ports
Robert Huff
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Robert Joosten
- Newbie: PCI modem grief
giannidoe at mac.com
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Paul Schmehl
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Erik Norgaard
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Erik Norgaard
- Broken partition table
Kyrre Nygård
- ntpd not adjusting the clock?
Chuck Swiger
- kick off a post boot job
Robin Becker
- Gnome 2.16 and Xorg 7.x
Pavel Porubov
- KDE Control Center
Jonathan Arnold
- Gnome 2.16 and Xorg 7.x
Michael Johnson
- kick off a post boot job
Chuck Swiger
- kick off a post boot job
Bill Moran
- ipfilter / ipnat & /usr/sbin/ppp ?
Nathan Vidican
- Samba 3.0.23c
Timothy Radigan
- KDE Control Center
Jonathan Chen
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Martin Hepworth
- php5 port
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Damian Wiest
- Segfaulting perl
David King
- smbfs & rsync
Vahan Yerkanian
- Uucp mail coming in
Gerard Seibert
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Damian Wiest
- php5 port
- php5 port
Bill Moran
- Mandriva Pulse
Andrea Venturoli
- ipfilter / ipnat & /usr/sbin/ppp ? (answered)
Nathan Vidican
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Martin Turgeon
- Routing with external interface doesn't work after a while
Erik Norgaard
- Gnome 2.16 and Xorg 7.x
Kris Kennaway
- some issues about partitions and boot manager in dual boot cases
with Windows
- Gnome 2.16 and Xorg 7.x
Andrew Pantyukhin
- hald service
- Gnome 2.16 and Xorg 7.x
Kris Kennaway
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Jan Grant
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Giorgos Keramidas
- smbfs & rsync
Antony Mawer
- some issues about partitions and boot manager in dual boot
cases with Windows
Jerry McAllister
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Timothy Smith
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Giorgos Keramidas
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Chuck Swiger
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Garrett Cooper
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Timothy Smith
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Garrett Cooper
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Moses Leslie
- Xorg
- sysinfo equivalent in Freebsd
Ashok TM
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Uucp mail coming in
Ted Mittelstaedt
- How to do health check
Faiyaz Ali
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Zbigniew Szalbot
- System monitoring
- ACL: Default and other problems
Patrik Jansson
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Moses Leslie
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms windows
- running windows applications and making use of existing ms
windows installation
albi albinootje
- System monitoring
J. Armando Velazco Velazco
- problem found in sent message "Mail Delivery (failure
System Anti-Virus Administrator
- How to do health check
Simon Phoenix
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Jan Grant
- Unsupported
James.Donohue at usda.gov
- System monitoring
- Why csh on Root?
Martin McCormick
- Cannot get mimedefang & spamassassin to use bayes
Andrea Venturoli
- Why csh on Root?
Jonathan Arnold
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Jonathan Arnold
- Unsupported
- Unsupported
Michael Johnson
- Why csh on Root?
- sysinfo equivalent in Freebsd
- [OT] MySQL Health check?
Eric Schuele
- [OT] MySQL Health check?
- You freebsd-questions@freebsd.org are not member (usagi-users ML)
usagi-users-admin at linux-ipv6.org
- [OT] MySQL Health check?
Eric Schuele
- System monitoring
Bob M.
- sysinfo equivalent in Freebsd
Dan Nelson
- FreeBSD 6.1 max sockets
ke han
- Why csh on Root?
Jerry McAllister
- Digitemp on freebsd 6.1
leo fante
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
Dimiter Ivanov
- Why csh on Root?
Jerry McAllister
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Moses Leslie
- chunk size
Leidecker at stud.uni-heidelberg.de
- About the "Full" Kernel API documentation
- Why csh on Root?
Martin McCormick
- About the "Full" Kernel API documentation
Chuck Swiger
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
Jerry McAllister
- FreeBSD 6.1 max sockets
Chuck Swiger
- Xorg
Paul Schmehl
- Xorg -configure results a black screen
Bjoern Thomsen
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
Mark Kane
- Why csh on Root?
Alex Zbyslaw
- having more than one process write to one log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- having more than one process write to one log
- having more than one process write to one log
Philip Hallstrom
- having more than one process write to one log
Chuck Swiger
- having more than one process write to one log
Bill Moran
- Why csh on Root?
Giorgos Keramidas
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- Which FreeBSD version, release shoult i use?
- Which FreeBSD version, release shoult i use?
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Chuck Swiger
- Which FreeBSD version, release shoult i use?
Robert Joosten
- having more than one process write to one log
Zbigniew Szalbot
- cyrus-sasl & sendmail compile error
Mike Spenard
- Recommended Hardware
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- Why csh on Root?
Martin McCormick
- Which FreeBSD version, release shoult i use?
Jerry McAllister
- if_em.c with fast intr-handler / taskqueues
usleepless at gmail.com
- Recommended Hardware
Jerry McAllister
- Recommended Hardware
Alex Zbyslaw
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Giorgos Keramidas
- Why csh on Root?
Giorgos Keramidas
- chunk size
Chuck Swiger
- Recommended Hardware
David Kelly
- Xorg -configure results a black screen
Paul Schmehl
- Fwd: Which FreeBSD version, release shoult i use?
- Automated installations
George Allan
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
- cyrus-sasl & sendmail compile error
Jonathan Horne
- Why csh on Root?
Joerg Pernfuss
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
Joerg Pernfuss
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Question with mouse pointer
Jim Stapleton
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
Joerg Pernfuss
- Question with mouse pointer
Norberto Meijome
- How many Labels/partitions are permitted?
Jerry McAllister
- can burn cd's, can't read once burnt
Rob Clark
- Digitemp on freebsd 6.1
Juha Saarinen
- cyrus-sasl & sendmail compile error
Mike Spenard
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- mimedefang, perl, and amd64 trouble
Wes Peters
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- Digitemp on freebsd 6.1
leo fante
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Non English Spam
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Problem Firefox amd64.
Klaus Friis Østergaard
- FreeBSD 6.1 max sockets
Girish Venkatachalam
- FreeBSD 6.1 max sockets
ke han
- priority of make/ports options (?) -- FreeBSD Port:
- System monitoring
Tom Judge
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Moses Leslie
- FreeBSD 6.1 max sockets
Girish Venkatachalam
- Why csh on Root?
Alex Zbyslaw
- squirrelmail/sasldb2 access problem
Martin Schweizer
- Disable ScrollLock key
Olivier Nicole
- cvs
pobox at verysmall.org
- squirrelmail/sasldb2 access problem
pobox at verysmall.org
- POP before SMTP with TCPSERVER
Don O'Neil
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Giorgos Keramidas
- kern.maxfiles exceeded soon after KDE or Gnome started
- conary vs ports
ke han
- kern.maxfiles exceeded soon after KDE or Gnome started
Adi Pircalabu
- POP before SMTP with TCPSERVER
- Sunbird 0.3
Tom Grove
- kern.maxfiles exceeded soon after KDE or Gnome started
gamato at pobox.sk
- Howto recompile libgnome-keyring with -fPIC
Klaus Friis Østergaard
- where to set SSL compile time cipher string ?
- problems with libglade2...
William Bulley
- cvs
Giorgos Keramidas
- conary vs ports
Andrew Pantyukhin
- monitoring lan->wan
Zbigniew Szalbot
- cvs
pobox at verysmall.org
- rm command problem
Efren Bravo
- Samba file server with ActiveDirectory accounts... pw usershow not
Ashley Moran
- rm command problem
Bill Moran
- disklabel question
James Villa
- rm command problem
Chuck Swiger
- cyrus-sasl & sendmail compile error
Greg Groth
- rm command problem
Dan Nelson
- rm command problem [SOLVED]
Efren Bravo
- Running qemu on -CURRENT with -nographic
Jeremie Le Hen
- rm command problem
Alex Zbyslaw
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- rm command problem
- cyrus-sasl & sendmail compile error
Josh Tolbert
- disklabel question
Jerry McAllister
- rm command problem
Michael S
- Tunnels to Cisco through NAT?
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- musicpd & kld sound
Pete C
- monitoring lan->wan
Kurt Buff
- Tunnels to Cisco through NAT?
Chuck Swiger
- rm command problem
Jonathan Arnold
- Tunnels to Cisco through NAT?
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- musicpd & kld sound
Philip Hallstrom
- musicpd & kld sound
Pete C
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Giorgos Keramidas
- fstab & (local) mount -- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/fusefs-curlftpfs
- priority of make/ports options (?) -- FreeBSD
Port: sysutils/portconf
Doug Barton
- Python memory allocator: Free memory (fwd)
Nguyen Tam Chinh
- musicpd & kld sound
Philip Hallstrom
- Problems booting on a Compaq DL360 (P21 version)
Josh Endries
- rm command problem
- priority of make/ports options (?) -- FreeBSD
Port: sysutils/portconf
- csup does not exist
pobox at verysmall.org
- problems with libglade2...
Boris Samorodov
- monitoring lan->wan
Zbigniew Szalbot
- fstab & (local) mount -- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/fusefs-curlftpfs
Jerry McAllister
- Non English Spam
Erik Norgaard
- monitoring lan->wan
Kurt Buff
- csup does not exit (was with typo: csup does not exist)
pobox at verysmall.org
- Gateway problem
Dancho Penev
- Problems with USB Palm sync
Damian Wiest
- binary blobs in freebsd
Antonios Anastasiadis
- CD install on new Dell Dimension E521
Paul Root
- Problems with SATA 2 hard disk while installing FreeBSD 6.1 RELEASE
AMD 64
- Problems with SATA 2 hard disk while installing FreeBSD 6.1
Peter A. Giessel
- Gateway problem
Brian Hawk
- Gateway problem
Chuck Swiger
- Recommended Hardware
Damian Wiest
- Wireless setup FreeBSD-6.1 and fwe0
- tao.thought.org is back.....
Gary Kline
- Question with mouse pointer
Jim Stapleton
- fstab & (local) mount -- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/fusefs-curlftpfs
- BTX Halted on 6.1 but not 5.4
- cyrus-sasl2
Martin Schweizer
- log rotation, one process doesn't know about it
Zbigniew Szalbot
- 4 core Opteron performance
ke han
- Problems with SATA 2 hard disk while installing FreeBSD 6.1
Angelo Turetta
- Berkeley DB
Mohamad Babaei
- Question
abedini at gmail.com
- Washington Mutual Security Notification
ealert at wamu.com
- log rotation, one process doesn't know about it
Bill Moran
- Question
Bill Moran
- log rotation, one process doesn't know about it
Zbigniew Szalbot
- traffic analysis tools
Michael P. Soulier
- Need a wi-fi card
E. J. Cerejo
- log rotation, one process doesn't know about it
Bill Moran
- traffic analysis tools
Joao Barros
- GELI provider would never detach
Nikolay Mirin
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Laurens Timmermans
- fdisk problem
Martin Schweizer
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Kent Stewart
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Laurens Timmermans
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Kent Stewart
- Postfix & clamav-milter
Gerard Seibert
- Failed to connect to the FAM server: (null)
Kiffin Gish
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Tore Lund
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Laurens Timmermans
- kppp DNS problem?
opbc at oldpathsbaptistchurch.org
- rm command problem
Alex Zbyslaw
- Sound a bit garbled after awhile
Bobby Knight
- fstab & (local) mount -- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/fusefs-curlftpfs
Alex Zbyslaw
- 4 core Opteron performance
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- Postfix + clamav-milter
Gerard Seibert
- pfspamd greylisting stuttering at everything
Michael W. Lucas
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
Patrick Bowen
- Non English Spam
Warren Block
- Postfix + clamav-milter
Warren Block
- Postfix + clamav-milter
Bill Campbell
- portupgrade question
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
- setfacl(1) Recursively?
David Stanford
- Downloading files from -CURRENT, How?
Nikolas Britton
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
Patrick Bowen
- Downloading files from -CURRENT, How?
Patrick Bowen
- non-ATA66 cable?
David Kelly
- Slow boot from btx load to kernel.
Patrick Bowen
- traffic analysis tools
Michael P. Soulier
- setfacl(1) Recursively?
Atom Powers
- Downloading files from -CURRENT, How?
Nikolas Britton
- Disable ScrollLock key
Atom Powers
- setfacl(1) Recursively?
David Stanford
- Problems with SATA 2 hard disk while installing FreeBSD 6.1
- non-ATA66 cable?
Juha Saarinen
- Appropriate CPUTYPE for Intel D840 "Smithfield"?
Juha Saarinen
- non-ATA66 cable?
Josh Paetzel
- Appropriate CPUTYPE for Intel D840 "Smithfield"?
Josh Carroll
- Appropriate CPUTYPE for Intel D840 "Smithfield"?
Juha Saarinen
- Problems with SATA 2 hard disk while installing FreeBSD 6.1
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
Scott Bennett
- [FreeBSD-Q] Creating .so libraries on FreeBSD?
Dan Bikle
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-01 - 2006-10-21
Dan Langille
- Question
- secure dynamic DNS
- "RRIP without PX field?" when mounting DVD+RW
Jan Lentfer
- binary blobs in freebsd
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Problems booting on a Compaq DL360 (P21 version)
Ted Mittelstaedt
- [FreeBSD-Q] Creating .so libraries on FreeBSD?
Dan Bikle
- increasing transmit speeds in WAN setting?
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Laurens Timmermans
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Matthew Pope
- Postfix + clamav-milter
- portupgrade question
Gerard Seibert
- Sound a bit garbled after awhile
Ariff Abdullah
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Matthew Pope
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
albi albinootje
- Postfix + clamav-milter
Gerard Seibert
- Postfix + clamav-milter
albi albinootje
- setfacl(1) Recursively?
Robert Watson
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
- binary blobs in freebsd
Robert Watson
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Kent Stewart
- binary blobs in freebsd
Antonios Anastasiadis
- BTX Halted on 6.1 but not 5.4
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Kent Stewart
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
Derrick Edwards
- Postfix + clamav-milter
Gerard Seibert
- FreeBSD 6.0/AMD64 server crash
Wojciech Puchar
- icu
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- Howto recompile libgnome-keyring with -fPIC
Lowell Gilbert
- non-ATA66 cable?
David Kelly
- where to set SSL compile time cipher string ?
Lowell Gilbert
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Lowell Gilbert
- Backing up SOHO server
esavage at reyrey.net
- YAVSQ (yet another vmware server question)
Jonathan Horne
- mixer strangeness?
mal content
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
Mark Kane
- Flash player 9 Beta is Live
lveax.m at gmail.com
- mixer strangeness?
mal content
- Backing up SOHO server
Jim Stapleton
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- PCI Wireless Card?
E. J. Cerejo
- Postfix + clamav-milter
albi albinootje
- IBM DB2 on FreeBSD 6.1
- IBM DB2 on FreeBSD 6.1
Matt Emmerton
- IBM DB2 on FreeBSD 6.1
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- PCI Wireless Card?
Norberto Meijome
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Matthew Pope
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Matthew Pope
- [jason@monsterjam.org: mr mapserver maintainer..]
jason at monsterjam.org
- Postfix + clamav-milter
jan gestre
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Matthew Pope
- pkg_add/delete questions
Mark Jayson Alvarez
- pkg_add/delete questions
Jonathan Horne
- Backing up SOHO server
Norberto Meijome
- non-ATA66 cable?
Garance A Drosihn
- non-ATA66 cable?
Juha Saarinen
- traffic analysis tools
Kurt Buff
- general VM / KMEM tunables question
Jim Keller
- IBM DB2 on FreeBSD 6.1
- IBM DB2 on FreeBSD 6.1
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- Updating OpenSSL in FreeBSD 4.11
Francisco Lopes
- pfspamd greylisting stuttering at everything
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- log rotation, one process doesn't know about it
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Matthias Apitz
- traffic analysis tools
Spiros Papadopoulos
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- iSCSI setup
- Backing up SOHO server
albi albinootje
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
albi albinootje
- ACL: Default and other problems
Nico -telmich- Schottelius
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Matthias Apitz
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Joao Barros
- PCI Wireless Card?
Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg
- non-ATA66 cable?
David Kelly
- Running Cisco Systems VPN Client with FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- SunFire V210/V240 (UltraSparc IIIi) and FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- Dualboot Ntloader "invalid slice"
Jerry McAllister
- icu
Lowell Gilbert
- problems after rebuild of 5.5 stable
Lowell Gilbert
- Backing up SOHO server
Jerry McAllister
- pkg_add/delete questions
Lowell Gilbert
- kppp DNS problem?
albi albinootje
- icu
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- SunFire V210/V240 (UltraSparc IIIi) and FreeBSD
Gavin Atkinson
- CD install on new Dell Dimension E521
Paul Root
- HOWTO: run portupgrade with original options for perl5.8
- Problems booting on a Compaq DL360 (P21 version)
Josh Endries
- general VM / KMEM tunables question
Wojciech Puchar
- SunFire V210/V240 (UltraSparc IIIi) and FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- HOWTO: run portupgrade with original options for perl5.8
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- HOWTO: run portupgrade with original options for perl5.8
Josh Carroll
- Linux-flashplugin6 or 7
Steve Neff
- HOWTO: run portupgrade with original options for perl5.8
- non-ATA66 cable?
perryh at pluto.rain.com
- Backing up SOHO server
Wojciech Puchar
- ACL: Default and other problems
Wojciech Puchar
- cannot print in kde apps using lp
Karl Agee
- cannot print in kde apps using lp
Jonathan Chen
- Linux-flashplugin6 or 7
- icu
Lowell Gilbert
- whois weirdness...
Evren Yurtesen
- pkg_add/delete questions
- master.passwd auth for apache22
John Morgan Salomon
- MultiPath routing support
Dan Mahoney, System Admin
- pkg_add/delete questions
- pkg_add/delete questions
- whois weirdness...
Eric Schuele
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Damian Wiest
- whois weirdness...
Dan Nelson
- whois weirdness...
Bob Johnson
- Sound halts after 1 second of playing an MP3
Tom Hill
- kppp DNS problem?
Bob Johnson
- Linux-flashplugin6 or 7
Robert Huff
- two NIC and nfs
Albert Shih
- two NIC and nfs
Jeff Mohler
- cvs
Ceri Davies
- pkg_add/delete questions
- two NIC and nfs
Albert Shih
- two NIC and nfs
Jeff Mohler
- two NIC and nfs
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- two NIC and nfs
Albert Shih
- two NIC and nfs
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- building rdiff-backup 1.1.15
- HOWTO: run portupgrade with original options for perl5.8
- Linux-flashplugin6 or 7
- HAL/FreeBSD & Metacity Compositor
Jeff Molofee
- icu
Tsu-Fan Cheng
- panic after starting jail
Iain Dooley
- freebsd
- Out of Office AutoReply: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
Hardin, Mark
- SunFire V210/V240 (UltraSparc IIIi) and FreeBSD
Josh Paetzel
- cannot print in kde apps using lp
Kent Stewart
- Backing up SOHO server
Norberto Meijome
- PCI Wireless Card?
Norberto Meijome
- freebsd
Norberto Meijome
- Disable ScrollLock key
Olivier Nicole
- non-ATA66 cable?
Warren Block
- GRE to Cisco
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- whois weirdness...
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Ted Mittelstaedt
- GRE to Cisco
Andrew Pantyukhin
- ACL: Default and other problems
Patrik Jansson
- ACL: Default and other problems
Nico -telmich- Schottelius
- eclipse CDT remote to FreeBSD
ke han
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- Small Redundant web/mail setup
Rajkumar S
- SunFire V210/V240 (UltraSparc IIIi) and FreeBSD
Alexandre Vieira
- building rdiff-backup 1.1.15
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Tore Lund
- how to use the freebsd help
shonbir singh tomar
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
David Schulz
- building rdiff-backup 1.1.15
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
Garrett Cooper
- GRE to Cisco
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- how to use the freebsd help
Bob M.
- how to use the freebsd help
Jerry McAllister
- freebsd
Jerry McAllister
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Running a FreeBSD guest with qemu on a FreeBSD host
Jeremie Le Hen
- What's so compelling about FreeBSD?
David Schulz
- Copying binaries to new server
- Copying binaries to new server
Robert Joosten
- ACL: Default and other problems
Chuck Swiger
- process stopped
Jean-Paul Natola
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Question
abedini at gmail.com
- [fbsd] Running a FreeBSD guest with qemu on a FreeBSD host
Jeremie Le Hen
- Question
Bill Moran
- linux programs accessing non-linux programs
Giuseppe Pagnoni
- linux programs accessing non-linux programs
Dan Nelson
- clean old portsnap snapshots?
Joe Auty
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Copying binaries to new server
- Copying binaries to new server
Dan Nelson
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Escaping From
- ndis on startup
Mark Busby
- Copying binaries to new server
Jerry McAllister
- Some old fashioned assistance requested, and some oppinions wanted.
Jim Stapleton
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Copying binaries to new server
- uvscan
- Slow boot from btx load to kernel.
Patrick Bowen
- Python memory allocator: Free memory (fwd)
Kay Abendroth
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- Copying binaries to new server
James Smallacombe
- QEMU crash
Pietro Cerutti
- [OT] a mysql question
Jonathan Horne
- [OT] a mysql question
Philip Hallstrom
- Copying binaries to new server
Jerry McAllister
- two NIC and nfs
Brian A. Seklecki
- mapserver in ports error
jason at monsterjam.org
- Wireless Inspiron 6400 anyone?
Scott Bennett
- uvscan
Paul Schmehl
- Some old fashioned assistance requested, and some oppinions
Norberto Meijome
- [OT] a mysql question
jan gestre
- Copying binaries to new server
Norberto Meijome
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
Jeff MacDonald
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
Juha Saarinen
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
Atom Powers
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
Josh Paetzel
- a simple questions about sshd and PasswordAuthentication
Jonathan Horne
- Reading /dev/klog / log(9)
Brian A. Seklecki
- Copying binaries to new server
David King
- Problems booting on a Compaq DL360 (P21 version)
Ted Mittelstaedt
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Garrett Cooper
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Рихад Гаджиев
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Garrett Cooper
- dummynet
Thanh Tuan Tran
- HA cluster based on promise Vtrack Mxxx
Greg Bernard
- HA Cluster based on promise VTrack Mxxx
- What's using the disk so much?
Patrik Jansson
- What's using the disk so much?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- ACL: Default and other problems
Nico -telmich- Schottelius
- What's using the disk so much?
Bill Moran
- What's using the disk so much?
Jonathan Arnold
- What's using the disk so much?
Patrik Jansson
- cvsup
- cvsup
Gábor Kövesdán
- cvsup
- cvsup
Bill Moran
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Alex Zbyslaw
- clean old portsnap snapshots?
Colin Percival
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- problems in rtorrent
krutik at sysbin.com
- [OT] a mysql question
- xsane scsi scanner "Error during device I/O"
Per olof Ljungmark
- Shell question
Jack Stone
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Brian A. Seklecki
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Paul Schmehl
- Shell question
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Gary Kline
- Moving jails from one computer to another
Doug Poland
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Ports: Darwin Streaming Server
andrew at inemy.com
- Shell question
- Just wondering ...
Kiffin Gish
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
David Robillard
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Jerry McAllister
- Moving jails from one computer to another
pete wright
- HA Cluster based on promise VTrack Mxxx
Damian Wiest
- giflib port??
Odhiambo Washington
- Ports: Darwin Streaming Server
andrew at inemy.com
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Gary Kline
- Issues with Dual-Core CPU's and SMP+Generic Kernel...?
- giflib port??
Dan Nelson
- Where are CVS Tags Announced
Jason C. Wells
- Where are CVS Tags Announced
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Alex Zbyslaw
- Where are CVS Tags Announced
Jerry McAllister
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Jerry McAllister
- dual homing a freebsd server
Mark Sellers
- ACL: Default and other problems
Chuck Swiger
- cvsup
Kent Stewart
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Eric Schuele
- nice values outside the expected range ...
Bill Moran
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Garrett Cooper
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Paul Schmehl
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Garrett Cooper
- tcpwrappers & SSH
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Eric Schuele
- Moving jails from one computer to another
albi albinootje
- nice values outside the expected range ...
Dan Nelson
- Moving jails from one computer to another
Dimitar Vasilev
- Freebsd Access Point
Erik Richards
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Gary Kline
- Freebsd Access Point
John Nielsen
- apache20 going nuts
- apache20 going nuts
Jeff Mohler
- tcpwrappers & SSH
Paul Schmehl
- problems in rtorrent
Leonidas Tsampros
- freebsd box dropping packets
- freebsd-update vs. make buildworld
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
Nicolas Blais
- freebsd-update vs. make buildworld
Paul Schmehl
- freebsd-update vs. make buildworld
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
Nicolas Blais
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
- "User" mount of usb "key" drive ... question
David J Brooks
- cvsup
- Shell question
Warren Block
- strange events
Z. Wade Hampton
- strange events
- Cacti Problem
- "Live" resizing of a mounted partition
- local smtp agent
ke han
- [owner-freebsd-questions@freebsd.org: The results of your email
Jonathan Arnold
- Shell question
Jack Stone
- Cacti Problem
Andrew Pantyukhin
- local smtp agent
- "Live" resizing of a mounted partition
Nikos Vassiliadis
- "Live" resizing of a mounted partition
- "Live" resizing of a mounted partition
Wojciech Puchar
- freebsd-update vs. make buildworld
Colin Percival
- Audio recording / home studio type questions
Dan Sikorsky
- Synaptic touchpad not accepting taps....
Eric Schuele
- pfspamd greylisting stuttering at everything
Michael W. Lucas
- freebsd
Norberto Meijome
- Shell question
Jordan Gordeev
- Chipset support question
Hanns Hartman
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Kris Kennaway
- Shell question
Jack Stone
- FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950
Marthias, Santosso
- Chipset support question
Erik Trulsson
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
David Robillard
- FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950
Erik Trulsson
- traffic analysis tools
Alex de Kruijff
- How to do health check
Alex de Kruijff
- ClamAV upgrade
Alex de Kruijff
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Damian Wiest
- Leapseconds and zoneinfo
Martin McCormick
- PHP compile arguements
Andreas Widerøe Andersen
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
O. Hartmann
- FreeBSD 6.1 and RAID controller PERC 5/i in DELL PowerEdge 2950
Paul Schmehl
- PHP compile arguements
Josh Paetzel
- Intel 965P (USB issues) and FreeBSD 6.2-PRE
Torbjoern Haarstad Orskaug
- Bug with tcsh? : if evaluating true instead of false
Juha Saarinen
- how to use the freebsd help
J. Armando Velazco Velazco
- Dell 2950 Perc 5/i RAID Controller and FreeBSD 6.1 Question
Krempasky, Mark
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- NFS client attr caching question..
Jeff Mohler
- Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the
library `/usr/X11R6/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.la'
Karol Kwiatkowski
- Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library
Vladimir Kushnir
- Set default python to 2.5?
Nicolas Blais
- Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD question
Nikhil Patel
- Problems compiling : libtool: link: cannot find the library
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Ports collection issue
Rik Davis
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'
Kris Kennaway
- Ports collection issue
- Ports collection issue
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD question
Bachilo Dmitry
- Ports collection issue
Garrett Cooper
- FreeBSD question
Paul Schmehl
- altering text files.
- cvsup
Jeff Mohler
- Ports collection issue
- altering text files.
- cvsup
- cvsup
- cvsup
Jeff Mohler
- Intel 965P (USB issues) and FreeBSD 6.2-PRE
Erik Norgaard
- Ports collection issue
Garrett Cooper
- Squid2.6/WCCP2/GRE
Alan Garfield
- PHP compile arguements
Andreas Widerøe Andersen
- PHP compile arguements
Andreas Widerøe Andersen
- Squid2.6/WCCP2/GRE
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Nagios on FreeBSD6.1
- system crontab
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Updating OpenSSL in FreeBSD 4.11
Francisco Lopes
- stunnel hanging/not responding to kill -9
Simon Gray
- GELI provider would never detach problem solution
Nikolay Mirin
- Ports collection issue
Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg
- Auto Create home directory
Ansar Mohammed
- Auto Create home directory
Jonathan McKeown
- Auto Create home directory
Nicklas B. Westerlund
- FreeBSD question
Jonathan Arnold
- Ports collection issue
Andy Greenwood
- system crontab
Jonathan Arnold
- Ports collection issue
- Tunnels to Cisco through NAT?
Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET
- csup vs. cvsup [was: Ports collection issue]
Karol Kwiatkowski
- freebsd install on poweredge 2900
Stas Khromoy
- Ports collection issue
Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg
- Ports collection issue
Andy Greenwood
- Ports collection issue
Jonathan Arnold
- Set default python to 2.5?
Norberto Meijome
- freebsd-update vs. make buildworld
Norberto Meijome
- Set default python to 2.5?
Riemer Palstra
- Nagios on FreeBSD6.1
Riemer Palstra
- dual homing a freebsd server
Lowell Gilbert
- xfce panel install external plugin
Don Munyak
- Cacti Problem
Riemer Palstra
- pfspamd greylisting stuttering at everything
Peter N. M. Hansteen
- upgrade 4.2-?
- upgrade 4.2-?
- HP 9000
Dennis Slingerland
- Inventory (asset) tracking software?
Drew Sanford
- mount_smbfs/umount for non root user.
Malcolm Kay
- traffic analysis tools
- How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions
Greg Lehey
- "The Complete FreeBSD": errata and addenda
Greg Lehey
- rsync does not --exclude: (??)
Gary Kline
- HP 9000
Nathan Vidican
- rc.subr question
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- xfce panel install external plugin
Lowell Gilbert
- replacing ^M with emacs
- replacing ^M with emacs
Peter A. Giessel
- replacing ^M with emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- replacing ^M with emacs
Derek Ragona
- replacing ^M with emacs
Mike Ginsburg
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Anders Troback
- FreeBSD question
Jerry McAllister
- replacing ^M with emacs
Robert Huff
- rc.subr question
Dan Nelson
- upgrade 4.2-?
Jerry McAllister
- rsync does not --exclude: (??)
Malcolm Kay
- HP 9000
Jerry McAllister
- Application to check FreeBSDs Logs Question
Sean Murphy
- replacing ^M with emacs
Jerry McAllister
- rsync does not --exclude: (??)
Gary Kline
- replacing ^M with emacs
- replacing ^M with emacs
Peter A. Giessel
- replacing ^M with emacs
- replacing ^M with emacs
Darrin Chandler
- replacing ^M with emacs
Peter A. Giessel
- Totally hosed up filesystem..wtf?
Jeff Mohler
- replacing ^M with emacs
Jerry McAllister
- greymail filter.
Gary Kline
- Totally hosed up filesystem..wtf?
Derek Ragona
- replacing ^M with emacs
Tsampros Leonidas
- Quality of Services with FreeBSD NAT and IPFilter
Office of CEO- rithy4u.NET
- rsync does not --exclude: (??)
Lars Kristiansen
- cleanly reading compressed backups
Jim Stapleton
- how to know what DNS server is being used
David Banning
- replacing ^M with emacs
- how to know what DNS server is being used
- Ralink wireless driver help
E. J. Cerejo
- upgrade 4.2-?
- cleanly reading compressed backups
Dan Nelson
- how to know what DNS server is being used
Jonathan Chen
- how to know what DNS server is being used
Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
- HP 9000
Frank Bonnet
- rsync does not --exclude: (??)
Malcolm Kay
- IPFW and PF
David Schulz
- Your message to Dysphagia awaits moderator approval
dysphagia-bounces at b9.com
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Automated installations
Chris Whitehouse
- how to know what DNS server is being used
Robert Huff
- system crontab
Martin Hepworth
- how to know what DNS server is being used
Matthew Seaman
- slimserver port
Vincent Zee
- slimserver port
Armin Pirkovitsch
- Nvidia on CURRENT...
Rod Person
- slimserver port
Vincent Zee
- slimserver port
Vincent Zee
- slimserver port
Steve Bertrand
- how to know what DNS server is being used
Steve Bertrand
- slimserver port
Vincent Zee
- slimserver port
Vincent Zee
- apache.tar.gz
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
Jonathan Horne
- apache.tar.gz
Jonathan Horne
- Instable machine; hardware or not?
Ronald Paul
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
Eric Schuele
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
Eric Schuele
- Totally hosed up filesystem..wtf?
Jeff Mohler
- Totally hosed up filesystem..wtf?
Derek Ragona
- mount inside jails
Alain Wolf
- Totally hosed up filesystem..wtf?
Jeff Mohler
- packet loss to firewall while Internet link is down
D G Teed
- packet loss to firewall while Internet link is down
- Unable to get fetch expat-2.0.0._1 from selected media
Matthew Pope
- Unable to get fetch expat-2.0.0._1 from selected media
Matthew Pope
- Unable to get fetch expat-2.0.0._1 from selected media
- replacing ^M with emacs
Malcolm Kay
- replacing ^M with emacs
Jerry McAllister
- replacing ^M with emacs
Jerry McAllister
- replacing ^M with emacs
Jerry McAllister
- boot loader choices
Andy Harrison
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
Dan Nelson
- More questions on sr sync driver, packet filters, and altq
John Levine
- Unable to get fetch expat-2.0.0._1 from selected media
Matthew Pope
- apache.tar.gz
Cristian Mijea
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
- The FreeBSD Diary: 2006-10-08 - 2006-10-28
Dan Langille
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
Gerard Seibert
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
O. Hartmann
- Can't connect to my wireless network
E. J. Cerejo
- clock running too fast
Thierry Lacoste
- clock running too fast
Chuck Swiger
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
Jonathan Horne
- How to Print from WIN XP to Samba
Derrick Edwards
- qemu networking help with windows98
Stephen J. Roznowski
- How to Print from WIN XP to Samba
Gerard Seibert
- bounced mail to list
Jeremy Gransden
- rubygems in ports
Andrew Pantyukhin
- qemu networking help with windows98
John Nielsen
- NJ FreeBSD Sysadmin job
Joe Chimento
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- things-Mail: update
Rem P Roberti
- Bounced Mail to List
Reinald S. Nielsen
- apache.tar.gz
- things-Mail: update
Tore Lund
- things-Mail: update
Rem P Roberti
- things-Mail: update
Frank Shute
- How to Print from WIN XP to Samba
Derrick Edwards
- question on my screen resolution
Sherry Zhang
- question on my screen resolution
- What's -STABLE?
- GTKMozEmbed with linux-firefox
Norberto Meijome
- question on my screen resolution
Sherry Zhang
- GTKMozEmbed with linux-firefox
Sherry Zhang
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- GTKMozEmbed with linux-firefox
Norberto Meijome
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- things-Mail: update
Rem P Roberti
- Process arguments
Dave Clausen
- WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?
- question on my screen resolution
Sherry Zhang
- dhcpd conf error
Warren Liddell
- dhcpd conf error
- question on my screen resolution
Norberto Meijome
- accessing BIOS and RAID info on old Compaqs
David Newman
- What's -STABLE?
Matthew Seaman
- replacing ^M with emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- replacing ^M with emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- replacing ^M with emacs
Giorgos Keramidas
- things-Mail: update
Tore Lund
- A Sleeping FreeBSD Box.
- How to mount WebDAV in FreeBSD?
Mark Evenson
- freebsd equivelent to the linux ethtool command?
- A Sleeping FreeBSD Box.
- A Sleeping FreeBSD Box.
Derek Ragona
- accessing BIOS and RAID info on old Compaqs
George Fazio
- things-Mail: update
Frank Shute
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
- FreeBSD 6.x on HP c-Class Blade?
Ewald Jenisch
- accessing BIOS and RAID info on old Compaqs
Ewald Jenisch
- IPFW and PF
Andy Greenwood
- Is there any highly compressed filesystems [like squashfs]
supported directedly by FreeBSD?
Sherry Zhang
- IPFW and PF
Lowell Gilbert
- WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?
- WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?
Sherry Zhang
- IPFW and PF
Andy Greenwood
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Timothy Parker
- file redirect is destroying the file ? Help!
Ensel Sharon
- file redirect is destroying the file ? Help!
Jan Grant
- file redirect is destroying the file ? Help!
- Is there any highly compressed filesystems [like
squashfs] supported directedly by FreeBSD?
- Is there any highly compressed filesystems [like squashfs]
supported directedly by FreeBSD?
Sherry Zhang
- Skype?
Rem P Roberti
- firefox crash
dick hoogendijk
- Is there any highly compressed filesystems [like squashfs]
supported directedly by FreeBSD?
Sherry Zhang
- Is there any highly compressed filesystems [like
squashfs] supported directedly by FreeBSD?
- things-Mail: update
Rem P Roberti
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- mysql50-server install on FreeBSD 6.1
ke han
- WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?
- things-Mail: update
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- FreeBSD 6.x and disklabel
Reuben A. Popp
- Skype?
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- mysql50-server install on FreeBSD 6.1
Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu
- Hardware Problem
Doug Hardie
- mysql50-server install on FreeBSD 6.1
ke han
- fsck with freebsd-6.1
- clock running too fast
Thierry Lacoste
- fsck with freebsd-6.1
Jerry McAllister
- Instable machine; hardware or not?
Lowell Gilbert
- things-Mail: update
Tore Lund
- fsck with freebsd-6.1
Lowell Gilbert
- question on my screen resolution
Garrett Cooper
- SCSI Controller Question
- Problems with sound playback
Jeremy Sherling
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- ntpd why question..
B. Cook
- clock running too fast
- You have received a postcard from a family member!!
- question on my screen resolution
Frank Shute
- things-Mail: update
Rem P Roberti
- ntpd why question..
Matthew Seaman
- FreeBSD 6 freeze
Paul Beckers
- question on my screen resolution
Garrett Cooper
- SCSI Controller Question
Robert Huff
- qt-3.3/php 5.1.6 does not compile FreeBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64
Doug Barton
- How much space for ftp.freebsd.org
Jeff Mohler
- How much space for ftp.freebsd.org
Philip Hallstrom
- Instable machine; hardware or not?
Cristian Mijea
- Instable machine; hardware or not?
Ronald Paul
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Kris Kennaway
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Norberto Meijome
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Jeff Mohler
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Juha Saarinen
- Skype?
Norberto Meijome
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Norberto Meijome
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Alan Garfield
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Norberto Meijome
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Juha Saarinen
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Alan Garfield
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Alan Garfield
- question on my screen resolution
Sherry Zhang
- Quality of Services with FreeBSD NAT and IPFilter
Mike Tancsa
- Ralink wireless driver help
E. J. Cerejo
- firefox crash
Rob Clark
- Dedicated Server providers in .be
Joe Holden
- FreeBSD 6 freeze
Frank Shute
- Dedicated server provider in .be
Joe Holden
- things-Mail: update
Gary Kline
- 6.1 package add from disk 2
- libtool can't find a library
Ben Paley
- systat -vm not seeing /dev/acd0
Ian Smith
- dns caching service
Zbigniew Szalbot
- More questions on sr sync driver, packet filters, and altq
- Can you pls point me to freebsd source code?
Praveen Kumar Amritaluru
- Can you pls point me to freebsd source code?
- dns caching service
Zbigniew Szalbot
- Netflow sensor/generator for Freebsd
n j
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Iantcho Vassilev
- subversion on boot
pobox at verysmall.org
- subversion on boot
Giorgos Keramidas
- subversion on boot
pobox at verysmall.org
- help increase process/kernel memory please
Per olof Ljungmark
- help increase process/kernel memory please
Bill Moran
- Dell 2950 Perc 5/i RAID Controller and FreeBSD 6.1 Question
Brian A. Seklecki
- Dell 2950 Perc 5/i RAID Controller and FreeBSD 6.1 Question
Brian A. Seklecki
- help increase process/kernel memory please
Tom Judge
- PERC 5/E SAS RAID in Dell PowerEdge 1950/2950
Brian A. Seklecki
- PERC 5/E SAS RAID in Dell PowerEdge 1950/2950
Krempasky, Mark
- Dell PERC 5/i mfi status?
Brian A. Seklecki
- PERC 5/E SAS RAID in Dell PowerEdge 1950/2950
Paul Schmehl
- Dell PERC 5/i mfi status?
Brian A. Seklecki
- PERC 5/E SAS RAID in Dell PowerEdge 1950/2950
Brian A. Seklecki
- WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?
Jorn Argelo
- help increase process/kernel memory please
Per olof Ljungmark
- PERC 5/E SAS RAID in Dell PowerEdge 1950/2950
Brian A. Seklecki
- Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4
Martin McCormick
- Dell PERC 5/i mfi status?
J. T. Farmer
- Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4
- Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4
Dan Nelson
- ive been trying to build a kernel all morning!
Jonathan Horne
- Memory information relations
Nejc Skoberne
- SCSI Controller Question
Derek Ragona
- subversion on boot
- ive been trying to build a kernel all morning!
Dan Nelson
- Memory information relations
Lowell Gilbert
- pkg for gnome 2.16?
Kris Kennaway
- totem crashes on launch - gnome 2.16
- gnome 2.16 - gdm ignores modelines or mode in xorg.conf
- Trouble-shooting Cron Problems FreeBSD5.4
Martin McCormick
- ive been trying to build a kernel all morning!
Jonathan Horne
- iSCSI setup
Jeff Mohler
- nfsiod
Brett Glass
- FreeBSD 6.x and disklabel
Eric Schuele
- nfsiod
Dan Nelson
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
James Long
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Pete Slagle
- cvsup*.au.freebsd.org ??
Alan Garfield
- nfsiod
Brett Glass
- Hardware Console Redirection
Brian A. Seklecki
- nfsiod
Erik Trulsson
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 23:48:24 UTC 2006
Archived on: Wed Nov 1 03:12:57 UTC 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).