Quality of Services with FreeBSD NAT and IPFilter

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Tue Oct 31 02:19:45 UTC 2006

On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 08:59:40 +0700, in sentex.lists.freebsd.questions
you wrote:

>Any ideas how to optimize my Gateway (FreeBSD/NATD/IPFilter) to ensure 
>that it will reserv the bandwidth priority for my VoIP Application?

You are better off using pf+ALTQ rather than mixing ipfilter and natd.
If you want to use ipfilter (pf is better) than get rid of natd and
use the built in ipnat in ipfilter.
There are some good writeups around on pf and altq as well



Mike Tancsa, Sentex communications http://www.sentex.net
Providing Internet Access since 1994
mike at sentex.net, (http://www.tancsa.com)

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