cheapskate webmail interface
jan gestre at
Wed Oct 4 17:44:43 PDT 2006
On 10/5/06, John Nielsen <lists at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 October 2006 12:54, Desmond Coughlan wrote:
> <snip>
> > Now we just need forums and webmail. The latter will be
> > but for webmail, we're having difficulty finding a
> > free solution. ismail won't install from the ports, and other than
> that,
> > everything I've found looks to be in the region of 250 $US. As I
> believe
> > I've mentioned, the organisation is a school, and that sort of money
> just
> > isn't in the kitty. So my options are to write it in perl myself... oh
> > G-d, we want it to be working before Passover 2010! Or we find an open
> > source version.
> Horde+Imp, SquirrelMail, and OpenWebMail all spring immediately to mind,
> and
> all should be in ports. I use Horde on my mail server and think it's
> great;
> very flexible and powerful. It is a bit cumbersome to get running and to
> upgrade, but that aspect continues to improve. The other two are a bit
> more
> basic but each has a wide following.
> you may want to try roundcube although it's still
on beta the interface's rocks, nothing you ever experienced before,
certainly cooler than squirrelmail with AJAX like interface.
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