strange events

Z. Wade Hampton root at
Thu Oct 26 03:38:07 UTC 2006

Greetings to all,
And, please forgive me if this is a bone-head question(s).

I'm running, once again after 4 years, freebsd 4.2.

In KDE, with netscape or kfm I can only access my own web domain, which is

No matter what else I put into the URL box and submit, it trys to find the
other URLs, but then resorts back to
I must have done something wrong in initial setup/config, but after
checking through lots of stuff, I see no reason for this to happen.

Also, I get STOP error code 1s when I try to make lynx from the ports

Could someone have a little pity on this old stoner from the 60's and lend
some advice?

Thanks in advance,

Z. Wade Hampton
Sheridan, Montana

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