Martin Schweizer
lists_freebsd at
Sat Oct 21 06:05:54 UTC 2006
Hello Mike
Attached you'll find the mail from Anish an me last year. Hope this helps. Do
you use only sasldb2 or saslauthd? If not drop me a line.
Am Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 08:35:39AM -0400 Mike Spenard schrieb:
> Just looking to get sendmail auth working with pwcheck
> Martin Schweizer wrote:
> >Hello Mike
> >
> >What do you need concretly? I use sendmail/cyrus imap (also replication on
> >a second derver)/sieve (also websieve)/apache (incl. ssl).
> >
> >Am Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 03:20:33PM -0400 Mike Spenard schrieb:
> >
> >>Hey Martin,
> >>I saw this post, could I get those hints too?
> >>
> >>Thanks!
> >>Mike Spenard
> >>
> >>Hello Gerard
> >>
> >>I ran in the same trouble. With some changes you can use the article in
> >>the handbook. Should I send you my hints?
> >>
> >>Am Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 08:36:32AM -0500 Gerard Seibert schrieb:
> >>
> >>>/ I found this notation on regarding cyrus-sasl on the FreeBSD site
> >>>
> >>/>/
> >><>.
> >>/[snip]
> >>
> >>>/ Does this apply to cyrus-sasl2 as well? I tried 'make config' but that
> >>>
> >>/>/ produced nothing. I do not see any option for the 'pwcheck' option in
> >>/>/ the Makefile. What, if any compile options should I include on the
> >>/>/ command line? I am running FreeBSD 5.4 at present.
> >>
> My goal is to use sendmail and cyrus impad 2.3. The problem is if I
> change the mailer in nothing appears. I also checked
> There are no other mailers the the default ones. I'm
> very confused about the problem. Any ideas are very welcome.
I'm using cyrus-imapd22 in production on a few servers with the base=20
sendmail. I'm assuming you have cyrus-imapd23 setup correctly.
# set the sendmail password check method
touch /usr/local/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf
# add "pwcheck_method: saslauthd" to use sasl database
# or "pwcheck_method: passwd" for normal login password checking
# add to /etc/make.conf
SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+=3D -I/usr/local/include -DSASL=3D2 \
# set box specific .mc file in /etc/make.conf so upgrades
# don't wipe out our existing settings
# build shared sendmail libs
cd /usr/src/lib/libsm && \
make cleandir && make depend && make obj && make
cd /usr/src/lib/libsmutil && \
make cleandir && make depend && make obj && make
# now rebuild sendmail in the base
cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail && \
make cleandir && make depend && make obj && make && make install
# in for box specific .mc add
dnl set SASL options
define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A p y')dnl
dnl define(`confDEF_AUTH_INFO', /etc/mail/auth-info')dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=3Dsmtp, Name=3DMSA, M=3DE')dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=3Dsmtps, Name=3DTLSMSA, M=3DEs')dnl
define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `13')dnl
# stop and restart sendmail
cd /etc/mail
make install
make stop
make start
# check if it worked!
telnet localhost 25
ehlo localhost
If you're trying to host mail for multiple domains you'll need to hack=20
the local ruleset to not strip the @domain.tld from the address=20
before it's passed to cyrus. The -DSOCKETMAP in the SENDMAIL_CFLAGS=20
is needed, but I use it with a special rule to verify the From:=20
address that comes from a locally hosted domain is actually valid by=20
looking it up via cyrus.
Anish Mistry
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Martin Schweizer
<info at>
PC-Service M. Schweizer GmbH; Bannholzstrasse 6; CH-8608 Bubikon
Tel. +41 55 243 30 00; Fax: +41 55 243 33 22;;
public key :;
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