September 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Aug 31 22:13:44 PDT 2006
Ending: Fri Sep 29 10:56:35 PDT 2006
Messages: 117
- A tree does not move unless there is wind.
nikki Alys
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host,
works fine on i386
John Baldwin
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host,
works fine on i386
John Baldwin
- amd64/96516: FreeBSD/amd64 intermittent Network-Problems
John Baldwin
- 6.2-PRE/amd64: make installworld fails: btxld:No such file or
Raphael H. Becker
- testing RAID perf. & choosing a motherboard
Michael Bernstein
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Danny Braniss
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Danny Braniss
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Danny Braniss
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Danny Braniss
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Danny Braniss
- mlockall() failes on amd64 [resend]
Danny Braniss
- 6.2-PRERELEASE boot kernel.gz failes
Danny Braniss
- fbsd 6-stable i386 in server amd64
Bruce Burden
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Martin Cracauer
- amd64/103728: HD
Brooks Davis
- FBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64: two times SMBUS on ASUS A8N32-SLI?
Bruno Ducrot
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host,
works fine on i386
Ruslan Ermilov
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host,
works fine on i386
Ruslan Ermilov
- 6.2-PRE/amd64: make installworld fails: btxld:No such file or
Ruslan Ermilov
- Compiling an amd64 and i386 world
Ruslan Ermilov
- amd64/98346: [kbd] caps lock and other keys are always
Ruslan Ermilov
- FBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64: two times SMBUS on ASUS A8N32-SLI?
Ruslan Ermilov
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
Ruslan Ermilov
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
Bruce Evans
- hardware donation ? (was Re: SMP system not running SMP)
Pete French
- NFS lockup when copying a "special" file
Oliver Fromme
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Gibson, Jasen (GE Indust, ConsInd, consultant)
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host,
works fine on i386
Peter Grehan
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host, works
fine on i386
Peter Grehan
- amd64/102996: powerpc cross-build fails on amd64 host, works
fine on i386
Peter Grehan
- amd64/102975: NIC unknown
Morten Gulbrandsen
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Steven Hartland
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Steven Hartland
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Steven Hartland
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Steven Hartland
- keyboard LEDs CAPS and NUM problem
O. Hartmann
- FBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64: two times SMBUS on ASUS A8N32-SLI?
O. Hartmann
- FBSD 6.2-PRE/AMD64: two times SMBUS on ASUS A8N32-SLI?
O. Hartmann
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Gary Jennejohn
- amd64/98346: [kbd] caps lock and other keys are always
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Alexander Kabaev
- TYAN 3870G2NR
Steve Kargl
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Steve Kargl
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Steve Kargl
- NFS lockup when copying a "special" file
Kris Kennaway
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Kris Kennaway
- fbsd 6-stable i386 in server amd64
Vivek Khera
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Mark Kirkwood
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Mark Kirkwood
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Mark Kirkwood
- amd64/95167: driver for SuperMicro H8DAR-T (Adaptec AIC-8130:
(Marvell 88SX6041) 4-port Hercules-2
Anthony Lau
- NFS lockup when copying a "special" file
Oliver Lehmann
- NFS lockup when copying a "special" file
Oliver Lehmann
- fbsd 6-stable i386 in server amd64
Roberto Lima
- kern/103043: graid3 does not rebuild degraded arrays
Mark Linimon
- www/103132: update of Asus A8V-MX description
Mark Linimon
- amd64/101873: Freebsd amd64 hangs on booting sata drive?
Mark Linimon
- Re: amd64/103617: Intel® 82563EB On-Board Network cannot be find
Mark Linimon
- amd64/99475: Mail attachement was modified
Remko Lodder
- amd64/95056: Nvidia Nforce ETH Driver -> Timeout Errors
Remko Lodder
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Pav Lucistnik
- TYAN Tempest I5000VS (S5372)
Lars Mainka
- TYAN Tempest I5000VS (S5372)
Lars Mainka
- amd64/89550: [amd64] sym0: VTOBUS failed (6.0 Release)
Jan Mikkelsen
- amd64/89550: [amd64] sym0: VTOBUS failed (6.0 Release)
Jan Mikkelsen
- sym(4) and amd64
Jan Mikkelsen
- amd64/89550: [amd64] sym0: VTOBUS failed (6.0 Release)
Jan Mikkelsen
- NForce5 not suported?
Phillip Neumann
- TYAN 3870G2NR
David O'Brien
- [Fwd: problems with ruby18]
Riemer Palstra
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Gerald Pfeifer
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Gerald Pfeifer
- Bf2 crash problems yet agian________
Ivan Pulleyn
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Andrew Reilly
- Interrupt storm on ASUS M2N-E
Frank Reppin
- [SOLVED IN -CURRENT] Interrupt storm on ASUS M2N-E
Frank Reppin
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Jo Rhett
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Jo Rhett
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Jo Rhett
- Compiling an amd64 and i386 world
Jared Ring
- GCC 4.1/gfortran 4.1 on FreeBSD 6/AMD64?
Conrad J. Sabatier
- make: strange behaviour when building net/mpich2.
Thierry Thomas
- Investor News
boothe Tildy
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- amd64/103132: update of Asus A8V-MX description
Andrew squirL Tovstik
- qemu and -kernel-kqemu option trouble
Andriy Tovstik
- SOLVED: qemu and -kernel-kqemu option trouble
Andriy Tovstik
- NForce5 not suported? (interrupt storm on ASUS M2N-E)
Angelo Turetta
- [SOLVED IN -CURRENT] Interrupt storm on ASUS M2N-E
Angelo Turetta
- amd64/101873: Freebsd amd64 hangs on booting sata drive?
Angelo Turetta
- amd64/103259: Cannot use ataraid on nvidia nForce4+amd64
Conrado Vardanega
- suggestions for SATA RAID cards
Fabian Wenk
- TYAN Tempest I5000VS (S5372)
Fabian Wenk
- Running 32-bit apps
Nathan Whitehorn
- Running 32-bit apps
Nathan Whitehorn
- amd64/103728: HD
- mlockall() failes on amd64 [resend]
Erez Zadok
- mlockall() failes on amd64 [resend]
Erez Zadok
- keyboard LEDs CAPS and NUM problem
Zhu Sha Zang
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Christos Zoulas
- mlockall() failes on amd64
Christos Zoulas
- mlockall() failes on amd64 [resend]
Christos Zoulas
- Bf2 crash problems yet agian________
- x1600pro pci-e update bios steps
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- keyboard LEDs CAPS and NUM problem
ian j hart
- keyboard LEDs CAPS and NUM problem
ian j hart
- amd64/103043: graid3 does not rebuild degraded arrays
douglas steinawnd
- amd64/103617: Intel® 82563EB On-Board Network cannot be find
Last message date:
Fri Sep 29 10:56:35 PDT 2006
Archived on: Fri Sep 29 10:56:36 PDT 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).