Compiling an amd64 and i386 world

Jared Ring jared at
Sun Sep 17 15:07:01 PDT 2006

Hi, please reprimand me if this was the wrong list to ask on

I have a number of i386 machines, for maintaining them only one tracks 
-stable and builds the kernel and world,the others mount /usr/obj and 
/usr/src from this host and install from there. This is all described in 
the handbook.

Now we have purchased some more machines, and these are amd64 
architecture. Is it possible to setup my buildmachine to build both i386 
and amd64 worlds/kernels and then configure make.conf on the appropriate 
clients so that they install the right one?

Thanks for your time and help in answering this. On this one point, the 
handbook doesnt really seem clear. I'd be happy to provide a bit of doco 
for the handbook if it really is okay.


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