suggestions for SATA RAID cards

Steven Hartland killing at
Fri Sep 8 02:14:22 PDT 2006

Jo Rhett wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Steven Hartland wrote:
>> I did have a little bother getting through to the dev's for
>> support with a disk compatibility issue but once I located
>> the right person highpoint support was very good.
> How did you locate them?  Highpoint support told us that a third
> party did the freebsd driver and that they had no intention of
> supporting it.

Just going through their support email. I believe Scott did the
original FreeBSD 1820a port but they where more than helpful
in fixing the issue I had which was a quite nasty compat issue
with seagate 400GB disks.

> FYI, several people have claimed that the 1820a is "hardware" -- this
> is untrue.  It's hardware accelerated, but all of the raid logic is
> in the driver.  It's sludgeware", not hardware raid.  Performance
> tests against a real hardware raid adapter will demonstrate what I
> mean. 

I believe you are wrong here and my own performance tests here
backs this up, showing it keeps up with the more expensive areca
in a number of areas notably, providing 180MB/s in sequential
read tests from a 5 disk array.


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