March 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 04:07:19 PDT 2004
Ending: Wed Mar 31 06:48:29 PDT 2004
Messages: 221
- ['securiQ.Watchdog': denied attachment]
'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at
- ['securiQ.Watchdog': denied attachment]
'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at
- ['securiQ.Watchdog': denied attachment]
'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at
- Can't download patchfile
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
- Scraping
- Diablo 1.3.1 JVM runs out of file descriptors at 1021
- Diablo 1.3.1 JVM runs out of file descriptors at 1021
- Too many open files
- /usr/ports/java/jdk14
Andrey V. Ageyev
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Gabriel Ambuehl
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Gabriel Ambuehl
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Gabriel Ambuehl
- Too many open files
Gabriel Ambuehl
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Gabriel Ambuehl
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Gabriel Ambuehl
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Gabriel Ambuehl
- JDK on AMD64?
Gabriel Ambuehl
- jdk14 native port
Gabriel Ambuehl
- deploying java programs (applications)
Gabriel Ambuehl
- WebLogic
Gabriel Ambuehl
- WebLogic
Gabriel Ambuehl
- WebLogic
Gabriel Ambuehl
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
John Arnold
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
John Arnold
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
John Arnold
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
Panagiotis Astithas
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
Panagiotis Astithas
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Panagiotis Astithas
- RFC: PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Panagiotis Astithas
- Too many open files
Panagiotis Astithas
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Panagiotis Astithas
- jdk14 native port
Panagiotis Astithas
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
Jonathan Chen
- WebLogic
Corey.Brune at
- /usr/ports/java/jdk14
Robert Corsaro
- JDK1.4.1
Antony T Curtis
- Multiple static IPs
Jim Dixon
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Mark Dixon
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Mark Dixon
- WebLogic
Chris Doherty
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfiles: java/eclipse-langpack
Bill "distfiles" Fenner
- jdk14 build error on 4.9-STABLE
Brandon Fosdick
- Too many open files
Nick Gieczewski
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Jan Grant
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Jan Grant
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Ernst de Haan
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Ernst de Haan
- java crashed
Satoshi Hasebe
- java crashed
Satoshi Hasebe
- Consistent jdk14 build error in html32dtd
Walter Hop
- java/61506: OpenOffice 1.1.0-1 port fails to build on
a5.2-RELEASE box due to a Java HotSpot bug
Robert Huff
- How do I make appletviewer work?
Lukman Jaji
- deploying java programs (applications)
Lukman Jaji
- adding scroll bars to java applications
Lukman Jaji
- size data for your FreeBSD port(s)
Trevor Johnson
- size data for your FreeBSD port(s)
Trevor Johnson
- size data for your FreeBSD port(s)
Trevor Johnson
- jai-imageio-1.0 unfetchable
Kris Kennaway
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Kris Kennaway
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Kris Kennaway
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Kris Kennaway
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Kris Kennaway
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Kris Kennaway
- jai-1.1.2_1 unfetchable
Kris Kennaway
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Yuri Khotyaintsev
- jdk14 build probs
Yuri Khotyaintsev
- sun jdk problem
Yuri Khotyaintsev
- Multiple static IPs
Holger Kipp
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Holger Kipp
- Can't download patchfile
Ronald Klop
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Ronald Klop
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Ronald Klop
- ports/63409: jdk-1.4.2p6_3 plugin crashes Mozilla-1.6_2,2
Georg-W. Koltermann
- Running Eclipse 3 M7 on FreeBSD 5.2.1
Georg-W. Koltermann
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
C. Kukulies
- jdk14 native port
C. Kukulies
- jdk14 build probs
C. Kukulies
- jdk14 native port
Christoph P. Kukulies
- project
Manoj Kumar
- Can't download patchfile
Greg Lewis
- Can't download patchfile
Greg Lewis
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
Greg Lewis
- jdk14 and FreeBSD 4.8 problem
Greg Lewis
- build error jdk14
Greg Lewis
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Greg Lewis
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Greg Lewis
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Greg Lewis
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Greg Lewis
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Greg Lewis
- xdoclet and jdk1.3
Greg Lewis
- jdk-1.4.2p6_4 fails to build
Greg Lewis
- JDK14 build problems
Jay Liew
- build error
Jay Liew
- ports/63909: ports/java/eclipse-langpack: use
MASTER_SITE_ECLIPSE for the distfile
Mark Linimon
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Kang Liu
- Multiple static IPs
Achilleus Mantzios
- Running Eclipse 3 M7 on FreeBSD 5.2.1
Achilleus Mantzios
- MyEclipse IDE 2.7GA
Achilleus Mantzios
- Running Eclipse 3 M7 on FreeBSD 5.2.1
Achilleus Mantzios
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Achilleus Mantzios
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Achilleus Mantzios
- sun jdk problem
Achilleus Mantzios
- sun jdk problem
Achilleus Mantzios
- java crashed
Munehiro Matsuda
- Can't download patchfile
Dermot McNally
- Can't download patchfile
Dermot McNally
- sun jdk problem
- sun jdk problem
- WebLogic
- How do I make appletviewer work?
Dennis Moore
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Trang Nguyen
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Trang Nguyen
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Trang Nguyen
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Roberto Nunnari
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Roberto Nunnari
- MyEclipse IDE 2.7GA
Doug Poland
- What versions of Tomcat and Java work on FreeBSD
Doug Poland
- FW: eclipse does not compile (followup)
David Pullara
- eclipse does not compile (followup #2)
David Pullara
- deploying java programs (applications)
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
- jdk-1.4.2p6_4 fails to build
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
- jdk-1.4.2p6_4 fails to build
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
- java/63511: 2.0: testers needed
Herve Quiroz
- java/63928: Update port: java/jakarta-commons-logging [PATCH]
Herve Quiroz
- RFC: PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Herve Quiroz
- RFC: PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Herve Quiroz
- OT: Maven
Herve Quiroz
- java/64171: Update port: java/jakarta-commons-collections [PATCH]
Herve Quiroz
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Herve Quiroz
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Herve Quiroz
- java/64703: Update port: java/jdom [PATCH]
Herve Quiroz
- java/44251: Create stylebook port
Herve Quiroz
- java/64492: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() leaks file
Pavlin Radoslavov
- OpenJMS doesn't seem to work on FreeBSD4.x but seems to work fine
on FreeBSD5.x
Stephane Raimbault
- Running Eclipse 3 M7 on FreeBSD 5.2.1
Mustabasic Reuf
- Suggestion: NetBeans development build
Manfred Riem
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Manfred Riem
- PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports
Manfred Riem
- java crash from within mozilla
Guido van Rooij
- java crash from within mozilla
Guido van Rooij
- jdk14 plugin problem fixed -- thanks!
Conrad Sabatier
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Conrad Sabatier
- Uh-oh...runaway jdk-1.4.2p6_4 plugin
Conrad Sabatier
- upper case does not work in netbeans
Anthony Schneider
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Peter Schuller
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Peter Schuller
- Native Java plugin on FreeBSD
Peter Schuller
- Why No jsvc Jakarta Commons Daemon Port?
Peter Schuller
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Peter Schuller
- deploying java programs (applications)
Matthew Seaman
- jdk 1.4 install prob.
Matthew Seaman
- ports/63409: jdk-1.4.2p6_3 plugin crashes Mozilla-1.6_2,2
Chris Shenton
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- tomcat41 producing 28 java daemons
Joe Shevland
- ports/63909: ports/java/eclipse-langpack: use
MASTER_SITE_ECLIPSE for the distfile
Norikatsu Shigemura
- Multiple static IPs
Erik Sliman
- Why No jsvc Jakarta Commons Daemon Port?
Javier Storni
- Why No jsvc Jakarta Commons Daemon Port?
Bob Van Valzah
- xdoclet and jdk1.3
Kyle VanderBeek
- xdoclet and jdk1.3
Kyle VanderBeek
- Scraping
Kyle VanderBeek
- xdoclet and jdk1.3
Kyle VanderBeek
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Olivier Vautrin
- Java on Free-BSD 5.2
Kurt Werle
- Can't download patchfile
Ken Williams
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Nate Williams
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Nate Williams
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Nate Williams
- Tomcat 5.0 and diablo-jdk-1.3.1 crash
Nate Williams
- No subject
Yuri Yudenko
- java crash from within mozilla
Alexey Zelkin
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
Alexey Zelkin
- JDK14 build problems
Alexey Zelkin
- build error jdk14
Alexey Zelkin
- jdk14 build probs
Alexey Zelkin
- Openoffice-1.1 depends on 5 different jdks
Alexey Zelkin
- xdoclet and jdk1.3
Alexey Zelkin
- tomcat, JBoss etc. Should be headless?
Alexey Zelkin
- FreeBSD 4.8 stable and jdk14
cvetelin andreev
- jdk14 and FreeBSD 4.8 problem
cvetelin andreev
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- java crashed
haro at
- Eclipse on FreeBSD - where's my cursor
jarnold at
- jdk 1.4 install prob.
- PLEASE READ: Upcoming GNOME 2.6 upgrade
marcus at
- build error jdk14
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
regis rampnoux
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
regis rampnoux
- java/63818: build but not with compiler specified
regis rampnoux
- java crashed
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 06:48:29 PDT 2004
Archived on: Wed Mar 31 06:58:47 PDT 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).