Can't download patchfile

Greg Lewis glewis at
Mon Mar 1 13:29:31 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 07:41:06PM +0100, Ronald Klop wrote:
> I've put it here temporary. I don't know if the license permits this. So 
> as soon as the original is up I wil remove it again.

Please take it down.  The license doesn't permit this.

For everyone else, please just be patient.  I've emailed the owner of
the web site who has graciously hosted the patchsets for years and
hopefully things will be resolved soon.

If you _really_ have a need to get the patchset now then please send an
email to me stating the following:

I certify that I am a Licensee in good standing under the Sun Community
Source License ("License") of the Java(tm) 2 SDK, and that my access, use
and distribution of code and information I obtain is subject to the License.

Please include the JDK version and patchset version that you want.  As
above, this is only if you _really_ need to have the patchset now. I'm
not a mass mailing service.

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
Eyes Beyond                         Web     :
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at

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