['securiQ.Watchdog': denied attachment]

'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at raiffeisen.hu 'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at raiffeisen.hu
Sat Mar 6 23:41:15 PST 2004

GROUP securiQ.Watchdog
Server: HUASMTP01

Your mail item contained attachments that are denied by type or size.
Please contact your administrator

From:              java at freebsd.org
To:                ksoltesz at raiffeisen.hu
Rec.: ksoltesz at raiffeisen.hu
Date:              03/07/2004 08:41:02 AM
Subject:           Re: Your letter

file is denied:     your_letter.pif

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