java crash from within mozilla

Guido van Rooij guido at
Thu Mar 4 11:55:10 PST 2004

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 09:17:29PM +0200, Alexey Zelkin wrote:
> hi,
> Well.  One question: did you try to use any other applets ?  From
> demo/ directory or/and from ?  And one more -- did you check

Yes. I never had java problems before.

> XFree logs ?  java_vm may output some more inforation to "stdout".

I did, but that didn't give more info than the log file attached to
my original message.

> And one more - does this error appear while loading/starting applet
> or somethere in middle ?

It seems somewhere in the middle.

> Some hints you may want to try (order does not matter):
> . revert libmap configuration (i.e. use libc_r by default)

I tried various combinations to no avail.

> . try to use _g (debuging) version of plugin shared object and try
>   to get a backtrace from java_vm's core file (preferably 'bt full').
>   Note: you'll install debug version of all JVM libraries first (use
>   WITH_DEBUG port install option)
> . Check your logs for something related to pipe's and/or thread limits.
>   Looks like that handler thread's pointer become invalid at some point
>   or something broken on browser<->plugin pipe.  I can't say anything
>   concrete without getting more information.
> . install mozilla to 1.4/1.5 (leave it for last attempt or try
>   on clean machine)

I worked around it because it seems to only occur in some sort
home crypto applet that is called upon first logon. It asks you
to change the password. I did that step on a windows machine, and now
everything works smoothly with mozilla.


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