PKGNAMEPREFIX for Java ports

Herve Quiroz herve.quiroz at
Mon Mar 15 11:38:43 PST 2004


On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 08:25:48PM +0100, Manfred Riem wrote:
> > But I get your point about getting rid of ports/java/ (especially bad
> > as some tools aren't even in there but in the category they belong, I
> > know I had to search for ant more than just once ;-).
> So who is going to enter the PR's and take this one forward?

Well, I'm not a commiter so that won't be me. Added the fact that I am working
on for now. Anyway, as soon as it is commited, I will
investigate various other FreeBSD/Java issues, such as:

- This current issue: JAVA_PKGNAMEPREFIX
- INSTALL_JAR: a macro to install a JAR file with right permissions in the
  right place (JAVAJARDIR) and fill the plist accordingly.
- USE_ANT: Apache Ant support in (a PR is underway:
- JAVA_BUILD/JAVA_RUN: macros to specify JDK/JRE dependencies
- WANT_JAVA_{VERSION|OS|VENDOR}: macros to specify prefered JDK
- ...and many more (such as the Java porter handbook)

The list is quite long but that should not stop us from discussing this current

Anyway, I would really like to have commited before we start
over another set of major changes.

> On the other hand I think stating for which JDK it is compiled
> is going a bit too far from my perspective. I think one should
> assume to always compile it with the latest stable release,
> and otherwise state it in a message a make time that it requires
> a specific version, thus making it an install issue.

I agree this may be a little too complex indeed. But having a
JAVA_PKGNAMEPREFIX set by would allow us to quickly change this
behaviour so we could go for 'java-' for a start as this is probably enough for
now, but then switch to a versioned prefix if people find it necessary.

Still left is the issue whether Java ports should be compiled from source or
just installed using binary releases... and I haven't got a clue on this one.

However, we have only three opinions here and we all agree that
<category>/java-<portname> is a nice place for a Java port. I have some stuff
that I would like to port, such as IBM aglets, JXTA and some Jakarta libs but I
have yet to decide whether or not I will adopt this convention... I think we
need more feedback from the other Java porters to decide.



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