What versions of Tomcat and Java work on FreeBSD

Doug Poland doug at polands.org
Thu Mar 18 16:24:58 PST 2004

lrnobs said:
> I had a jsp web application written for me which was setup on RedHat9.
> I would like to move this onto FreeBSD or OpenBSD if possible.
> The Tomcat version used was 4.1 and the Java SDK used was Java 2 SDK Standard Edition
> Will these versions run on FreeBSD 4.8, 4.9, or 5.2 or do I have to stay with Linux
without a rewrite.
I've run the above JDK/Tomcat ports on all the versions you are referencing

> If it will run, are there big changes in file paths, etc.?
Depends on how tomcat was setup on the linux server and if your webapp was written to go
directly against the filesystem for some reason.  If you have created a .war file for
your webapp and successfully deployed it on linux, chances are quite good that it will
deploy on FreeBSD.

> I currently have 4.8 but could of course get newer stuff.
If this box is publicly available and has not been patched since 4.8, it would be a very
good idea to update the OS.

BTW, there's a list for Java on FreeBSD, I'll cc that list.


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