August 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Aug 1 01:50:23 UTC 2006
Ending: Thu Aug 31 22:42:05 UTC 2006
Messages: 200
- Suggestion to update online handbook (new location of /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf in FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE)
Sanjib Ahmad
- Link Request
Tahzeem Akhtar
- docs/102542: [patch] books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml
Dmitri Alenitchev
- smtpd config
John Andrewartha
- docs/101464: sync u_RU.KOI8-R/articles/portbuild/article.html with the original rev 1.12
Roman Bogorodskiy
- docs/101464: sync u_RU.KOI8-R/articles/portbuild/article.html with the original rev 1.12
Roman Bogorodskiy
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Nikolas Britton
- Hi-Res Tiff FreeBSD Logos.
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Nikolas Britton
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Nikolas Britton
- Common utilities
Toby Burress
- DesktopBSD (fwd)
Jesus R. Camou
- DesktopBSD (fwd)
Jesus R. Camou
- typo in the first paragraph of the FreeBSD Handbook
Jesus R. Camou
- docs/101145: msgsnd(3) manpage doesn't define msgsz clearly
Brian Candler
- freebsd-doc Digest, Vol 178, Issue 7
Joel Dahl
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Ceri Davies
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Ceri Davies
- Hi-Res Tiff FreeBSD Logos.
Ceri Davies
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Ceri Davies
- Stylesheets
Ceri Davies
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Ceri Davies
- docs/102353: kqueue(2) should mention sysctl kern.kq_calloutmax
Ceri Davies
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Ceri Davies
- nitpicking
Brad Davis
- docs/101314: [patch] msgctl(3) structure msqid_ds is referenced as shmid_ds
Vasil Dimov
- DesktopBSD (fwd)
- DesktopBSD (fwd)
- docs/102118: [patch sbin/ifconfig/ifconfig.8] Add -v to the description of 'scan' and 'list scan'
Dominic Fandrey
- Stylesheets
Ben Follis
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Marc Fonvieille
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Marc Fonvieille
- sysutils/cd9660_unicode
Marc Fonvieille
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Marc Fonvieille
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Daniel Gerzo
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Daniel Gerzo
- Document not found -
Daniel Gerzo
- Document not found -
Daniel Gerzo
- I want to Join
Daniel Gerzo
- wrong links on
Daniel Gerzo
- question
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/82481: tar(1)/gtar(1) man page mod request
Daniel Gerzo
- question
Daniel Gerzo
- freebsd-doc Digest, Vol 178, Issue 7
Daniel Gerzo
- www cleanup problem
Daniel Gerzo
- www cleanup problem
Daniel Gerzo
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Daniel Gerzo
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Daniel Gerzo
- [doc] cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml
Daniel Gerzo
- [doc] cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/99723: information in FreeBSD handbook incorrect on installing mod_php and apache
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/102460: Add clarity to starting samba without rebooting using package startup scripts
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Daniel Gerzo
- Stylesheets
Daniel Gerzo
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Daniel Gerzo
- mount(8) async description
Daniel Gerzo
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/93522: [patch] use rc.d script in example describing how to restart mountd in nework-servers chapter
Daniel Gerzo
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Daniel Gerzo
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/65065: [patch] improper language ntpd(8) man pages
Daniel Gerzo
- Apply patch in docs/65065
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/44594: Handbook doesn't mention drivers.flp for 5.0 installs
Daniel Gerzo
- docs/44594: Handbook doesn't mention drivers.flp for 5.0 installs
Daniel Gerzo
- Close PR docs/44594
Daniel Gerzo
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Lowell Gilbert
- docs/101330: man page for mv(1) is misleading
Peter Gildea
Raymundo Green
- Multimedia event list
Edwin Groothuis
- Multimedia event list
Edwin Groothuis
- docs/102719: [patch] ng_bpf(4) example leads to unneeded promiscuos mode activation
Eugene Grosbein
- nitpicking
Christopher Hobbs
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Jonathan Horne
- handbook installation screenshots outdated
Jonathan Horne
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Robert Huff
- Document not found -
Tulunzha Ivan
- Reply me if you are interested!
Gloria Jones
- Hardware compatibility notes
Howard Jones
- Document not found -
- docs/102353: kqueue(2) should mention sysctl kern.kq_calloutmax
Poul-Henning Kamp
- docs/93130: addition to handbook section 14.11 Open SSH
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/93130: addition to handbook section 14.11 Open SSH
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/95261: Correction to handbook section Using a pool of public addresses
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/33852: split(1) man page implies that input file is removed.
Giorgos Keramidas
- smtpd config
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/101330: man page for mv(1) is misleading
Giorgos Keramidas
- Multimedia event list
Giorgos Keramidas
- sysutils/cd9660_unicode
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/93522: [patch] use rc.d script in example describing how to restart mountd in nework-servers chapter
Giorgos Keramidas
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Giorgos Keramidas
- docs/93522: [patch] use rc.d script in example describing how to restart mountd in nework-servers chapter
Giorgos Keramidas
- sysutils/cd9660_unicode
Andrei Kolu
- docs/101314: [patch] msgctl(3) structure msqid_ds is referenced as shmid_ds
Maxim Konovalov
- docs/101314: [patch] msgctl(3) structure msqid_ds is referenced as shmid_ds
Maxim Konovalov
- docs/100427: remove mention of NMBCLUSTERS from loader docs
Maxim Konovalov
- [PATCH] nitpicking in src/usr.bin/vgrind/vgrind.1
Joseph Koshy
- Wrong russian translation -
Max Kosmach
- docs/101365: [patch] Document DESTDIR support in porters-handbook
Gabor Kovesdan
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Karol Kwiatkowski
- cvs commit: www/zh_CN about.sgml applications.sgml art.sgml availability.sgml community.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdocs.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml inc
Xin LI
- Ports and Index
Peter Lageotakes
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Dan Langille
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
Dan Langille
- docs/102185: Error in ntpd(8) manpage.
Mark Linimon
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Mark Linimon
- Listar command results: -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
- [doc] cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml
Remko Lodder
- docs/41820: Device driver confusion in Handbook (section 2.3)
Remko Lodder
- Close pr docs/41820
Remko Lodder
- docs/67078: [patch] MFC of a rtld(1) man page is incomplete.
Remko Lodder
- Close pr docs/67078
Remko Lodder
- docs/101365: [patch] Document DESTDIR support in porters-handbook
Pav Lucistnik
- Fix for ithread.9
Pav Lucistnik
- Suggestion to update online handbook (new location of /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/cf in FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE)
Pav Lucistnik
- Fix for ithread.9
Pav Lucistnik
- question
Bruce A. Mah
- question
Bruce A. Mah
- mount(8) async description
Matthew May
- FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken(was Re: FreeBSD Logo)
- converting an mdoc manual page into an old man format
Rich Morin
- docs/100427: remove mention of NMBCLUSTERS from loader docs
Dmitry Morozovsky
- [doc] cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml
Dmitry Morozovsky
- [doc] cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml
Dmitry Morozovsky
- FreeBSD FTP doc build failed - doc/ depends on www/ ?
Simon L. Nielsen
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Simon L. Nielsen
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Simon L. Nielsen
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Simon L. Nielsen
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Simon L. Nielsen
- merge query-pr.cgi and query-pr-summary.cgi, fix -T mode with new perl
Simon L. Nielsen
- Fix for ithread.9
Devon H. O'Dell
- Fix for ithread.9
Devon H. O'Dell
- docs/102334: Handbook and man pages for firewalls are inconsistent
Kevin Oberman
- I want to Join
- freebsd-doc Digest, Vol 178, Issue 7
- Computer Blue Book for Dealers
PowerSource Online
- FreeBSD web build failed on
World Wide Web Owner
- FreeBSD web build failed on
World Wide Web Owner
- Ports security [was: Ports/source dance]
Adrian Penisoara
- wrong links on
Alex Pivovarov
- Forums
This Restored
- docs/101271: serial console documentation implies kernel rebuild required -- doesn't mention device hints
Jo Rhett
- question
Tom Rhodes
- question
Tom Rhodes
- docs/99912: Wrong documentation of /etc/ftpchroot
Tom Rhodes
- Fix for ithread.9
Tom Rhodes
- Fix for ithread.9
Tom Rhodes
- HEADS UP: www cleanup mega-patch will be committed soon (Re: www/ cleanup patch)
Hiroki Sato
- HEADS UP: www cleanup mega-patch will be committed soon
Hiroki Sato
- cvs commit: www/zh_CN about.sgml applications.sgml art.sgml availability.sgml community.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdocs.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml inc
Hiroki Sato
- www cleanup problem
Hiroki Sato
- FreeBSD FTP doc build failed - doc/ depends on www/ ?
Hiroki Sato
- www cleanup problem
Hiroki Sato
- docs/101388: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update developers-handbook to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- docs/101389: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/book.sgml to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- docs/101390: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/linuxemu to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- docs/101391: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/multimedia to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- docs/101393: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update fdp-primer/sgml-primer to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- docs/101392: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/ports to SVN#963
Vanilla I. Shu
- Demo at Black Dog Mastering Studio av
Black Dog Mastering Studio
- Demo at Black Dog Mastering Studio av
Black Dog Mastering Studio
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Charles Swiger
- FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.
Charles Swiger
- Co-Branding Opportunity with Network World
Chrystie Terry
- converting an mdoc manual page into an old man format
Mikhail Teterin
- docs/101262: man login.conf does not mention how to escape a colon
Dr. Markus Waldeck
- docs/101564: man 4 random has a URL as reference
Dr. Markus Waldeck
- docs/98344: [patch] An update of the article "Choosing the FreeBSD Version that is Right for You"
Duane Whitty
- [PATCH] nitpicking in src/usr.bin/vgrind/vgrind.1
Niclas Zeising
- Close pr docs/41820
Niclas Zeising
- Close pr docs/67078
Niclas Zeising
- Apply patch in docs/65065
Niclas Zeising
- Apply patch in docs/65065
Niclas Zeising
- Close PR docs/44594
Niclas Zeising
- Close PR docs/44594
Niclas Zeising
- Apply patch in PR docs/66483
Niclas Zeising
- Document not found -
Nicoleeteric at
- Current unassigned doc problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned doc problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned doc problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- docs/101391: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/multimedia to SVN#963
- docs/101388: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update developers-handbook to SVN#963
- docs/101389: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/book.sgml to SVN#963
- docs/101390: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/linuxemu to SVN#963
- docs/101392: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/ports to SVN#963
- docs/101393: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update fdp-primer/sgml-primer to SVN#963
- typo in the first paragraph of the FreeBSD Handbook
d.patrick ford
- freebsd-doc at
liinaazzw at
- You've got an e-card at!
- docs/102460:
ski at
- portupgrade
nix user
- Portupgrade
nix user
- The results of your email commands
omnibook-bounces at
- Installing Matlab 7.0 and Femlab 3.1
Антон Хохлов
Last message date:
Thu Aug 31 22:42:05 UTC 2006
Archived on: Wed Oct 10 20:41:44 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).