docs/101391: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/multimedia to SVN#963
chinsan at
Sat Aug 5 04:40:24 UTC 2006
>Number: 101391
>Category: docs
>Synopsis: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/multimedia to SVN#963
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-doc
>State: open
>Class: update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sat Aug 05 04:40:18 GMT 2006
>Originator: chinsan
>Release: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE i386
FreeBSD Taiwan
System: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #1: Fri Jun 2 16:44:35 CST 2006 root at i386
- Update handbook/multimedia to SVN#963
(patch URL )
- ChangeLog (Trac Timeline)
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060805_4.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN zh_TW.Big5.orig/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml
--- zh_TW.Big5.orig/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml Mon Jul 3 23:53:46 2006
+++ zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.sgml Sat Aug 5 12:26:48 2006
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
- <contrib>Enhanced for &os; 5.X by </contrib>
+ <contrib>¥[±j &os; 5.X ªº¤º®e¡G</contrib>
<!-- 13 September 2004 -->
@@ -123,35 +123,31 @@
<indexterm><primary>sound cards</primary></indexterm>
<para>¶}©l³]©w¤§«e¡A¥²¶·¥ýª¾¹D§Aªºµ®Ä¥d«¬¸¹¡B´¹¤ù¬°¦ó¡A¥H¤Î¬O PCI ©Î ISA ³W®æ¡C
- FreeBSD ¦³¤ä´©³\¦hºØªº PCI¡BISA µ®Ä¥d¡A
- Check the supported audio devices list of the <ulink
- url="&rel.current.hardware;">Hardware Notes</ulink> to see if
- your card is supported. This document will also mention which
- driver supports your card.</para>
+ FreeBSD ¦³¤ä´©³\¦hºØªº PCI¡BISA µ®Ä¥d¡A½ÐÀˬd¤ä´©ªºµ®ÄµwÅéªí <ulink
+ url="&rel.current.hardware;">Hardware Notes</ulink>¡A¥H½T»{§Aªºµ®Ä¥d¬O§_¤ä´©¡C
+ ¥»¤å¤]·|´£¨ì¬Û¹ïÀ³¸Ó¥dªºÅX°Êµ{¦¡¡C</para>
- <para>To use your sound device, you will need to load the proper
- device driver. This may be accomplished in one of two ways.
- The easiest way is to simply load a kernel module for your sound
- card with &man.kldload.8; which can either be done from the
- command line:</para>
+ <para>n¨Ï¥Îµ®Ä¥d¡A¥²¶·n¸ü¤J¥¿½TªºÅX°Êµ{¦¡¤~¦æ¡C¦³¨âºØ¤è¦¡³£¥i¥H§¹¦¨³o°Ê§@¡A
+ ³Ì²³æ¤è¦¡´N¬O¥H &man.kldload.8; ¨Ó»´ÃP¸ü¤J kernel °ÊºA¼Ò²Õ(module)¡A
+ ¹³¬O¤U¦C«ü¥O¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>kldload snd_emu10k1</userinput></screen>
- <para>or by adding the appropriate line to the file
- <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename> like this:</para>
+ <para>©ÎªÌ§â¬ÛÃöÅX°Êµ{¦¡¥[¨ì
+ <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename> ÀÉ¡A¹³¬O¡G</para>
- <para>These examples are for a Creative &soundblaster; Live! sound
- card. Other available loadable sound modules are listed in
- <filename>/boot/defaults/loader.conf</filename>.
- If you are not sure which driver to use, you may try to load
- the <filename>snd_driver</filename> module:</para>
+ <para>¤W±¨Ò¤l¬Oµ¹ Creative &soundblaster; Live! µ®Ä¥d¨Ï¥Îªº¡C
+ ¨ä¥L¥i¥Îªºµ®Ä¥dÅX°Êµ{¦¡¼Ò²Õ¡A¥i°Ñ¦Ò
+ <filename>/boot/defaults/loader.conf</filename> ½d¨Ò¡C
+ Y¤£½T©w¨ì©³¸Ó¥Îþ¤@ºØÅX°Êµ{¦¡¡A¨º»ò¥i¥H¸Õ¸Õ¸ü¤J <filename>snd_driver</filename>
+ ¼Ò²Õ¬Ý¬Ý¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>kldload snd_driver</userinput></screen>
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060805_4.diff ends here ---
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