docs/93522: [patch] use rc.d script in example describing how to restart mountd in nework-servers chapter

Daniel Gerzo danger at
Mon Aug 28 09:07:56 UTC 2006

Hello Giorgos,

Monday, August 28, 2006, 7:43:23 AM, you wrote:

> I think it is better to use either "mountd must be ..." or "The mountd
> daemon must be...", but not what starts the newly added stuff above.

> The order of the first sentence is slightly untasteful (the result
> (having to restart mountd) precedes its cause (a change in the
> /etc/exports file)).

> The use of "it" is also a bit confusing.  Does "it" refer to mountd or
> to the file?

HEY, isn't this PR already closed? ;-))

> Maybe we can use something like this?

> +   <para>Every time a change is applied to the
> +     <filename>/etc/exports</filename> file, the
> +     <application>mountd</application> daemon must be forced to
> +     recheck this file for changes.  This can be accomplished by
> +     invoking the <command>mountd</command> &man.rc.8; script
> +     with the appropriate parameter:</para>
> +
> +   <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>/etc/rc.d/mountd reload</userinput></screen>
> +
> +   <para>Please refer to <xref linkend="configtuning-rcd"> for
> +     more information about using <quote>rc scripts</quote>,
> +     like <filename>/etc/rc.d/mountd</filename>.</para>

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:danger at

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