docs/101392: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/ports to SVN#963
chinsan at
Sat Aug 5 04:50:15 UTC 2006
>Number: 101392
>Category: docs
>Synopsis: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update handbook/ports to SVN#963
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-doc
>State: open
>Class: update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sat Aug 05 04:50:12 GMT 2006
>Originator: chinsan
>Release: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE i386
FreeBSD Taiwan
System: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #1: Fri Jun 2 16:44:35 CST 2006 root at i386
- Update handbook/ports to SVN#963
(patch URL
- ChangeLog (Trac Timeline)
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060805_5.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN zh_TW.Big5.orig/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml
--- zh_TW.Big5.orig/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml Thu Jul 20 14:27:17 2006
+++ zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml Sat Aug 5 12:26:55 2006
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
<para>¨Æ¹ê¤W¡Aports ¾÷¨îÁÙ¥i¥H¥Î¨Ó²£¥Í packages¡A¥H«K¥L¤H¥i¥H¥Î
<command>pkg_add</command> ¨Ó¦w¸Ë¡A©Î¬Oµy«á·|¤¶²Ð¨ìªº¨ä¥L®M¥óºÞ²z«ü¥O¡C</para>
- <para>¦Ó packages ¥H¤Î ports ¥¦Ì³£¬O¤@¼Ë¡A³£·|»{ <emphasis>dependencies(³nÅé¬Û¨ÌÃö«Y)</emphasis>¡C
+ <para>¦Ó packages ¥H¤Î ports ¥¦Ì³£¬O¤@¼Ë·|»{ <emphasis>dependencies(³nÅé¬Û¨ÌÃö«Y)</emphasis>¡C
¦Ó¦b FreeBSD ªº port ¥H¤Î package ³£¦³³oµ{¦¡¥H¤Î¸Ó¨ç¦¡®w¤F¡C
©Ò¥HµL½×¬O¥Î <command>pkg_add</command> «ü¥O©ÎªÌ port ¤è¦¡¨Ó¸Ë¸Óµ{¦¡¡A
@@ -237,33 +237,26 @@
- <para>If you know the exact name of the port, but just need to
- find out which category it is in, you can use the
- &man.whereis.1; command.
- Simply type <command>whereis
- <replaceable>file</replaceable></command>, where
- <replaceable>file</replaceable> is the program you want to
- install. If it is found on your system, you will be told
- where it is, as follows:</para>
+ <para>Yª¾¹D¸Ó port ªº¥¿½T¦WºÙ¡A¦ý¤£ª¾¹D©ñ¦bþÓ¤ÀÃþ¥Ø¿ý¡A
+ ¥i¥H¥Î &man.whereis.1; «ü¥O¨Ó§ä¥X¨Ó¡C
+ ¥un¥´ <command>whereis
+ <replaceable>file</replaceable></command> §Y¥i¡A¦Ó
+ <replaceable>file</replaceable> ªº¦a¤è½Ð§ï¬°·Q¸Ëªº³nÅé¦WºÙ¡C
+ Y§ä¨ì¸Ó³nÅé¡A´N·|§i¶D§A¡A´N¹³¤U±³o¼Ë¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>whereis lsof</userinput>
lsof: /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof</screen>
- <para>This tells us that <command>lsof</command> (a system
- utility) can be found in the
- <filename>/usr/ports/sysutils/lsof</filename>
- directory.</para></listitem>
+ <para>¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó¡A´N·|ª¾¹D <command>lsof</command> (¨t²Î¤u¨ãµ{¦¡) ¬O©ñ¦b
+ <filename>/usr/ports/sysutils/lsof</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¡C</para></listitem>
- <para>Yet another way to find a particular port is by using the
- Ports Collection's built-in search mechanism. To use the
- search feature, you will need to be in the
- <filename>/usr/ports</filename> directory. Once in that
- directory, run <command>make search
- name=<replaceable>program-name</replaceable></command> where
- <replaceable>program-name</replaceable> is the name of the
- program you want to find. For example, if you were looking
- for <command>lsof</command>:</para>
+ <para>ÁÙ¦³¥t¤@©Û¡A´N¬O¥Î Ports Collection ¥»¨¤º«Øªº·j´M¾÷¨î¡C
+ n¥Îªº®ÉÔ¡A½Ð¥ý¤Á´«¨ì <filename>/usr/ports</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¡C
+ µM«á¡A¥´ <command>make search
+ name=<replaceable>program-name</replaceable></command>¡A¨ä¤¤
+ <replaceable>program-name</replaceable> ½Ð§ï¬°·Q§äªº³nÅé¦WºÙ¡C
+ Á|¨Ò¨Ó»¡¡AYn§äªº¬O <command>lsof</command> ªº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò´N¬O¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports</userinput>
&prompt.root; <userinput>make search name=lsof</userinput>
@@ -275,23 +268,19 @@
R-deps: </screen>
- <para>The part of the output you want to pay particular
- attention to is the <quote>Path:</quote> line, since that
- tells you where to find the port. The other information
- provided is not needed in order to install the port, so it
- will not be covered here.</para>
- <para>For more in-depth searching you can also use <command>make
- search key=<replaceable>string</replaceable></command> where
- <replaceable>string</replaceable> is some text to search for.
- This searches port names, comments, descriptions and
- dependencies and can be used to find ports which relate to a
- particular subject if you do not know the name of the program
- you are looking for.</para>
- <para>In both of these cases, the search string is case-insensitive.
- Searching for <quote>LSOF</quote> will yield the same results as
- searching for <quote>lsof</quote>.</para>
+ <para>³o¨Ç·j´Mµ²ªG¤¤¡Anª`·Nªº¬O <quote>Path:</quote> ³o¦æ¡A
+ ¦]¬°³o¦æ·|§i¶D§A¥i¥H¦bþÃä§ä¨ì¸Ó port¡C
+ ¦Ó·j´Mµ²ªGªº¨ä¥L³¡¤À¡A¦]¬°»P port ¦w¸Ë¸ûµLÃö«Y¡A©Ò¥H³o¸Ì´N¤£Á¿¤F¡C</para>
+ <para>Yn§ó¹ý©³ªº·j´M¡A¨º»ò¥i¥H§ï¥Î <command>make
+ search key=<replaceable>string</replaceable></command>¡A¨ä¤¤
+ <replaceable>string</replaceable> ½Ð§ï¬°·Q·j´MªºÃöÁä¦r¡C
+ ¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó·|§ä port ¦WºÙ¡B³nÅ鲤¶(comments)¡B³nÅé±ÔzÀÉ(descriptions)
+ ¥H¤Î³nÅé¬Û¨ÌÃö«Y(dependencies)¸Ì±¬O§_¦³²Å¦XÃöÁä¦r¡A
+ ¦¹¥~¡A¤£²M·¡³nÅé¦WºÙªº¸Ü¡A¤]¥i¥H®³¨Ó§ä¦³²Å¦XÃöÁä¦r¥DÃDªº port¡C</para>
+ <para>èÁ¿ªº³o¨âºØ¤è¦¡¡A·j´M¦r²´³£¬O case-insensitive(¤£¥²°Ï¤À¤j¤p¼g)¡C
+ ¤ñ¦p¡A·j´M <quote>LSOF</quote> »P <quote>lsof</quote> ¨âªÌµ²ªG³£·|¬O¤@¼Ëªº¡C</para>
@@ -351,71 +340,52 @@
&prompt.root; <userinput>pkg_add <replaceable>lsof-4.56.4.tgz</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- <para>If you do not have a source of local packages (such as a
- FreeBSD CD-ROM set) then it will probably be easier to use the
- <option>-r</option> option to &man.pkg.add.1;. This will
- cause the utility to automatically determine the correct
- object format and release and then fetch and install the
- package from an FTP site.
+ <para>Y¤âÃä¨S¦³ package ¨Ó·½(¹³¬O FreeBSD ¥úºÐ)ªº¸Ü¡A
+ ¨º»ò«Øij¨Ï¥Î &man.pkg.add.1; ®É¡A¥[¤W <option>-r</option>
+ ¿ï¶µ¨Ó§ó»´ÃP¦w¸Ë package¡C¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó¡A´N·|¦Û°Ê§PÂ_¥¿½Tªº package ®æ¦¡¡B
+ ¥H¤Î©Ò·f°tªº§@·~¨t²Î release ª©¥»¡A
+ µM«á·|¦Û¤v±q FTP ¯¸§ì¦^¡B¦w¸Ë¬Û¹ïÀ³ªº package¡C
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pkg_add -r <replaceable>lsof</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- <para>The example above would download the correct package and
- add it without any further user intervention.
- If you want to specify an alternative &os; Packages Mirror,
- instead of the main distribution site, you have to set
- <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar> accordingly, to
- override the default settings. &man.pkg.add.1;
- uses &man.fetch.3; to download the files, which honors various
- environment variables, including
- <envar>FTP_PASSIVE_MODE</envar>, <envar>FTP_PROXY</envar>, and
- <envar>FTP_PASSWORD</envar>. You may need to set one or more
- of these if you are behind a firewall, or need to use an
- FTP/HTTP proxy. See &man.fetch.3; for the complete list.
- Note that in the example above
- <literal>lsof</literal> is used instead of
- <literal>lsof-4.56.4</literal>. When the remote fetching
- feature is used, the version number of the package must be
- removed. &man.pkg.add.1; will automatically fetch the latest
- version of the application.</para>
+ <para>¤W±³o¨Ò¤l·|¦Û°Ê¤U¸ü¥¿½Tªº package ¨Ã¦w¸Ë¡C
+ Y·Q§ï´«¥Î¨ä¥L &os; Packages Mirror ¯¸¡A¨º»ò´Nn³]©w <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar> Àô¹ÒÅܼơA
+ ¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó¤~·|¨ú¥N¹w³]³]©w¡C &man.pkg.add.1;
+ ·|¥Î &man.fetch.3; «ü¥O¨Ó¤U¸üÀɮסA¦Ó &man.fetch.3; ¥»¨«h·|¨Ï¥Î¬ÛÃöÀô¹ÒÅܼƪº³]©w¡A
+ ¹³¬O¡G
+ <envar>FTP_PASSIVE_MODE</envar>¡B<envar>FTP_PROXY</envar> ¥H¤Î
+ <envar>FTP_PASSWORD</envar>¡C ¦pªG§Aºô¸ôÀô¹Ò³B©ó firewall «á±¡A©ÎªÌ»Ýn¥Î
+ FTP/HTTP proxy ªº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò´N»Ýn³]©w¡C ³]©w²Ó¸`½Ð°Ñ¾\ &man.fetch.3;¡C
+ ½Ðª`·N¡G¤W±©Ò»¡ªº¨Ò¤l¬O¼g <literal>lsof</literal> ¦Ó«D
+ <literal>lsof-4.56.4</literal>¡C ·í¨Ï¥Î»·ºÝ§ì¨ú¥\¯à®É¡A¸Ó package ª©¸¹´N¤£¥²¥[¤W¥h¤F¡C
+ &man.pkg.add.1; ·|¦Û°Ê¤U¸ü¸Ó³nÅ骺³Ì·sª©¦^¨Ó¦w¸Ë¡C</para>
- <para>&man.pkg.add.1; will download the latest version of
- your application if you are using &os.current; or
- &os.stable;. If you run a -RELEASE version, it will grab
- the version of the package that was built with your
- release. It is possible to change this behavior by
- overriding the <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar> environment
- variable. For example, if you run a &os; 5.4-RELEASE
- system, by default &man.pkg.add.1; will try to fetch
- packages from
- <literal></literal>.
- If you want to force &man.pkg.add.1; to download
- &os; 5-STABLE packages, set <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar>
- to
- <literal></literal>.
+ <para>Y¥Îªº¬O &os.current; ©Î &os.stable; ªº¸Ü¡A&man.pkg.add.1;
+ ·|¦Û°Ê¤U¸ü¸Ó³nÅé³Ì·sª©¦^¨Ó¡C
+ Y¥Îªº¬OÄÝ©ó -RELEASE ª©¥»¡A¨º»ò¥L·|§ì¦^ÄÝ©ó¸Ó release ¤W©Ò½sĶªº package¡C
+ ¤]¥i¥H§ó§ï <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar> Àô¹ÒÅܼơA¥H§ïÅܤU¸ü¤è¦¡¡C
+ Á|¨Ò¨Ó»¡¡A¦pªG¬O &os; 5.4-RELEASE ªº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò &man.pkg.add.1; ¹w³]·|±q
+ <literal></literal>
+ ¨Ó§ì package¡CYn±j¨î &man.pkg.add.1; ¤U¸ü &os; 5-STABLE ©Ò¥Îªº package
+ ¡A¨º»ò´N§â <envar>PACKAGESITE</envar> §ï³]¬°
+ <literal></literal>§Y¥i¡C
- <para>Package files are distributed in <filename>.tgz</filename>
- and <filename>.tbz</filename> formats. You can find them at <ulink
- url=""></ulink>,
- or on the FreeBSD CD-ROM distribution. Every CD on the
- FreeBSD 4-CD set (and the PowerPak, etc.) contains packages
- in the <filename>/packages</filename> directory. The layout
- of the packages is similar to that of the
- <filename>/usr/ports</filename> tree. Each category has its
- own directory, and every package can be found within the
- <filename>All</filename> directory.
+ <para>Package Àɦ³ <filename>.tgz</filename> ¥H¤Î <filename>.tbz</filename> ¨âºØ®æ¦¡¡C
+ ³o¨Ç³£¥i³z¹L <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>¡A©ÎªÌ FreeBSd ¥úºÐ¤º¨ú±o¡C
+ Every CD on the
+ FreeBSD 4 ¥úºÐ®M¥ó¤º¥H¤Î PowerPak(«Â¤O¥]) µ¥µ¥..¨C¤@¤ù¥úºÐ³£·|¦b <filename>/packages</filename>
+ ¥Ø¿ý¤º©ñ package¡C¸Ì±ªº¥Ø¿ý¬[ºcÃþ¦ü <filename>/usr/ports</filename> ªº¥Ø¿ý¬[ºc¡C
+ ¨CÓ¤ÀÃþ³£¦U¦Û¦³±MÄݥؿý¡A¥B¨C¥÷ package ³£·|©ñ¦b <filename>All</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¤º¡C
- <para>The directory structure of the package system matches the
- ports layout; they work with each other to form the entire
- package/port system.
- </para>
+ <para>package ¥Ø¿ý¬[ºc»P port ªº³£¤@P¡F¥¦Ì¦@¦Pºc¦¨¾ãÓ package/port ¨t²Î¾÷¨î¡C</para>
@@ -426,9 +396,7 @@
- <para>&; is a utility that lists and describes
- the various packages installed.
- </para>
+ <para>&; ¥i¥Î¨Ó¦C¥X©Ò¦³¤w¦w¸Ëªº³nÅé¡B³nÅ鲤¶¡C</para>
@@ -437,9 +405,8 @@
cvsup-16.1 A general network file distribution system optimized for CV
docbook-1.2 Meta-port for the different versions of the DocBook DTD
- <para>&man.pkg.version.1; is a utility that summarizes the
- versions of all installed packages. It compares the package
- version to the current version found in the ports tree.
+ <para>&man.pkg.version.1; «h¬O¦C¥X©Ò¦³¤w¦w¸Ëªº³nÅ骩¥»¡C
+ ¥¦·|Åã¥Ü¤w¸Ëª©¥»¥H¤Î¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ªºª©¥»®t²§¡C
@@ -449,9 +416,7 @@
docbook =
- <para>The symbols in the second column indicate the relative age
- of the installed version and the version available in the
- local ports tree.</para>
+ <para>²Ä¤GÄ檺²Å¸¹ªí¥Ü¡G¤w¦w¸Ëªº³nÅ骩¥»»P¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ªºª©¥»®t²§¡C</para>
<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
<tgroup cols="2">
@@ -464,27 +429,22 @@
- <entry>=</entry> <entry>The version of the
- installed package matches the one found in the
- local ports tree.</entry>
+ <entry>=</entry> <entry>¤w¸Ëªºª©¥»»P¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ªºª©¥»¬O¦P¤@ª©ªº¡C
+ </entry>
- <entry>The installed version is older than the one available
- in the ports tree.</entry>
+ <entry>»P¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ª©¥»¬Û¤ñ°_¨Ó¡A¤w¸Ëªºª©¥»¸û¡C</entry>
- <row><entry>></entry><entry>The installed version is newer
- than the one found in the local ports tree. (The local ports
- tree is probably out of date.)</entry></row>
- <row><entry>?</entry><entry>The installed package cannot be
- found in the ports index. (This can happen, for instance, if an
- installed port is removed from the Ports Collection or
- renamed.)</entry></row>
+ <row><entry>></entry><entry>»P¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ª©¥»¬Û¤ñ°_¨Ó¡A
+ ¤w¸Ëªºª©¥»¸û·s¡C(¥i¯à¬O¥Ø«e¾÷¾¹¤W port tree ©|¥¼§ó·s¡C)</entry></row>
+ <row><entry>?</entry><entry>¤w¸Ëªº³nÅé¦b ports ¯Á¤Þ¤º§äµL¬ÛÃö¸ê®Æ¡C
+ (³q±`¥i¯à¬O¡AÁ|¨Ò¨Ó»¡¡G¤w¦w¸Ëªº¸Ó port ¤w±q Ports Collection ¤¤²¾°£©Î§ï¦W¤F¡C)
+ </entry></row>
- <row><entry>*</entry><entry>There are multiple versions of the
- package.</entry></row>
+ <row><entry>*</entry><entry>¸Ó³nÅé¦P®É¦³³\¦hª©¥»¡C</entry></row>
@@ -557,41 +517,37 @@
<replaceable></replaceable> ½Ð§ï¦¨Â÷§A¤ñ¸ûªñ(§Ö)ªº
- <application>CVSup</application> Server¡C
+ <application>CVSup</application> ¥D¾÷¡C
³o³¡¤À¥i¥H°Ñ¾\§¹¾ãªº <link linkend="cvsup-mirrors">CVSup mirror</link> ¯¸¦Cªí(<xref
- <para>One may want to use his own
- <filename>ports-supfile</filename>, for example to avoid
- the need of passing the <application>CVSup</application>
- server on the command line.</para>
+ <para>Y·Q§ï¥Î¦Û¤v³]ªº
+ <filename>ports-supfile</filename>¡A¤ñ¦p»¡¡A¤£·Q¨C¦¸³£±o¥´«ü¥O¨Ó«ü©w©Ò¨Ï¥Îªº
+ <application>CVSup</application> ¥D¾÷¡C</para>
- <para>In this case, as <username>root</username>, copy
+ <para>³oºØ±¡ªp¤U¡A½Ð¥H <username>root</username> Åv§â
- to a new location, such as
- <filename>/root</filename> or your home
- directory.</para>
+ ½Æ»s¨ì¨ä¥L¦ì¸m¡A¤ñ¦p
+ <filename>/root</filename> ©ÎªÌ¦Û¤v±b¸¹ªº®a¥Ø¿ý¡C</para>
- <para>Edit <filename>ports-supfile</filename>.</para>
+ <para>קï·sªº <filename>ports-supfile</filename> ÀÉ¡C</para>
- <para>Change
+ <para>§â
- to a <application>CVSup</application> server near
- you. See <link linkend="cvsup-mirrors">CVSup
- Mirrors</link> (<xref linkend="cvsup-mirrors">) for
- a complete listing of mirror sites.</para>
+ §ï¬°Â÷§A¤ñ¸ûªñ(§Ö)ªº <application>CVSup</application> ¥D¾÷¡C
+ ³o³¡¤À¥i¥H°Ñ¾\§¹¾ãªº <link linkend="cvsup-mirrors">CVSup
+ Mirrors</link> (<xref linkend="cvsup-mirrors">) ¯¸¦Cªí</para>
- <para>And now to run <command>cvsup</command>, use the
- following:</para>
+ <para>µM«á´N¶}©l¥HÃþ¦ü¤U¦C«ü¥O¶] <command>cvsup</command>¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cvsup -L 2 <replaceable>/root/ports-supfile</replaceable></userinput></screen>
@@ -600,52 +556,47 @@
- <para>Running the &man.cvsup.1; command later will download and apply all
- the recent changes to your Ports Collection, except
- actually rebuilding the ports for your own system.</para>
+ <para>°õ¦æ &man.cvsup.1; ¤§«á¡A´N·|¶}©l§ó·s Ports Collection¡C
+ ¤£¹L³o°Ê§@¥u¬O¡y§ó·s¡z¨Ã¤£¬O¡y¤É¯Å¡z¡A¤£·|§â¤w¸Ëªº³nÅé«·s½sĶ¡B¤É¯Å¡C</para>
<title>Portsnap ¤è¦¡</title>
- <para>&man.portsnap.8; is an alternative system for distributing the
- Ports Collection. It was first included in &os; 6.0. On older
- systems, you can install it from <filename
- role="package">sysutils/portsnap</filename> port:</para>
+ <para>&man.portsnap.8; ¤]¬O§ó·s Ports Collection ªº¤è¦¡¤§¤@¡C
+ &os; 6.0 °_¶}©l¤º«Ø Portsnap ¾÷¨î¡A¦Ó¸ûªº¨t²Î¡A«h¥i³z¹L <filename
+ role="package">sysutils/portsnap</filename> port ¨Ó¦w¸Ë¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pkg_add -r portsnap</userinput></screen>
- <para>Please refer to <link linkend="portsnap">Using Portsnap</link>
- for a detailed description of all <application>Portsnap</application>
- features.</para>
+ <para><application>Portsnap</application> ²Ó¸`¥\¯à¡A½Ð°Ñ¾\
+ <link linkend="portsnap">Portsnap ¨Ï¥Î½g</link>¡C</para>
- <para>Create an empty directory <filename
- role="directory">/usr/ports</filename> if it does not exists.</para>
+ <para>Y <filename
+ role="directory">/usr/ports</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¤£¦s¦bªº¸Ü¡A´N«Ø¥ß¤@¤U§a¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir /usr/ports</userinput></screen>
- <para>Download a compressed snapshot of the Ports Collection into
- <filename role="directory">/var/db/portsnap</filename>. You can
- disconnect from the Internet after this step, if you wish.</para>
+ <para>±µ¤U¨Ó¡A¤U¸üÀ£ÁYªº Ports Collection ©w´Á§ó·sÀɨì
+ <filename role="directory">/var/db/portsnap</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¡C
+ §¹¦¨¤U¸ü«á¡AnÂ_½u»P§_³£¥i¥H¡C</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>portsnap fetch</userinput></screen>
- <para>If you are running <application>Portsnap</application> for the
- first time, extract the snapshot into <filename
- role="directory">/usr/ports</filename>:
+ <para>Y¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¶] <application>Portsnap</application> ªº¸Ü¡A«h»Ýn¥ý¸ÑÀ£¨ì <filename
+ role="directory">/usr/ports</filename>¡G
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>portsnap extract</userinput></screen>
- <para>If you already have a populated <filename
- role="directory">/usr/ports</filename> and you are just updating,
- run the following command instead:</para>
+ <para>Y¤w¦³ <filename
+ role="directory">/usr/ports</filename> ¦Ó¥B¥u¬O·Q§ó·s¦Ó¤w¡A¨º»ò´N·Ó¤U±§@¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>portsnap update</userinput></screen>
@@ -655,55 +606,51 @@
<title>Sysinstall ¤è¦¡</title>
- <para>This method involves using <application>sysinstall</application>
- to install the Ports Collection from the installation media. Note
- that the old copy of Ports Collection from the date of the release
- will be installed. If you have Internet access, you should always
- use one of the methods mentioned above.</para>
+ <para>³o¤è¦¡n¥Î <application>sysinstall</application> ³z¹L¦w¸Ë¨Ó·½¨Ó¸Ë Ports Collection¡C
+ ½Ðª`·N¡G©Ò¦w¸Ëªº Ports Collection ª©¥»¥u¬O¸Ó release µo§G®Éªºª©¥»¦Ó¤w¡A¦Ó«D³Ì·s¡C
+ Y¯à¤Wºô(Internet)ªº¸Ü¡A½Ð¨Ï¥Î¤Wz¤è¦¡¤§¤@·|¤ñ¸û¦n¡C</para>
- <para>As <username>root</username>, run
- <command>sysinstall</command>
- (<command>/stand/sysinstall</command> in &os;
- versions older than 5.2) as shown below:</para>
+ <para>¥H <username>root</username> Åv°õ¦æ
+ <command>sysinstall</command>
+ (¦b &os; 5.2 ¤§«eª©¥»«h¬O <command>/stand/sysinstall</command>)¡A¤è¦¡¦p¤U¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysinstall</userinput></screen>
- <para>Scroll down and select <guimenuitem>Configure</guimenuitem>,
- press <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para>
+ <para>½Ð¥H¤è¦VÁä²¾°Ê¿ï¾Ü¶µ¥Ø¡A¿ï¾Ü <guimenuitem>Configure</guimenuitem>¡AµM«á«ö
+ <keycap>Enter</keycap> Áä¡C</para>
- <para>Scroll down and select
- <guimenuitem>Distributions</guimenuitem>, press
- <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para>
+ <para>¿ï¾Ü
+ <guimenuitem>Distributions</guimenuitem>¡AµM«á«ö
+ <keycap>Enter</keycap> Áä¡C</para>
- <para>Scroll down to <guimenuitem>ports</guimenuitem>, press
- <keycap>Space</keycap>.</para>
+ <para>¿ï¾Ü <guimenuitem>ports</guimenuitem>¡AµM«á«ö
+ <keycap>Space</keycap> Áä¡C</para>
- <para>Scroll up to <guimenuitem>Exit</guimenuitem>, press
- <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para>
+ <para>¿ï <guimenuitem>Exit</guimenuitem>¡AµM«á«ö
+ <keycap>Enter</keycap> Áä¡C</para>
- <para>Select your desired installation media, such as CDROM,
- FTP, and so on.</para>
+ <para>¿ï¾Ün¥Îªº¦w¸Ë¨Ó·½¡A¤ñ¦p¡GCDROM(¥úºÐ)¡BFTP µ¥¤è¦¡¡C</para>
- <para>Scroll up to <guimenuitem>Exit</guimenuitem> and press
- <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para>
+ <para>¿ï <guimenuitem>Exit</guimenuitem>¡AµM«á«ö
+ <keycap>Enter</keycap> Áä¡C</para>
- <para>Press <keycap>X</keycap> to exit
- <application>sysinstall</application>.</para>
+ <para>«ö¤U <keycap>X</keycap> Áä´N¥iÂ÷¶}
+ <application>sysinstall</application> µ{¦¡¡C</para>
@@ -715,113 +662,88 @@
- <para>The first thing that should be explained when it comes to
- the Ports Collection is what is actually meant by a
- <quote>skeleton</quote>. In a nutshell, a port skeleton is a
- minimal set of files that tell your FreeBSD system how to
- cleanly compile and install a program. Each port skeleton
- includes:</para>
+ <para>´£¨ì Ports Collection¡Aº¥ýn¥ý»¡©úªº¬O¡G¦ó¿× <quote>skeleton</quote>¡C
+ ²³æ¨ÓÁ¿¡Aport skeleton ´N¬OÅý³nÅé¦p¦ó¦b FreeBSD ¶¶§Q½sĶ¡B¦w¸Ëªº³Ì°ò¥»ÀɮײզX¡C
+ ¨C¥÷ port skeleton °ò¥»¤W·|¦³¡G</para>
- <para>A <filename>Makefile</filename>. The
- <filename>Makefile</filename> contains various statements
- that specify how the application should be compiled and
- where it should be installed on your system.</para>
+ <para><filename>Makefile</filename> ÀÉ¡C
+ ³oÓ <filename>Makefile</filename> ¤º®e¦³¤À³\¦h³¡¤À¡A
+ ¬O¥Î¨Ó«ü©wn¦p¦ó½sĶ¡A¥H¤Î¸Ó¸Ë¦b¨t²Îªº¦ó³B¡C</para>
- <para>A <filename>distinfo</filename> file. This file
- contains information about the files that must be
- downloaded to build the port and their checksums, to
- verify that files have not been corrupted during the
- download using &man.md5.1;.</para>
+ <para><filename>distinfo</filename> ÀÉ¡C
+ ½sĶ¸Ó³nÅé©Ò»Ý¤U¸üªºÀɮסBchecksum(ÀËÅçÀÉ®×¥Î)³£·|°O¿ý¦b³oÀÉ¡A
+ ¨Ã·|¥Î &man.md5.1; ¬ÛÃö¤u¨ã¨Ó½T«O©Ò¤U¸üªºÀɮ׬O¥¿½TµL»~ªº¡C</para>
- <para>A <filename>files</filename> directory. This
- directory contains patches to make the program compile and
- install on your FreeBSD system. Patches are basically
- small files that specify changes to particular files.
- They are in plain text format, and basically say
- <quote>Remove line 10</quote> or <quote>Change line 26 to
- this ...</quote>. Patches are also known as
- <quote>diffs</quote> because they are generated by the
- &man.diff.1; program.</para>
+ <para><filename>files</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¡C ³o¥Ø¿ý©ñªº¬OÅý³nÅ饿±`½sĶ¡B¦w¸Ëªº patch ÀÉ¡C
+ Patches ÀÉ°ò¥»¤W¬O¤@¨Ç¤pÀɮסA¨Ã°w¹ï¯S©wÀɮרӰµ×§ï¡A¥B¬O¯Â¤å¦rÀɮ榡¡A
+ °ò¥»¤W¤º®e³q±`·|¹³¬O <quote>Remove line 10(§R°£²Ä 10 ¦æ)</quote> ©Î
+ <quote>Change line 26 to this ...(§â²Ä 26 ¦æ§ï¬°...)</quote> ¤§Ãþªº¡C
+ ³o¨Ç Patches ³q±`¤]ºÙ¬° <quote>diffs</quote>
+ ¡A¦]¬°³£¬O¥Ñ &man.diff.1; µ{¦¡©Ò²£¥Íªº¡C</para>
- <para>This directory may also contain other files used to build
- the port.</para>
+ <para>¦¹¥~¡A¥»¥Ø¿ý¤]¥i¯à·|©ñ¤@¨Ç¨ó§U½sĶ¸Ó port ªºÀɮסC</para>
- <para>A <filename>pkg-descr</filename> file. This is a more
- detailed, often multiple-line, description of the program.</para>
+ <para><filename>pkg-descr</filename> ÀÉ¡A¤º®e¬O¤ñ¸û¸Ô²Óªº³nÅ餶²Ð¡A³q±`·|¼g±o¤ñ¸û¦h¦æ¡C</para>
- <para>A <filename>pkg-plist</filename> file. This is a list
- of all the files that will be installed by the port. It
- also tells the ports system what files to remove upon
- deinstallation.</para>
+ <para><filename>pkg-plist</filename> ÀÉ¡A¸Ó port ·|¦w¸Ëªº©Ò¦³ÀɮײM³æ¡C
+ ¤]¬O§i¶D¨t²Î¦b²¾°£¸Ó port ®É¡A»Ýn§R°£þ¨ÇÀɮסC</para>
- <para>Some ports have other files, such as
- <filename>pkg-message</filename>. The ports system uses these
- files to handle special situations. If you want more details
- on these files, and on ports in general, check out the <ulink
+ <para>¦³¨Ç port ÁÙ·|¦³¨ä¥LÀɮסA¹³¬O <filename>pkg-message</filename> ÀÉ¡C
+ port ¨t²Î¦b¤@¨Ç±¡ªp®É¡A·|¥Î³o¨ÇÀɮסC
+ ¦pªG·Qª¾¹D³o¨ÇÀɮתº§ó¦h²Ó¸`¥Î³~¡A¥H¤Î port ¤@¯ë¥Îªk¡A½Ð°Ñ¾\ <ulink
url="&url.books.porters-handbook;/index.html">FreeBSD Porter's
- Handbook</ulink>.</para>
+ Handbook</ulink>¡C</para>
- <para>The port includes instructions on how to build source
- code, but does not include the actual source code. You can
- get the source code from a CD-ROM or from the Internet.
- Source code is distributed in whatever manner the software
- author desires. Frequently this is a tarred and gzipped file,
- but it might be compressed with some other tool or even
- uncompressed. The program source code, whatever form it comes
- in, is called a <quote>distfile</quote>. The two methods for
- installing a &os; port are described below.</para>
+ <para>port ¤º¼gªº¬O§i¶D¨t²Î¦p¦ó½sĶ source code ªº¬ÛÃö«ü¥O¡A¦ý¨Ã¤£¬O¯u¥¿ªº source code¡C
+ ¦Ó source code ¥i¥H±q¥úºÐ©Îºô¸ô(Internet)¨Ó¨ú±o¡A
+ ¸Ó³nÅé¶}µoªÌ¥i¯à·|§â source code ¥H¦UºØ®æ¦¡¨Óµo§G¡C
+ ³q±`¬O¥H tar ¥H¤Î gzip ³o¨âªÌ¤u¨ã¤@°_À£ÁYªºÀɮסA¤]¦³¥i¯à¬O¥H¨ä¥L¤u¨ãÀ£ÁY¡A©Î®Ú¥»¨SÀ£ÁY¡C
+ ¦Ó³nÅ骺 source code µL½×¬O¥Hþ¤@ºØÀ£ÁYÀÉ«¬ºA¡A§Ú̳£ºÙ¤§¬° <quote>distfile</quote>¡C
+ ¤U±±N¤¶²Ð¨âºØ¦w¸Ë &os; port ªº¤è¦¡¡C</para>
- <para>You must be logged in as <username>root</username> to
- install ports.</para>
+ <para>n¦w¸Ë port ªº¸Ü¡A½Ð°È¥²¤Á¬° <username>root</username> ¨¥÷¡C</para>
- <para>Before installing any port, you should be sure to have
- an up-to-date Ports Collection and you should check <ulink
- url=""></ulink> for security issues
- related to your port.</para>
- <para>A security vulnerabilities check can be automatically
- done by <application>portaudit</application> before any new
- application installation. This tool can be found in the
- Ports Collection (<filename
- role="package">security/portaudit</filename>). Consider
- running <command>portaudit -F</command> before installing a
- new port, to fetch the current vulnerabilities database. A
- security audit and an update of the database will be
- performed during the daily security system check. For more
- information read the &man.portaudit.1; and &man.periodic.8;
- manual pages.</para>
+ <para>¦b¦w¸Ë¥ô¦ó port ¤§«e¡A½Ð°È¥²½T»{¦³§ó·s Ports Collection ¨ì³Ì·sª©¡A
+ ¦¹¥~½ÐÀ˾\ <ulink
+ url=""></ulink> ¨ÓÀˬd©Òn¸Ëªº port
+ ¬O§_¦³¬ÛÃö¦w¥þº|¬}ijÃD»Ýnª`·Nªº¡C</para>
+ <para><application>portaudit</application> ·|¦b¦w¸Ë¥ô¦ó port ¤§«e¡A
+ ¥ý¦Û°ÊÀˬd¬O§_¦³¬ÛÃö¤wª¾ªº¦w¥þº|¬}¡C³oÓ¤u¨ã¦b Ports Collection ¤º¦³
+ (<filename role="package">security/portaudit</filename>)¡C
+ ¦b¦w¸Ë port ¤§«e¡A¥i¥H¥ý¶] <command>portaudit -F</command> «ü¥O¡A
+ ¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó´N·|§ì³Ì·sªº¸ê¦wº|¬}¸ê®Æ®w¦^¨Ó®Ö¹ï¡C
+ ¨C¤Ñªº¨t²Î©w´Á¦wÀË·|¦Û°Ê§ó·s¸ê®Æ®w¡A¨Ã§@¦w¥þ½]®Ö¡C
+ ¸Ô±¡½Ð°Ñ¾\ &man.portaudit.1; ¥H¤Î &man.periodic.8; ªº½u¤W»¡©ú¡C</para>
- <para>The Ports Collection makes an assumption that you have a working
- Internet connection. If you do not, you will need to put a copy of the
- distfile into <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles</filename>
- manually.</para>
+ <para>Ports Collection ·|°²³]§Aªººô¸ô¬O¥i¥¿±`³s½uªº¡C
+ ¦pªG¨S¦³ªº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò»Ý¤â°Ê§â©Ò»Ýªº distfile Àɽƻs¨ì
+ <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles</filename> ¤~¦æ¡C</para>
- <para>To begin, change to the directory for the port you want to
- install:</para>
+ <para>¶}©l¾Þ§@¤§«e¡An¥ý¶i¤J¥´ºâ¦w¸Ëªº port ¥Ø¿ý¤º¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof</userinput></screen>
- <para>Once inside the <filename>lsof</filename> directory, you
- will see the port skeleton. The next step is to compile, or
- <quote>build</quote>, the port. This is done by simply
- typing <command>make</command> at the prompt. Once you have
- done so, you should see something like this:</para>
+ <para>¤@¥¹¶i¤J <filename>lsof</filename> ¥Ø¿ý«á¡A´N¥i¥H¬Ý¨ì³oÓ port ªº skeleton µ²ºc¡C
+ ±µ¤U¨Ó¡A´N¬O½sĶ¡A¤]´N¬O <quote>build</quote> ³oÓ port¡C
+ ¥u»Ý²³æ¿é¤J <command>make</command> «ü¥O¡A´N¥i»´ÃP§¹¦¨½sĶ¡C
+ §¹¦¨«á¡AÀ³¸Ó¥i¥H¬Ý¨ìÃþ¦ü¤U±°T®§¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make</userinput>
>> lsof_4.57D.freebsd.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
@@ -843,11 +765,9 @@
- <para>Notice that once the compile is complete you are
- returned to your prompt. The next step is to install the
- port. In order to install it, you simply need to tack one word
- onto the <command>make</command> command, and that word is
- <command>install</command>:</para>
+ <para>½Ðª`·N¡G½sĶ§¹¦¨«á¡A´N·|¦^¨ì´£¥Ü¦C(prompt)¡C±µ¤U¨Ó´N¬O¦w¸Ë¸Ó port ¤F¡A
+ n¸Ëªº¸Ü¡A¥u»Ý¦b쥻ªº <command>make</command> «ü¥O«á±¦A¥[¤W¤@Ó¦r§Y¥i¡A
+ ¨ºÓ¦r´N¬O <command>install</command>¡G</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make install</userinput>
===> Installing for lsof-4.57
@@ -862,42 +782,35 @@
increased privileges.
- <para>Once you are returned to your prompt, you should be able to
- run the application you just installed. Since
- <command>lsof</command> is a
- program that runs with increased privileges, a security
- warning is shown. During the building and installation of
- ports, you should take heed of any other warnings that
- may appear.</para>
- <para>It is a good idea to delete the working subdirectory,
- which contains all the temporary files used during compilation.
- Not only it consumes a valuable disk space, it would also cause
- problems later when upgrading to the newer version of the port.</para>
+ <para>¤@¥¹¦^¨ì´£¥Ü¦C(prompt)¡A´N¥i¥H°õ¦æè¸Ëªºµ{¦¡¤F¡C
+ ¥t¥~¡A¦]¬° <command>lsof</command> ³oµ{¦¡°õ¦æ®É·|¦³ÃB¥~Åv¡A
+ ©Ò¥H·|¥X²{¦w¥þĵ§i¡C¦b½sĶ¡B¦w¸Ë port ªº®ÉÔ¡A
+ ½Ð¯d·N¥ô¦ó¥X²{ªºÄµ§i¡C</para>
+ <para>¦¹¥~¡A«Øij§R°£½sĶ¥Îªº¤u§@¥Ø¿ý(¹w³]¬O <filename>work</filename>)¡A
+ ³o¥Ø¿ý¤º¬°¦b½sĶ¹Lµ{¤¤©Ò¥Î¨ìªº¤@¨ÇÁ{®ÉÀɮסA
+ ³o¨ÇÀɮפ£¥u¦ûµwºÐªÅ¶¡¡A¦Ó¥B¤]¥i¯à·|¦b¸Ó port ¤É¯Å·sª©®É¡A
+ ³y¦¨¤£¥²nªº§xÂZ¡C</para>
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make clean</userinput>
===> Cleaning for lsof-4.57
- <para>You can save an extra step by just running <command>make
- install clean</command> instead of <command>make</command>,
- <command>make install</command> and <command>make clean</command>
- as three separate steps.</para>
+ <para>¥Î <command>make install clean</command> ´N¥i¥H¤@¤f®ð§¹¦¨è©Ò»¡
+ <command>make</command>¡B<command>make install</command>¡B
+ <command>make clean</command> ³o¤TÓ¨BÆJ¤F¡C</para>
- <para>Some shells keep a cache of the commands that are
- available in the directories listed in the
- <envar>PATH</envar> environment variable, to speed up
- lookup operations for the executable file of these
- commands. If you are using one of these shells, you might
- have to use the <command>rehash</command> command after
- installing a port, before the newly installed commands can
- be used. This command will work for shells like
- <command>tcsh</command>. Use the <command>hash -r</command>
- command for shells like <command>sh</command>. Look at the
- documentation for your shell for more information.</para>
+ <para>¦³¨Ç shell ·|¨Ì¾Ú <envar>PATH</envar> Àô¹ÒÅܼƪº¸ô®|¡A
+ §â¨º¨Ç¸ô®|ªº°õ¦æÀÉ cache °_¨Ó¡A¨Ó¥[³t·j´M°õ¦æÀÉ¡C
+ ¦pªG§A¥Îªº¬O³oÃþªº shell¡A¨º»ò¦b¸Ë§¹ port «á»Ýn¥´
+ <command>rehash</command> «ü¥O¡A¤~¯à°õ¦æ·s¸Ëªº°õ¦æÀÉ¡A¦Ó
+ <command>rehash</command> «ü¥O¥i¥H¦b <command>tcsh</command>
+ ¤§Ãþªº shell ¤W¨Ï¥Î¡AY¬O <command>sh</command> ªº¸Ü¡A«h¬O
+ <command>hash -r</command>¡C
+ ¸Ô±¡½Ð°Ñ¾\§A©Ò¨Ï¥Îªº shell ¬ÛÃö¤å¥ó¡C</para>
<para>Some third party DVD-ROM products such as the FreeBSD Toolkit
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060805_5.diff ends here ---
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