docs/101365: [patch] Document DESTDIR support in porters-handbook

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Fri Aug 4 17:00:34 UTC 2006

>Number:         101365
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] Document DESTDIR support in porters-handbook
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Aug 04 17:00:26 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Gabor Kovesdan
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD spitfire 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #0: Sat Jul 29 18:31:18 CEST 2006 gabor at spitfire:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/SPITFIRE i386


Document the recently added DESTDIR support.


--- porters-handbook.diff begins here ---
Index: book.sgml
RCS file: /usr/cvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.740
diff -u -r1.740 book.sgml
--- book.sgml	3 Aug 2006 19:01:34 -0000	1.740
+++ book.sgml	4 Aug 2006 16:49:21 -0000
@@ -3942,6 +3942,18 @@
       <para>There are some more things you have to take into account when you
 	create a port.  This section explains the most common of those.</para>
+      <sect1 id="building-in-jails">
+        <title>Building in jails</title>
+	<para>Note, that the behavior of <makevar>OSVERSION</makevar> has been
+	  changed recently.  Now, it gets the <link
+	   linkend="freebsd-versions"><literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal></link>
+	  from the userland, since it makes more sense for the ports, than the
+	  kernel.  You can still override it, if you really have to get it from
+	  the kernel.</para>
+      </sect1>
       <sect1 id="porting-shlibs">
 	<title>Shared Libraries</title>
@@ -4758,7 +4770,7 @@
-	      <entry>The port installs in <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>, not
+	      <entry>The port installs in <makevar>X11BASE_REL</makevar>, not
@@ -6779,17 +6791,33 @@
       <sect1 id="porting-prefix">
-	<title><makevar>PREFIX</makevar></title>
+	<title><makevar>PREFIX</makevar> and <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar></title>
+	<para>Firstly, you should completely unerstand what these two
+	  variables are for.  <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> determines the
+	  location where all ports should install in the current environemt.
+	  This is usually <filename>/usr/local</filename>, or
+	  <filename>/opt</filename> in other operating systems.   You
+	  can set <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> to everything you want, See the
+	  <a href=">Filesystem Hierarchy
+	  Standard</a> for making a good decision.  <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>
+	  determines the whole environment you want to use the package from.
+	  This environment can be a jail, or an installed system mounted
+	  elsewhere than <filename>/</filename>.  This means a port will
+	  actually install to <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>/<makevar>PREFIX</makevar>,
+	  and registered in the package database of the given environment.
+	  It is very important that you write such ports that respect this,
+	  thus you can find some guidelines below to do so.</para>
 	<para>Do try to make your port install relative to
 	  <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>.  The value of this variable will be set
-	  to <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> (default
+	  to <makevar>LOCALBASE_REL</makevar> (default
 	  <filename>/usr/local</filename>).  If
 	  <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar> or <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar> is
-	  set, <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> will be <makevar>X11BASE</makevar> (default
+	  set, <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> will be <makevar>X11BASE_REL</makevar> (default
 	  <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename>).  If
 	  <makevar>USE_LINUX_PREFIX</makevar> is set, <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>
-	  will be <makevar>LINUXBASE</makevar> (default
+	  will be <makevar>LINUXBASE_REL</makevar> (default
 	<para>Avoiding the hard-coding of <filename>/usr/local</filename> or
@@ -6840,6 +6868,43 @@
 	  <literal>-DPAGER=\"/usr/local/bin/less\"</literal>. This way it will
 	  have a better chance of working if the system administrator has
 	  moved the whole <filename>/usr/local</filename> tree somewhere else.</para>
+	<para>For writing <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>-compliant ports, note that
+	  <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>, <makevar>LINUXBASE</makevar>,
+	  <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>, <makevar>DOCSDIR</makevar>,
+	  <makevar>EXAMPLESDIR</makevar>, <makevar>DATADIR</makevar>, 
+	  <makevar>DESKTOPDIR</makevar> variables already contain
+	  <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>, so
+	  <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>/<makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> is
+	  definitely wrong, but you can use <makevar>LOCALBASE_REL</makevar> if
+	  you need a variable relative to <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>.
+	  Similarly, you can use <makevar>LINUXBASE_REL</makevar> and
+	  <makevar>X11BASE_REL</makevar> variables as well.
+	  <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> is an absolute path. but relative
+	  to <makewar>DESTDIR</makevar>.  If you want to refer to the
+	  fully qualified destination you can use <makevar>TARGETDIR</makevar>,
+	  which resolves to <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>/<makevar>PREFIX</makevar>.</para>
+	<para>You have to use these variables correctly
+	  in your ports <filename>Makefile</filename>, esepecially in
+	  custom targets, to ensure each files are installed to the
+	  corect place.  For dependencies, using <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>
+	  is still correct, since we want to check for dependencies
+	  in <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>.</para>
+	<para>In packing lists, or in <filename>pkg-*</filename> scripts you
+	  can still use <literal>%%LOCALBASE%%</literal>,
+	  <literal>%%LINUXBASE%%</literal> and <literal>%%X11BASE%%</literal>
+	  expansions, since they represent relative paths there.  This ambiguity
+	  can be frustrating at first, but this actually simplifies the process
+	  of writing <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar>-compliant ports.  We did not use to
+	  have <makevar>DESTDIR</makevar> support by our ports infrastructure,
+	  and one of the major goals was to avoid modifying a tons of ports,
+	  so we just changed <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> in the
+	  infrastructure instead of changing that in tons of individual ports.
+	  With a little workaround, <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>,
+	  <makevar>LINUXBASE</makevar> and <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>
+	  are still overrideable, though.</para>
--- porters-handbook.diff ends here ---


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