FreeBSD's minimum memory requirements.

Daniel Gerzo danger at
Mon Aug 28 17:23:51 UTC 2006

Hello Marc,

Monday, August 28, 2006, 6:55:45 PM, you wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 11:28:52AM -0500, Mark Linimon wrote:
>> My own preference would be to either see it in the Handbook, or as a
>> separate (short) article.

> If there is a place where this information is missing it's in the release
> hardware notes, it's an obvious place to look for this sort of
> information.
> If you read
> there's nothing about the minimum amount of RAM.  We should really add
> that information in all next release hardware notes.

I would vote for this option too.

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:danger at

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