September 1998 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Sep 1 00:02:01 PST 1998
Ending: Wed Sep 30 21:57:31 PST 1998
Messages: 228
- Adaptec 2940UW
Jan Mönnich
- IRQ deadlocks
System Administrator
- IRQ deadlocks
System Administrator
- IRQ deadlocks
System Administrator
- Red Hat Linux on Dell PowerEdge 2300
Osma Ahvenlampi
- Red Hat Linux on Dell PowerEdge 2300
Osma Ahvenlampi
- Status of the AIC7890 drivers
Torry Akins
- curious bootup warning/error
Trent Albright
- Dell PowerEdge 2300
Andrew R. Baker
- XConfig for Trident
Masyarakat Peduli Bangsa
- Boot and Supp Images for 7890
- 5.1.0pre10,P2B-DS & BRKADRINT
Eric Berenguier
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Mike Bilow
- Linux with AHA-2940AU die everyday
Mike Bilow
- Problem with WangDAT 3200 at AHA2940 solved!
Bodo Bock
- evaluation is not bigotry
Chris Bondy
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Chris Bondy
- [Fwd: success with ASUS P2B-S (AIC7890) and hints]
Chris Bondy
- CD recording problem (Ricoh drive, Linux)
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Any progress? Any hope? Anyone listening?
Robert G. Brown
- Bigot! (was Re: 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx)
Robert G. Brown
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Robert G. Brown
- 5.1.0_pre8 with no MMAP
Robert G. Brown
- freebsd boot disk
Robert G. Brown
- 5.1.0_pre8 with no MMAP
Robert G. Brown
- 5.1.0_pre10 AND freebsd (latest CAM) fail...
Robert G. Brown
- 2940U2W for Slakware
Robert G. Brown
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Robert G. Brown
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Robert G. Brown
- AIC 7890 question?
Robert G. Brown
- Is the Dell Poweredge 6300 OK with Linux?
Robert G. Brown
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Robert G. Brown
- IRQ deadlocks
Robert G. Brown
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Robert G. Brown
- IRQ deadlocks
Robert G. Brown
- One more 2300 healthy (rats?)
Robert G. Brown
- One more 2300 healthy (rats?)
Robert G. Brown
- IRQ deadlocks
Robert G. Brown
- First test
Robert G. Brown
- Updated Install/Boot Floppies for redhat 5.1
Tom Bylander
- Report : RH5.1 runs on P2B-DS OK !!
Louis Cheung
- success with ASUS P2B-S (AIC7890) and hints
Louis Cheung
- aic7xxx-5.1.0-pre8-2.0.35.patch.gz
Louis Cheung
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Kevin Chu
- No subject
Raimonds Cicans
- Strange message (Was Re:)
Raimonds Cicans
- AHA2842 and Debian 2.0 kernal problems
Rainer Clasen
- IBM PC server 704 + aic7xxx on Linux?
Vincent Cojot
- RedHat 5.1 boot disk
Neil Conway
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Neil Conway
- Is the Dell Poweredge 6300 OK with Linux?
Neil Conway
- Using 2 SCSI Cards
Ben Cornish
- 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx
Ashley Drees
- 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx
Ashley Drees
- 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx
Ashley Drees
- your mail
Ashley Drees
- Drivers for AIC-7xxx set
Eugene Eley
- pre10 hangs with Linux 2.1.122
Jason Elliott
- pre10 hangs with Linux 2.1.122
Jason Elliott
- Any progress? Any hope? Anyone listening?
Erik Elmgren
- 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx
Erik Elmgren
- success with ASUS P2B-S (AIC7890) and hints
Alex Farber
- [Fwd: success with ASUS P2B-S (AIC7890) and hints]
Alex Farber
- Drivers for AIC-7xxx set
Alex Farber
- Announce for pre-patch ?
Gregoire Favre
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Harvey Fishman
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Harvey Fishman
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Harvey Fishman
- Slow SCSI under linux-2.1.123-2.aic-pre10
Rune Frøysa
- Installing Debian 2.0
Peter S Galbraith
- ARO-1130
Jake Garver
- More on ARO-1130
Jake Garver
- What are ARO-1130 differences?
Jake Garver
- Impressive performance improvements with 2.1.120 & pre7 !
Reinhold J. Gerharz
- Question on MMAPIO ...
Reinhold J. Gerharz
- Bigot! (was Re: 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx)
Reinhold J. Gerharz
- Impressive performance improvements with 2.1.120 & pre7 !
Justin T. Gibbs
- Bigot! (was Re: 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx)
Justin T. Gibbs
- Anything going on for FreeBSD ?
Justin T. Gibbs
- 5.1.0_pre10 AND freebsd (latest CAM) fail...
Justin T. Gibbs
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Justin T. Gibbs
- One more 2300 healthy (rats?)
Justin T. Gibbs
- What are ARO-1130 differences?
Justin T. Gibbs
- Scanner and SCSI driver
Martin Giguere
- Impressive performance improvements with 2.1.120 & pre7 !
Anthony Ginepro
- Slackware ( 3.4, 3.5) Bootdisk for 2940U2W
Dirk Gloede
- 2940U2W for Slakware
Dirk Glöde
- Termination(?) problems w/ 5.1.0pre10 (& earlier)
Randy Gobbel
- Disaster in progress: disk is dying, tape doesn't work :-(
Randy Gobbel
- How to update the aic7xxx driver from a vger kernel?
Randy Gobbel
- Disaster in progress: disk is dying, tape doesn't work :-(
Randy Gobbel
- Scanner and SCSI driver
Marcel Grenard
- HELP: AIC 7890 + Seagate Cheetah
Szymon Greniuk
- Problem with RH5.1 pre10 boot disk
Laurent Guerby
- Problem with RH5.1 pre10 boot disk
Laurent Guerby
- Problems with an AHA-2940 UW (PCI)
Rene' B|kgaard Hansen
- Missing devices?
Matthew Harrell
- Cdrom problems
Matthew Harrell
- evaluation is not bigotry
Ross Harvey
- History available? Timing Problem with Fujitsu MO drive...
Andre Hinrichs
- Drivers for AIC-7xxx set
Matthew Jacob
- IRQ deadlocks
Matthew Jacob
- Is the Dell Poweredge 6300 OK with Linux?
Jordan_Hargrave at
- RedHat 5.1 boot disk
Karen_White at
- RedHat 5.1 boot disk
Karen_White at
- Oops, Jordan's address (AMI driver)
Karen_White at
- AIC 7890 question?
Karen_White at
- Is the Dell Poweredge 6300 OK with Linux?
Karen_White at
- AHA2842 and Debian 2.0 kernal problems
Andy Kennedy
- Problems with an AHA-2940 UW (PCI)
Andy Kennedy
- Slackware ( 3.4, 3.5) Bootdisk for 2940U2W
Andy Kennedy
- An HP CDR.
Andy Kennedy
- pre10-patch for 2.1.122
John Kennedy
- 2940/pre12 problem
John Kennedy
- aic7xxx and kernel 2.0.33ý¹????ý¹????ý¹????ý¹????
Hidong Kim
- creating redhat bootdisks
Axel Klatt
- correction: creating redhat bootdisks _IMAGES_ !!
Axel Klatt
- AHA2842 and Debian 2.0 kernal problems
Matthias Klose
- Announce for pre-patch ?
Markus Kossmann
- pre10-patch for 2.1.122
Michael Kunze
- pre10 hangs with Linux 2.1.122
Michael Kunze
- Question on MMAPIO ...
Doug Ledford
- Linux with AHA-2940AU die everyday
Doug Ledford
- Any progress? Any hope? Anyone listening?
Doug Ledford
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Doug Ledford
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Doug Ledford
- RedHat 5.1 boot disk
Doug Ledford
- aic7xxx-5.1.0-pre8-2.0.35.patch.gz
Doug Ledford
- 7980?? w/ RH 5.1
Doug Ledford
- 5.1.0_pre8 with no MMAP
Doug Ledford
- aic7xxx and tape drive problems
Doug Ledford
- Linux 2.1.119
Doug Ledford
- Problems with an AHA-2940 UW (PCI)
Doug Ledford
- Bigot! (was Re: 7895 and 2.0.35 aic7xxx)
Doug Ledford
- 5.1.0_pre8 with no MMAP
Doug Ledford
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Doug Ledford
- 2940UW with pre10
Doug Ledford
- uninitialized, timed out
Doug Ledford
- IRQ deadlocks
Doug Ledford
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Doug Ledford
- IRQ deadlocks
Doug Ledford
- IRQ deadlocks
Doug Ledford
- Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?
Doug Ledford
- Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?
Doug Ledford
- One more 2300 healthy (rats?)
Doug Ledford
- One more 2300 healthy (rats?)
Doug Ledford
- Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?
Doug Ledford
- pre10 hangs with Linux 2.1.122
Doug Ledford
- Termination(?) problems w/ 5.1.0pre10 (& earlier)
Doug Ledford
- Slow SCSI under linux-2.1.123-2.aic-pre10
Doug Ledford
- Missing devices?
Doug Ledford
- Disaster in progress: disk is dying, tape doesn't work :-(
Doug Ledford
- Red Hat Linux on Dell PowerEdge 2300
Doug Ledford
- aic7xxx SMP lockup
Doug Ledford
- Problems with an AHA-2940 UW (PCI)
Mark R. Lindsey
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Neil Magedman
- Using 2 SCSI Cards
Neil Magedman
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Neil Magedman
- Using 2 SCSI Cards
Neil Magedman
- no luck with AIC7890 and X-Windows
Jeroen Massar
- Question on MMAPIO ...
Patrick Mau
- Test, please ignore.
Patrick Mau
- Question on MMAPIO ...
Patrick Mau
- IRQ deadlocks
Heinz Mauelshagen
- aic7xxx SMP lockup
Heinz Mauelshagen
- Installing Debian 2.0
Braden N. McDaniel
- AHA2842 and Debian 2.0 kernal problems
Jerry E. McGoveran
- AHA2842 and Debian 2.0 kernal problems
Jerry E. McGoveran
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Michael Meissner
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Michael Meissner
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Michael Meissner
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Michael Meissner
- aic7895 and promise ultra33 ide controler problems
Andy Monks
- No subject
Kristian August Mowinckel
- Problem with DAT Autoloader?
Kai M{kisara
- pre10 hangs with Linux 2.1.122
I. Harold Oga
- Anything going on for FreeBSD ?
Marc Olzheim
- Pauses and kde fail with 2.1.122 and pre10
Markus Pfeiffer
- pre10-patch for 2.1.122
Chris Pirih
- BIOS won't load
Richard Neal G. Plana
- 7890 problems
Peter Pointner
- linux 2.0.35 and aic7xxx not recognizing devices
David M. Rector
- mail question
David M. Rector
- aic7xxx not recognizing devices
David M. Rector
- aic7xxx and tape drive problems
David M. Rector
- aic7xxx and tape drive problems
David M. Rector
- aic7xxx and tape drive problems (fwd)
David M. Rector
- Is the Dell Poweredge 6300 OK with Linux?
Chance Reschke
- Problem with DAT Autoloader?
Brian Ristuccia
- Problem with DAT Autoloader?
Brian Ristuccia
- An HP CDR.
Brian Ristuccia
- uninitialized, timed out
Brett Smith
- Problems with an AHA-2940 UW (PCI)
Anthony Spataro
- 7980?? w/ RH 5.1
Jon Spreha
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
Sander Steffann
- Is Linux 2.0.35 + pre10 + ASUS P2B-S OK for "production"?
Steen Suder
- Success with pre10 + 2.0.35
Steen Suder
- No subject
Mihkel Tammepuu
- AIC 7890 question?
Mihkel Tammepuu
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Jim Thompson
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Jim Thompson
- [Fwd: success with ASUS P2B-S (AIC7890) and hints]
Jim Thompson
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Jim Thompson
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Jim Thompson
- lilo: "not the first disk"
Jim Thompson
- 2940UW with pre10
- More on ARO-1130
Tuomo Vendu Venalainen
- AIC and 2.1.121
W. Wade, Hampton
- RedHat 5.1 boot disk
Timothy Weaver
- correction: creating redhat bootdisks _IMAGES_ !!
Barry Weinstein
- Pre12 problems
Greg Whalin
- Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?
Greg Wickham
- Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?
Greg Wickham
- Linux with AHA-2940AU die everyday
Rimen Wong
- Archive Python DAT tape and Adaptec
Rimen Wong
- Kernel panic
Veikko Wuensche
- (no subject)
David ZAK
- uninitialized, timed out
a0 at
- does linux detect ASUS p2b-s ?
castelli at
- Can anyone help me to find Linux drivers for the AIC7890 &
3860 chips
castelli at
- Problems with new AIC7xxx-Driver
castelli at
- does linux detect ASUS p2b-s ?
castelli at
- evaluation is not bigotry
- does linux detect ASUS p2b-s ?
felix at
- pre10 on a 2940u2w still shows BRKADRINT
felix at
- Pre12 problems
Scsi listbot
- Cdrom problems
Scsi listbot
- ASUS p2b-s is UP !
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 21:57:31 PST 1998
Archived on: Sat Mar 29 23:52:16 PST 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).