May 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Wed May 1 00:03:47 UTC 2013
Ending: Fri May 31 23:42:27 UTC 2013
Messages: 644
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
asf8g 9hf32
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
asf8g 9hf32
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
asf8g 9hf32
- Learn how you can get so much more on the house
Helen Alexander
- freesbd-update Continuously Wants to Update linker.hints
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
- Restarting exports disturbs clients
Graham Allan
- graphics/shotwell port don't compile right
Joe Altman
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Shane Ambler
- Connecting EFTPOS terminals to FreeBSD
Shane Ambler
- [offtopic] ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Shane Ambler
- problems with port upgrade consistency using portsnap
Shane Ambler
- Any arp table size limitations?
Peter Andreev
- Any arp table size limitations?
Peter Andreev
- xorg-server-1.7.7_6,1 crashes (from ports head)
Matthias Apitz
- xorg-server-1.7.7_6,1 crashes (from ports head)
Matthias Apitz
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Matthias Apitz
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Matthias Apitz
- making photoalbums for web pages
Matthias Apitz
- making photoalbums for web pages
Matthias Apitz
- making photoalbums for web pages
Matthias Apitz
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
Matthias Apitz
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
Matthias Apitz
- Acer Aspire One D250 && special function keys
Matthias Apitz
- Acer Aspire One D250 && special function keys
Matthias Apitz
- mount_smbfs in base?
Matthias Apitz
- is there any books about network with FreeBSD
- using ports or gems (easy_install)
Zane C. B-H.
- New kernel 9.1 informs me to report wbwd0 to FreeBSD
- How to switch Datgram/Connected mtu modes?
John Baldwin
- mariadb-scripts conflict with mariadb-server
Jim Ballantine
- BSD sleep
Stuart Barkley
- question on manpages/hier(7)
Paul Beard
- question on manpages/hier(7)
Paul Beard
- BSD sleep
Jason Birch
- ls(1), rm(1) - No such file or directory even though they are there.
Michael Bird
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Warren Block
- setup journaling for root partition
Warren Block
- setup journaling for root partition
Warren Block
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Warren Block
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Warren Block
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Warren Block
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Warren Block
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
Warren Block
- slice and partition in FreeBSD 9.1
Warren Block
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Warren Block
- difference img \ iso
Osinnyy Bogdan
- can't compile lang/gcc port
Robert Bonomi
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
Peter Boosten
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
Kurt Buff
- 9.1-STABLE with xterm-292 oddity
William Bulley
- Updating a broken link in page -
Dan Catana
- RALINK RT3572 supported in 9.1-RELEASE ?
Adrian Chadd
- sshd - time out idle connections
Arthur Chance
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
Arthur Chance
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
Arthur Chance
- setup journaling for root partition
Arthur Chance
- setup journaling for root partition
Arthur Chance
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
Arthur Chance
- [OT] What's the http://localhost/phpmyadmin mail about?
Arthur Chance
- BSD sleep
Arthur Chance
- openvpn and tap device
Arthur Chance
- Routed(8) resurrecting deleted aliases
Arthur Chance
- How to get kernel source code of free-BSD release 9.1
Chou, David J
- Task bar missed when creating PC-BSD release 9.1 64 bit VM in VMware Workstation Version 98.02 build-1031769
Chou, David J
- Gateway on downloads
Jos Chrispijn
- setup journaling for root partition
Julien Cigar
- setup journaling for root partition
Julien Cigar
- Bootloader/Replace GRUB
Louis Ciotti
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
Signore Citizen
- Status of Chromium port...
J. Porter Clark
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
Mike Clarke
- Create bond on Infiniband ports
Garrett Cooper
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Tijl Coosemans
- Clang cannot finds standard system lib libssl.a
Tijl Coosemans
- List Spam Filtering
Bruce Cran
- List Spam Filtering
Bruce Cran
- sshd - time out idle connections
Fleuriot Damien
- sshd - time out idle connections
Fleuriot Damien
- sshd - time out idle connections
Fleuriot Damien
- sshd - time out idle connections
Fleuriot Damien
- what commands show memory usage
Tim Daneliuk
- check variable content size in sh script
Tim Daneliuk
- check variable content size in sh script
Tim Daneliuk
- check variable content size in sh script
Tim Daneliuk
- check variable content size in sh script
Tim Daneliuk
- SparkleShare
Laszlo Danielisz
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
David Demelier
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
David Demelier
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
David Demelier
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
David Demelier
- Unkillable processes
David Demelier
- Unkillable processes
David Demelier
- TCPmux
Stefan Desancic
- TCPmux
Stefan Desancic
- svnsync and local changes
Outback Dingo
- Corrupted zpool import -f FAILS state FAULTED
Outback Dingo
- ZFS partitioning
Outback Dingo
- ZFS partitioning
Outback Dingo
- List Spam Filtering
Erich Dollansky
- List Spam Filtering
Erich Dollansky
- HP 2570p installation
Erich Dollansky
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Erich Dollansky
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Erich Dollansky
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
Erich Dollansky
- Typo in portmaster man page?
Bryan Drewery
- ZFS partitioning
Terje Elde
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Terje Elde
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Trond Endrestøl
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Trond Endrestøl
- [offtopic] ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Trond Endrestøl
- lang/gcc47 don't compile
Trond Endrestøl
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- Fresh installation 9.1
Trond Endrestøl
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Trond Endrestøl
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
Trond Endrestøl
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
Trond Endrestøl
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
Trond Endrestøl
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
Trond Endrestøl
- making photoalbums for web pages
Matthias Fechner
- Restarting exports disturbs clients
Daniel Feenberg
- Restarting exports disturbs clients
Daniel Feenberg
- pkgng repositories
Mark Felder
- VMware tools for FreeBSD
Mark Felder
- setup journaling for root partition
Mark Felder
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
Ed Flecko
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
Ed Flecko
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
Ed Flecko
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
Ed Flecko
- ZFS install on a partition
Damien Fleuriot
- TT payment of $185,000USD
JBS Frangosul
- update from apache22 to apache24
Ryan Frederick
- Should I move to amd64 ?
Michael Gass
- Should I move to amd64 ?
Michael Gass
- Where to get source for 10?
Ayan George
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
C. P. Ghost
- Disable FIFO on UART
Lowell Gilbert
- Compiling a lean kernel of 9.1 p3
Lowell Gilbert
- looking for command to display default route ip address
Lowell Gilbert
- Any arp table size limitations?
Lowell Gilbert
- pid 916 (tcsh): sigreturn set_fpcontext err 22
Dennis Glatting
- Graphics card differences between CentOS and FBSD (multi monitor)?
Dennis Glatting
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Dennis Glatting
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Dennis Glatting
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Dennis Glatting
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Dennis Glatting
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Dennis Glatting
- xorg-server-1.7.7_6,1 crashes (from ports head)
Waitman Gobble
- making photoalbums for web pages
Waitman Gobble
- making photoalbums for web pages
Waitman Gobble
- Disable FIFO on UART
Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves
- Delete files with time stamp on Samba Server
Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves
- route problem
Andre Goree
- route problem
Andre Goree
- route problem
Andre Goree
- Missing +CONTENTS syndrome: Selectively restoring +CONTENTS files
Ronald F. Guilmette
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Ronald F. Guilmette
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Ronald F. Guilmette
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- RALINK RT3572 supported in 9.1-RELEASE ?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
John-Mark Gurney
- route problem
Pol Hallen
- route problem
Pol Hallen
- route problem
Pol Hallen
- filesystem advice
Pol Hallen
- freebsd-stable/release?
Pol Hallen
- openvpn and tap device
Pol Hallen
- openvpn and tap device
Pol Hallen
- Restarting exports disturbs clients
Bernt Hansson
- setup journaling for root partition
Torsten Hantzsche
- Status of Chromium port...
Peter Harrison
- Status of Chromium port...
Peter Harrison
- Status of Chromium port...
Peter Harrison
- mail/claws-mail: INBOX shows still moved or deleted mails, filtering not working properly
O. Hartmann
- Cdorked.A
Vincent Hoffman
- update from apache22 to apache24
Robert Huff
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Robert Huff
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Robert Huff
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
Robert Huff
- pkg version -L howto?
Robert Huff
- Family Heritage Notice
Pamela R. Hughes
- signal vs. sigaction and SIGCHLD
Noel Hunt
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Walter Hurry
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Walter Hurry
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Walter Hurry
- pkg question
Walter Hurry
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Walter Hurry
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Walter Hurry
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
Walter Hurry
- Where to get source for 10?
Walter Hurry
- MySQL hangs server completely
Alejandro Imass
- MySQL hangs server completely
Alejandro Imass
- sshd - time out idle connections
Joshua Isom
- ZFS on MBR does not boot at all
Joshua Isom
- script or c prog to record live audio?
Joshua Isom
- Dummynet on 64 bit systems
Joshua Isom
- List Spam Filtering
Joshua Isom
- Cdorked.A
Joshua Isom
- ZFS partitioning
Joshua Isom
- ZFS install on a partition
Joshua Isom
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Joshua Isom
- Unkillable processes
Joshua Isom
- Unkillable processes
Joshua Isom
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Joshua Isom
- BSD sleep
Joshua Isom
- Where to get source for 10?
Joshua Isom
- TexLive in ports running endless on compile?
Jens Jahnke
- Are the procedure with portmaster exactly the same when one is using pkgng
Leslie Jensen
- Typo in portmaster man page?
Leslie Jensen
- Can I avoid the display of pkg-messages in portmaster?
Leslie Jensen
- Marwel NIC watchdog timeout
Leslie Jensen
- Marwel NIC watchdog timeout
Leslie Jensen
- pkg version -L howto?
Leslie Jensen
- Delete files with time stamp on Samba Server
Leslie Jensen
- Delete files with time stamp on Samba Server
Leslie Jensen
- Upgrading from 8.3 to 9.1 zfs pool can't attach
Leslie Jensen
- update from apache22 to apache24
- Typo in portmaster man page?
- is there any books about network with FreeBSD
- List Spam Filtering
- List Spam Filtering
- List Spam Filtering
- List Spam Filtering
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- linux_base-c6 && Skype 4.2
- RALINK RT3572 supported in 9.1-RELEASE ?
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
- what commands show memory usage
- SCTP: transport protocol and vimage jails
- check variable content size in sh script
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
- does ifconfig see netgraph bridges?
- ngctl list ?
- ngctl list ?
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
- netgraph network for jail(8) vnet jail unable to reach internet
- looking for command to display default route ip address
- Thunderbird 17.0.6 build failure FreeBSD 9.1-p3 amd64
- http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Md Junon
- ZFS on MBR does not boot at all
Giorgos Keramidas
- ZFS on MBR does not boot at all
Giorgos Keramidas
- sshd - time out idle connections
Mikel King
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
CyberLeo Kitsana
- Can I avoid the display of pkg-messages in portmaster?
CyberLeo Kitsana
- pfctl and verbosely listing tables not giving full output on 9.x
Philip Kizer
- script or c prog to record live audio?
Gary Kline
- script or c prog to record live audio?
Gary Kline
- script or c prog to record live audio?
Gary Kline
- who wants ""?
Gary Kline
- re who wants post from last nightt...
Gary Kline
- OT, i think...
Gary Kline
- OT, i think...
Gary Kline
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Ivan Klymenko
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Ivan Klymenko
- HP 2570p installation
Ludovit Koren
- HP 2570p installation
Ludovit Koren
- Status of Chromium port...
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- Status of Chromium port...
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- TCPmux
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- TCPmux
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- update from apache22 to apache24
Paul Kraus
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Paul Kraus
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Paul Kraus
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Paul Kraus
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Paul Kraus
- ZFS partitioning
Paul Kraus
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Paul Kraus
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Paul Kraus
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Paul Kraus
- List Spam Filtering
Paul Kraus
- [offtopic] ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Paul Kraus
- ZFS install on a partition
Paul Kraus
- ZFS install on a partition
Paul Kraus
- ZFS install on a partition
Paul Kraus
- ZFS install on a partition
Paul Kraus
- More than 32 CPUs under 8.4-P
Paul Kraus
- ZFS install on a partition
Paul Kraus
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Paul Kraus
- BSD sleep
Paul Kraus
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Paul Kraus
- x11/kdelibs4 build fails
Peter Ulrich Kruppa
- List Spam Filtering
Rich Kulawiec
- List Spam Filtering
Rich Kulawiec
- ZFS partitioning
Roland van Laar
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Roland van Laar
- ZFS mirror install /mnt is empty
Roland van Laar
- VMware tools for FreeBSD
Greg Larkin
- Downgrading a port
Greg Larkin
- make release fails
Jack Mc Lauren
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
John Levine
- How to switch Datgram/Connected mtu modes?
Alex Liptsin
- Create bond on Infiniband ports
Alex Liptsin
- How can I unload/load modules that complied inside the kernel?
Alex Liptsin
- svnsync and local changes
Dan Lists
- Cdorked.A
Per olof Ljungmark
- Firefox is so slow
Mario Lobo
- freesbd-update Continuously Wants to Update linker.hints
Paul Macdonald
- freesbd-update Continuously Wants to Update linker.hints
Paul Macdonald
- alq module kldload and unload and after that init 0 causes panic!
Computer Network Man
- Bootloader/Replace GRUB
Ralf Mardorf
- Bootloader/Replace GRUB
Ralf Mardorf
- X breaks sound
Ralf Mardorf
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
Ralf Mardorf
- List Spam Filtering
Ralf Mardorf
- is there any books about network with FreeBSD
- Enabling netmap in FreeBSD 9.1
C. L. Martinez
- Errors building vortex port
C. L. Martinez
- Will i be force.
Jerry McAllister
- No subject
Eduardo Meyer
- 9.1 - new install questions
- freebsd-stable/release?
Rick Miller
- looking for command to display default route ip address
Rick Miller
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
- BSD sleep
- VIMAGE (slightly off topic)
Mark Moellering
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Fred Morcos
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Fred Morcos
- How to get kernel source code of free-BSD release 9.1
Adam Vande More
- FreeBSD, VBox, mouse integration
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Adam Vande More
- Should I move to amd64 ?
Adam Vande More
- mount_smbfs in base?
Adam Vande More
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Eduardo Morras
- with ACPI=on, 9.1-RELEASE shutdown automatically
Eduardo Morras
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Eduardo Morras
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
Eduardo Morras
- Clang cannot finds standard system lib libssl.a
Eduardo Morras
- Clang cannot finds standard system lib libssl.a
Eduardo Morras
- FreeBSD spinlock
Orit Moskovich
- List Spam Filtering
Thomas Mueller
- [PKGNG] i386-wine-1.5.30
David Naylor
- question on manpages/hier(7)
Dan Nelson
- check variable content size in sh script
Dan Nelson
- Installing 8.1-RELEASE - Problems via FTP
Tim Nelson
- Installing 8.1-RELEASE - Problems via FTP
Tim Nelson
- running iscontrol at boot time
David Newman
- VMware tools for FreeBSD
Olivier Nicole
- using ports or gems (easy_install)
Olivier Nicole
- using ports or gems (easy_install)
Olivier Nicole
- How can I unload/load modules that complied inside the kernel?
Olivier Nicole
- List Spam Filtering
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- List Spam Filtering
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- ZFS install on a partition
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- idle process keeping cpu 150% busy in freebsd 9.1
Kostas Oikonomou
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Antonio Olivares
Pietro Paolini
Pietro Paolini
Pietro Paolini
Pietro Paolini
- Learn how you can get so much more on the house
Dorothy Perry
- Compiling a lean kernel of 9.1 p3
Tommy Pham
- Compiling a lean kernel of 9.1 p3
Tommy Pham
- Firefox is so slow
- pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff
- difference img \ iso
- sshd - time out idle connections
- ls(1), rm(1) - No such file or directory even though they are there.
- pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
- Downgrading a port
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- Will i be force.
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
- detecting keyboard layout during boot
- check variable content size in sh script
- Acer Aspire One D250 && special function keys
- signal vs. sigaction and SIGCHLD
- Keeping my system up to date with CTM or subversion?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
- slice and partition in FreeBSD 9.1
- cannot use ftp utility throught proxy
- problems with port upgrade consistency using portsnap
Michael Powell
- How to get kernel source code of free-BSD release 9.1
Michael Powell
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Vladislav Prodan
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Vladislav Prodan
- RALINK RT3572 supported in 9.1-RELEASE ?
- pkgng repositories
Eric S Pulley
- Login.conf Limits not Applying for Postfix
Eric S Pulley
- pkgng repositories
- pkgng repositories
- BSD sleep
- mount_smbfs in base?
- mount_smbfs in base?
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- check variable content size in sh script
- check variable content size in sh script
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- check variable content size in sh script
- check variable content size in sh script
- check variable content size in sh script
- fsck -y and SU+J
- Hot Swapping SATA drive?
- List Spam Filtering
- List Spam Filtering
- List Spam Filtering
- setup journaling for root partition
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
- mail/claws-mail: INBOX shows still moved or deleted mails, filtering not working properly
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- BSD sleep
- BSD sleep
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- Restarting exports disturbs clients
Mohan Ramanujan
- BSD sleep
Chris Rees
- 05/11 - We will pay you to conduct surveys in your location
Probe Market Research
- 05/11 - We will pay you to conduct surveys in your location
Probe Market Research
- freebsd-update and /boot/kernel/linker.hints
Wolfgang Riegler
- freebsd-update and /boot/kernel/linker.hints
Wolfgang Riegler
- List Spam Filtering
Robison, Dave
- List Spam Filtering
Da Rock
- Connecting EFTPOS terminals to FreeBSD
Da Rock
- Connecting EFTPOS terminals to FreeBSD
Da Rock
- slice and partition in FreeBSD 9.1
J Ronald
- List Spam Filtering
Michael Ross
- MySQL hangs server completely
Michael Ross
- Prevent starting network on fwe0 and fwip0
Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez
- pkgng repositories
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Little help with radius
Leonardo Santagostini
- freesbd-update Continuously Wants to Update linker.hints
Stephan Schindel
- freebsd-update and /boot/kernel/linker.hints
Stephan Schindel
- Recommendations for 64GB USB 3.0 Sticks?
Jens Schweikhardt
- BSD sleep
Jens Schweikhardt
- update from apache22 to apache24
Matthew Seaman
- pkg question
Matthew Seaman
- pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff
Matthew Seaman
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Matthew Seaman
- Downgrading a port
Matthew Seaman
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Matthew Seaman
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
Matthew Seaman
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg_version says my ports need to be updated?
Matthew Seaman
- BSD sleep
Matthew Seaman
- Display & Video Campaigns-Inventory Needed
Aaron Seligman
- pkgng repositories
Masoom Shaikh
- Typo in portmaster man page?
Masoom Shaikh
- FreeBSD-10.0 code freeze
Oded Shanoon
- dtrace of a Samba nbench run shows
Richard Sharpe
- ZFS install on a partition
Albert Shih
- ZFS install on a partition
Albert Shih
- Strange behavior of NFS/ZFS on 9.0
Albert Shih
- using ports or gems (easy_install)
Albert Shih
- using ports or gems (easy_install)
Albert Shih
- Negro League Baller Recalls the Era, You Gotta Have Balls, Entrepreneurs, Recipes, Blogs...
The Urban Shopper
- bwn0: RX decryption attempted (old 0 keyidx 0x2)
Anton Shterenlikht
- X breaks sound
Anton Shterenlikht
- X breaks sound
Anton Shterenlikht
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- setup journaling for root partition
Michael Sierchio
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
Michael Sierchio
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Michael Sierchio
- Case sensitive usernames and sendmail - mystic voodoo
Michael Sierchio
- BSD sleep
Michael Sierchio
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
Michael Sierchio
- RES column in top(1) output
Dmitry Sivachenko
- RES column in top(1) output
Dmitry Sivachenko
- Sjournals Services (Open Journal Management system, Sjournals Index, ...)
- can't compile lang/gcc port
Roland Smith
- can't compile lang/gcc port
Roland Smith
- filesystem advice
Roland Smith
- License on the original BSD diff
Dag-Erling Smørgrav
- ls(1), rm(1) - No such file or directory even though they are there.
Julian H. Stacey
- List Spam Filtering
Julian H. Stacey
- WANTED: Tool to verify installed package/port consistancy
Julian H. Stacey
- making photoalbums for web pages
Julian H. Stacey
- making photoalbums for web pages
Julian H. Stacey
- List Spam Filtering
Julian H. Stacey
- List Spam Filtering
Julian H. Stacey
- List Spam Filtering
Julian H. Stacey
- compatibility SCO
Julian H. Stacey
- compatibility SCO (fwd)
Julian H. Stacey
- List Spam Filtering
Julian H. Stacey
- a copy of ASL dump for acer aspire laptops models
Julian H. Stacey
- a copy of ASL dump for acer aspire laptops models
Julian H. Stacey
- How can I unload/load modules that complied inside the kernel?
Julian H. Stacey
- compatibility SCO
Marco Steinbach
- Linksys WPC54g NDIS compiles but doesn't work?
- Linksys WPC54g NDIS compiles but doesn't work?
- Y
Heiner Strauß
- BSD sleep
Kenta Suzumoto
- RES column in top(1) output
Charles Swiger
- Should I move to amd64 ?
Charles Swiger
- Access to 2 million CV's
Brett - TalentSpa
- ZFS install on a partition
Ivailo Tanusheff
- ZFS install on a partition
Ivailo Tanusheff
- ZFS install on a partition
Ivailo Tanusheff
- ZFS install on a partition
Ivailo Tanusheff
- route problem
Ivailo Tanusheff
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
Teske, Devin
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- check variable content size in sh script
Teske, Devin
- netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.
Teske, Devin
- does ifconfig see netgraph bridges?
Teske, Devin
- ngctl list ?
Teske, Devin
- ngctl list ?
Teske, Devin
- Installing 8.1-RELEASE - Problems via FTP
Teske, Devin
Teske, Devin
Teske, Devin
Teske, Devin
- Bootloader/Replace GRUB
Jeff Tipton
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
M. V.
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
M. V.
- Dummynet on 64 bit systems
Rama Varma
- compatibility SCO
Dimitar Vassilev
- does ifconfig see netgraph bridges?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- DTrace support in Postgresql not working
Sevan / Venture37
- openvpn and tap device
Andrea Venturoli
- OT, i think...
Edwin L. Culp W.
- midori > preferences > segmentation fault
Harald Weis
- Linksys WPC54g NDIS compiles but doesn't work?
Chris Whitehouse
- with ACPI=on, 9.1-RELEASE shutdown automatically
- with ACPI=on, 9.1-RELEASE shutdown automatically
- can't compile lang/gcc port
- can't compile lang/gcc port
- can't compile lang/gcc port
- can't compile lang/gcc port
- can't compile lang/gcc port
- lang/gcc47 don't compile
- graphics/shotwell port don't compile right
- a copy of ASL dump for acer aspire laptops models
- License on the original BSD diff
Clifford Yapp
- License on the original BSD diff
Clifford Yapp
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Alexander Yerenkow
- Tell me how to increase the virtual disk with ZFS?
Alexander Yerenkow
- BSD sleep
Alexander Yerenkow
- BSD sleep
Alexander Yerenkow
- Errors building vortex port
Anton Yuzhaninov
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
Zyumbilev, Peter
- Subversion load problem- "svnadmin: Dump stream contains a malformed header (with no ':')"
h bagade
- sshd - time out idle connections
markham breitbach
- VIMAGE in GENERIC kernel
markham breitbach
- check variable content size in sh script
markham breitbach
- looking for command to display default route ip address
markham breitbach
- List Spam Filtering
freebsd at
- question installing 9.1
- question installing 9.1
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
- /etc/jail.conf for automatically started jails listed in /etc/rc.conf
- problems with port upgrade consistency using portsnap
- problems with port upgrade consistency using portsnap
- Help us identify you and your account
account.update at
- ZFS on MBR does not boot at all
demelier.david at
- small fanless mini-pc for home router/firewall?
firmdog at
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
illoai at
- (fwd) difference img \ iso
ljboiler at
- compatibility SCO
- Buildworld Compile Error - ifmcstat
hccip at
- Login.conf Limits not Applying for Postfix
hccip at
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- "swap" partition leads to instability?
- filesystem advice
- X11 screen grabber from cmd line
Lena at
- cannot use ftp utility throught proxy
vadims at
- cannot use ftp utility throught proxy
vadims at
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
s m
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
s m
- setup journaling for root partition
saeedeh motlagh
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
saeedeh motlagh
- file corruption solution (soft-update or ZFS)
saeedeh motlagh
- when root partition is mounted in boot time?
saeedeh motlagh
- freebsd8.2 with /etc mount point can't run correctly
saeedeh motlagh
- Will i be force.
k_winzic at
- which X driver for NVIDIA Quadro FX 570M?
- Youtube & Flash Videos broken?
- script or c prog to record live audio?
- Kernel Modules Documentation?
doug at
- freebsd-update question
doug at
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- Fresh installation 9.1
hrkesh sahu
- cannot use ftp utility throught proxy
- pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff
- pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff
- Downgrading a port
bsd at
- VIMAGE in GENERIC kernel
bsd at
- ZFS install on a partition
bsd at
- ZFS install on a partition
bsd at
- ZFS install on a partition
bsd at
- pkgng dependencies change / update
bsd at
- ZFS on MBR does not boot at all
- signal vs. sigaction and SIGCHLD
vilibald wanca
- 9.1 - new install questions
egunther at
- Cdorked.A
pete wright
- Status of Chromium port...
pete wright
asrofibcllamongan at
- FreeBSD 9 Xorg server failed to configure
Савельев Владимир
Last message date:
Fri May 31 23:42:27 UTC 2013
Archived on: Fri May 31 23:42:33 UTC 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).