Hot Swapping SATA drive?

Jerry jerry at
Sat May 18 17:09:12 UTC 2013

On Sat, 18 May 2013 10:49:13 -0400
Quartz articulated:

> You need the sata ports running in straight up pure ahci mode (as 
> opposed to "IDE mode" or "compatible" or something that emulates old 
> style parallel-ata). Be aware that Windows up through XP doesn't
> support ahci, so if you're dual booting an old system you'll have
> problems. You'll also almost certainly want to disable any
> motherboard-based raid options too, as they tend to be complete crap.

There is a huge amount of information via a quick Google search that
would seem to contradict your statements regarding WinXP and AHCI.

Jerry ♔

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