TexLive in ports running endless on compile?

Jens Jahnke jan0sch at gmx.net
Tue May 7 15:17:31 UTC 2013


I've seen that texlive has finally landed in the ports tree and as I
had a fresh and clean setup system ready I tried it out.

I tried to install texlive-full which started out okay but the last
line in my terminal is:

fmtutil: running `ptex -ini   -jobname=ptex -progname=ptex ptex.ini
#ptex' ...

The ptex job is now running for 6 hours on a system with an i5 cpu and
an ssd. Is this normal or is something broken here?



07. Wonnemond 2013, 17:13
Homepage : http://www.jan0sch.de

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