pwd.db/spwd.db file corupption when having unsafe system poweroff

takCoder tak.official at
Wed May 1 08:29:10 UTC 2013

Excuse me again..

i was trying to test the situation explained here, so i just defined a user
with pw command, waited for 2minutes and then power off the system.. Again
i couldn't login anymore..

if we assume that, pw is still working with db files after 2 minutes, the
question is that, is it usual for a command to keep db files busy, this
or is it pw problem?
or is t something else that i'm missing??

thank you :)

Best Regards,

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:10 PM, takCoder <tak.official at> wrote:

> hi again,
> real thanks to all of you; for really complete and clear answers.. it's
> amazing to have a clear view of what's on, when you need to deal with it. :)
> as a quick conclusion, for now:
> 1- i inserted a shell file to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ which runs pwd_mkdb
> /etc/master.passwd and tested it.. the error mentioned in this email's
> title is no more seen in frequent tests.. (but i don't think it's that good
> to use a mkdb command this frequently.. right? for me, it was somehow a
> test..)
> 2- the notes mentioned about fsck was nice.. cause before this, we've
> faced uncleaned FS in the mentioned condition and we where in doubt where
> the automate fsck had gone?? ;)
>  i think it's better to test the foreground fsck just in case.. for sure,
> background fsck has its own benefits.. but, any benefits has its own
> costs.. :)
> 3- this "power-key  functionality setting", is what i'll work on, as it
> seems helpful, in near future.. but, i think for this thread, it would be
> off-topic somehow to talk about its details.. i'll try to write them back,
> on related thread, if required and if it was new..
> BTW, it was _really_ of  hardware knowledge.. ;)
> again, thank you. :)
> Best Regards,
> t.a.k
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Polytropon <freebsd at> wrote:
>> Allow me a few additions:
>> On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:45:59 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
>> > Pressing the power button for 4 seconds as described is invoking the
>> > layer to stimulate call(s) down to the system BIOS.
>> No. In most (but of course not all) default settings the
>> "long press" will forcedly (and with _no_ message to the OS)
>> turn off the system's power.
>> The "short press" will emit the ACPI signal to the OS to
>> deal with the power-off sequence itself.
>> Still it's possible to have a different programming for the
>> button. For example, it seems to be common to have this
>> button perform a "ACPI sleep", "ACPI hibernate" or "ACPI
>> powersafe" mode on "short press", and (as you mentioned)
>> the "ACPI power down" on long press.
>> But as I said: _What_ the button actually does is defined
>> in the CMOS setup.
>> have a look at this page to find out more about the various
>> possible signals (power states).
>> > Whatever is set in the
>> > BIOS wrt to power control and various power-savings modes are passed
>> through
>> > the ACPI layer. The problem with this is the acpi module in FreeBSD
>> may, or
>> > may not, be a perfect implementation for every possible piece of
>> hardware in
>> > existance.
>> This statement especially applies in regards to laptops, where
>> closing the lid can also trigger a specific signal, and opening
>> the device again sends another signal. Vendors don't agree on
>> how to "properly" do this, so there are many different ACPI
>> implementations.
>> % ls /boot/kernel/acpi*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi.ko*           /boot/kernel/acpi_ibm.ko*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi_aiboost.ko*   /boot/kernel/acpi_panasonic.ko*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi_asus.ko*      /boot/kernel/acpi_sony.ko*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi_dock.ko*      /boot/kernel/acpi_toshiba.ko*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi_fujitsu.ko*   /boot/kernel/acpi_video.ko*
>> /boot/kernel/acpi_hp.ko*        /boot/kernel/acpi_wmi.ko*
>> You can see from this example that FreeBSD only supports a
>> subset of what can be considered possible. Of course there
>> are many "fields of compatibility", but it may still result
>> in specific hardware not working properly -- mostly in the
>> area of laptops and their accessories (like docking stations).
>> > The piece of that which really concerns me are individual
>> > manufactuer BIOS quirks can be just enough 'off' so as to misbehave
>> even when
>> > the FreeBSD acpi implentation is basically sound.
>> Even though I did not experience that myself, it can be
>> considered possible. A sloppy ACPI implementation can
>> be the source of many kinds of trouble, even involving
>> such "simple" devices like a power button.
>> > The jist of this is (IMHO
>> > here - YMMV) is I consider it a bad procedure to turn off a server as
>> you've
>> > described.
>> Definitely. :-)
>> > Use the shutdown command properly instead. I would never do what
>> > your coworker did to any of my servers.
>> A mechanicl protection could prevent that.
>> > Caveat being sometimes you have no
>> > other choice but to do a hard power-down. A hard power-down is done by
>> using
>> > the switch on the power supply, and not using the ACPI/BIOS from
>> pressing
>> > the power switch on the front.
>> This is also possible. Both this _and_ the default "forced power off"
>> (the "long press" in many defaults) equal the action of pulling the
>> power cord.
>> > When you do have an 'uh-oh' like this, FreeBSD normally boots back into
>> an
>> > unclean file system with corresponding whinings and complaints about
>> how the
>> > file system(s) were not properly dismounted.
>> This is an intended behaviour. TO prevent further damage and to
>> make data recovery possible (worst case), the system does not
>> try to "boot by all means", just to make the (clueless) user
>> happy. :-)
>> > Normally a background fsck
>> > ensues after 60 seconds of idle.
>> This _can_ be dangerous, because at this time, the system has
>> already been booted into a "somehow working" state. You should
>> ask yourself the question: Can I invest the time to have _no_
>> background fsck (i. e., a foreground fsck which maybe will ask
>> prior to doing anything "heavy") to make sure my data is consistent,
>> because it is important data which _needs_ to be okay? In this
>> case, put background_fsck="NO" in /etc/rc.conf -- and wait.
>> When using UFS, there _may_ be file system damages so severe
>> that fsck will _not_ correct them manually (which often leads
>> to data loss of important data that could have been saved if
>> the proper _user decision_ would have been taken place). This
>> will only happen in the "interactive mode" at system startup.
>> > In your case whatever files were left open
>> > and not properly closed this background fsck, had it been allowed to
>> run and
>> > complete, would have cleaned this up.
>> Maybe, maybe not. It highly depends on what actually happened,
>> and it's nearly impossible to find that out, especially when
>> there is no control about what the background fsck does (while
>> the system is already happily running and humming).
>> > The problem starts when someone
>> > presses the power off button again, and again, before this process
>> completes.
>> > Using the power button ACPI/BIOS only compounds this situation.
>> Correct. That's why the time to have fsck perform its task in
>> the foreground should be invested, at least after such an abrupt
>> action.
>> > I would recommend you do NOT use the power button as you described
>> above.
>> > Period.
>> In case of _servers_, this button is commonly considered an
>> "emergency button" anyway, and therefor hardly used. :-)
>> > In any event pay particular attention to that very first boot after
>> > an 'uh-oh' power off event. Look at top and watch for the background
>> fsck to
>> > kick off and complete, returning the machine to quiescent state BEFORE
>> you do
>> > ANYTHING else to it. This includes pressing the button on the front.
>> The "doing anything else" can be the problem with a background fsck.
>> Let's say the server starts its services which start accessing the
>> partitions currently checked by fsck. Yes, I know, snapshots and all
>> this stuff. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. My additional
>> advice would be: Do not use a background fsck. If you had a power
>> failure (for whatever reason), take the time to make sure your system
>> boots into a verified state (NOT: boots into a questionable state,
>> tries to verify it during normal operations, and pretends "everything
>> is fine").
>> --
>> Polytropon
>> Magdeburg, Germany
>> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
>> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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