March 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 01:23:59 UTC 2014
Ending: Mon Mar 31 23:27:13 UTC 2014
Messages: 754
- ssh-copy-id
Eitan Adler
- ssh-copy-id
Eitan Adler
- r257490 absent from stable/10
Dan Allen
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Schaich Alonso
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Schaich Alonso
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- 10/stable lldb build failure
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Dimitry Andric
- The most important thing.
Levon Angaladyan
- Problem running bsnmpd inside jail.
Peter Ankerstål
- SSD detaches constantly
Peter Ankerstål
- FreeBSD 10.0-RC2 Now Available
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Larry Baird
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Larry Baird
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Larry Baird
- NSS ldap errors
John Baldwin
- Fwd: KASSERT in vm_map.c
John Baldwin
- can't build ~/stable/10 without XEN
John Baldwin
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
John Baldwin
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
John Baldwin
- nfsd panic
John Baldwin
- Two PR that can be closed
Glen Barber
- SSD detaches constantly
Glen Barber
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
Glen Barber
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Andrew Berg
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Bob Bishop
- nfsd panic
Daniel Braniss
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
Daniel Braniss
- nfsd panic
Daniel Braniss
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Randy Bush
- crash on zpool import - help get data back
Christian Campbell
- Fwd: Re: Can ZFS boot from other than the root of a pool?
Freddie Cash
- pkg upgrade fails too often
- pkg upgrade fails too often
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Adrian Chadd
- xhci USB Host Controller resetting continously
Jonathan Chen
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Andrey Chernov
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Andrey Chernov
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Daniel Corbe
- passwd(1) weirdness...
Marko Cupać
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Tim Daneliuk
- [HEADSUP] pkg 1.3.0 alpha1: Breath of fresh air from Kirov
Baptiste Daroussin
- [HEADSUP] pkg 1.3.0 alpha1: Breath of fresh air from Kirov
Baptiste Daroussin
- [HEADSUP] pkg 1.3.0 alpha1: Breath of fresh air from Kirov
Baptiste Daroussin
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Baptiste Daroussin
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Brooks Davis
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Karl Denninger
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921 [ZFS ARC memory allocation / "freeze" problems -- RESOLVED]
Karl Denninger
- OK, so the buffer allocation problem with ZFS is fixed, but now I got this.... (VM management issues)
Karl Denninger
- Can ZFS boot from other than the root of a pool?
Karl Denninger
- Can ZFS boot from other than the root of a pool?
Karl Denninger
- ZFS cautions (pool flag additions committed)
Karl Denninger
- ZFS cautions (pool flag additions committed)
Karl Denninger
- ZFS cautions (pool flag additions committed)
Karl Denninger
- kern/187594: [zfs] [patch] ZFS ARC behavior problem and fix
Karl Denninger
- kern/187594: [zfs] [patch] ZFS ARC behavior problem and fix
Karl Denninger
- pkg upgrade fails too often
Bryan Drewery
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Andrey V. Elsukov
- Unable to compile sysutils/lsof on stable/9 r262601
Trond Endrestøl
- Unable to compile sysutils/lsof on stable/9 r262601
Trond Endrestøl
- Unable to compile sysutils/lsof on stable/9 r262601
Trond Endrestøl
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Tom Evans
- ssh-copy-id
Mark Felder
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Mark Felder
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Mark Felder
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Mark Felder
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Mark Felder
- kern/187594: [zfs] [patch] ZFS ARC behavior problem and fix
dteske at
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Matthew D. Fuller
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
Markus Gebert
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
Markus Gebert
- Build failure 263524.
Dennis Glatting
- Error while compiling r263678 kernel
Dennis Glatting
- bsnmp HOST-RESOURCES.hrStorageSize odd value for real memory metrics
Mikolaj Golub
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Marcelo Gondim
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Marcelo Gondim
- NSS ldap errors
Aragon Gouveia
- vi loop when resizing window
John-Mark Gurney
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
John-Mark Gurney
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
John-Mark Gurney
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Eric van Gyzen
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Eric van Gyzen
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Chris H
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Chris H
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Chris H
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Chris H
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Chris H
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Chris H
- device ada n/ in kernconf, how to omitt for hv_storvsc.ko
Chris H
- miibus0: mii_mediachg: can't handle non-zero PHY instance 31
Chris H
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Chris H
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Chris H
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Chris H
- SSD detaches constantly
Steven Hartland
- usb recognition difference between 9 and 10-STABLE
- usb recognition difference between 9 and 10-STABLE
- pkg upgrade fails too often
Walter Hurry
- OpenSSH 6.5 breaks logins !
Mike Jakubik
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Mike Jakubik
- vi loop when resizing window
Wolfgang Jenkner
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Mark Johnston
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Mark Johnston
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Mark Johnston
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jung-uk Kim
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jung-uk Kim
- usb recognition difference between 9 and 10-STABLE
Ronald Klop
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Ronald Klop
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Ronald Klop
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Ronald Klop
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Ivan Klymenko
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Ivan Klymenko
- ZFS cautions (pool flag additions committed)
Ondra Knezour
- bsnmp HOST-RESOURCES.hrStorageSize odd value for real memory metrics
Paul Koch
- can't build ~/stable/10 without XEN
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- can't build ~/stable/10 without XEN (solved)
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- "panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entry" in nvidia module on 10
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entry (i386)
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- newcons in 10-STABLE first impression
Jakub Lach
- newcons in 10-STABLE first impression
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Jakub Lach
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Dan Langille
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Dan Langille
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Dan Langille
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Dan Langille
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Ian Lepore
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Ian Lepore
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Ian Lepore
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Nimrod Levy
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Xin Li
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Mark Linimon
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Mark Linimon
- Cant resolve
Hugo Lombard
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Warner Losh
- svn commit: r263023 - in stable/9: etc etc/mtree etc/pkg share share/keys share/keys/pkg/trusted share/man/man7
Warner Losh
- Electronic Components sell
Parts Components Ltd
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
Rick Macklem
- FreeBSD 10, ServeRAID M5210e, syspd corruption
Borja Marcos
- Can ZFS boot from other than the root of a pool?
Adam McDougall
- ZFS cautions (pool flag additions committed)
Adam McDougall
- where's the full copy of dmesg(8)?
Adam McDougall
- crash with X11 and ATI Radeon RS690 X1250 IGP
Graham Menhennitt
- X11 crash with ATI Radeon RS690 X1250 IGP
Marg Menhennitt
- pkg
Matthias Meyser
- pkg
Matthias Meyser
- jails and devfs
Matthias Meyser
- jails and devfs
Matthias Meyser
- device ada n/ in kernconf, how to omitt for hv_storvsc.ko
Ben Morrow
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Ben Morrow
- Process handlers, and zombies, or preap(1)
Ben Morrow
- nfsd panic
Alexander Motin
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
Thomas Mueller
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Marat N.Afanasyev
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Marat N.Afanasyev
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
John Nielsen
- [HEADSUP] pkg 1.3.0 alpha1: Breath of fresh air from Kirov
John Nielsen
- UTF-8 Sorting
Rolf Nielsen
- Can ZFS boot from other than the root of a pool?
Andreas Nilsson
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
David Noel
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Kevin Oberman
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Kevin Oberman
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Kevin Oberman
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Kevin Oberman
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Kevin Oberman
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Kevin Oberman
- TCP packets remain unsent
Willy Offermans
- TCP packets remain unsent
Willy Offermans
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Jim Ohlstein
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Jim Ohlstein
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Jim Ohlstein
- Broadcomm bge in Dell 745/FreeBSD 10-STABLE = no gigabit Ethernet
Yonghyeon PYUN
- miibus0: mii_mediachg: can't handle non-zero PHY instance 31
Yonghyeon PYUN
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Karl Pielorz
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE - workaround
Karl Pielorz
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
Darren Pilgrim
- PANIC: freebsd-10-stable - acquiring blockable sleep lock with spinlock or critical section held (sleep mutex) Giant @ /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c:1929
Oliver Pinter
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
Jean-Sébastien Pédron
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Greg Rivers
- Recommend FreeBSD VPS
Lucius Rizzo
- Recommend FreeBSD VPS
Lucius Rizzo
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Craig Rodrigues
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Craig Rodrigues
- 10-stable sparc64 boot problems
Chris Ross
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Aleksandr Rybalko
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Aleksandr Rybalko
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Aleksandr Rybalko
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Aleksandr Rybalko
- Clock issues and crash on resume on 10-Stable r263062M
Aleksandr Rybalko
- NSS ldap errors
Mark Saad
- NSS ldap errors
Mark Saad
- Cant resolve
Mark Saad
- Cant resolve
Mark Saad
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Mark Saad
- sa0 devices disappear after power cycling tape library
Mark Saad
- vi loop when resizing window
Mike Sanders
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Danny Schales
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Danny Schales
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Danny Schales
- ZFS UNMAP performance
Danny Schales
- device ada n/ in kernconf, how to omitt for hv_storvsc.ko
Harald Schmalzbauer
- device ada n/ in kernconf, how to omitt for hv_storvsc.ko
Harald Schmalzbauer
- UTF-8 Sorting
Gerhard Schmidt
- jails and devfs
Robert Schulze
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
Matthew Seaman
- pkg
Matthew Seaman
- passwd(1) weirdness...
Matthew Seaman
- Fwd: KASSERT in vm_map.c
Hans Petter Selasky
- Fwd: KASSERT in vm_map.c
Hans Petter Selasky
- PANIC: freebsd-10-stable - acquiring blockable sleep lock with spinlock or critical section held (sleep mutex) Giant @ /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c:1929
Hans Petter Selasky
- Neue Sommer-Katalog 2014
kommerziellen Service
- passwd(1) weirdness...
Joe Shevland
- UTF-8 Sorting
Joe Shevland
- UTF-8 Sorting
Joe Shevland
- 10/stable lldb build failure
Dmitry Sivachenko
- 10/stable lldb build failure
Dmitry Sivachenko
- 10.0-R memstick from DVD1 can't install packages (was: FreeBSD 10-RC1 ISO image too big)
Ian Smith
- TCP packets remain unsent
Ian Smith
- openssh in stable-10 broken config or sandbox
Dag-Erling Smørgrav
- Broadcomm bge in Dell 745/FreeBSD 10-STABLE = no gigabit Ethernet
Michael L. Squires
- Broadcomm bge in Dell 745/FreeBSD 10-STABLE = no gigabit Ethernet
Michael L. Squires
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Mike Tancsa
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Mike Tancsa
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Mike Tancsa
- Two odd problems with STABLE-10 r262921
Mike Tancsa
- svn commit: r263023 - in stable/9: etc etc/mtree etc/pkg share share/keys share/keys/pkg/trusted share/man/man7
Mike Tancsa
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
Mike Tancsa
- [HEADSUP] pkg 1.3.0 alpha1: Breath of fresh air from Kirov
Andrew Thompson
- net/nylon hangs in read(2) under FreeBSD10
Pavel Timofeev
- net/nylon hangs in read(2) under FreeBSD10
Pavel Timofeev
- net/nylon hangs in read(2) under FreeBSD10
Pavel Timofeev
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips64/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on armv6/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc64/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] source tree update failure
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on ia64/ia64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_9 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on mips/mips
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on powerpc/powerpc
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
Jeff Tipton
- Freebsd 10 install kernel not booting.
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Reko Turja
- reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Reko Turja
- miibus0: mii_mediachg: can't handle non-zero PHY instance 31
chrish at UltimateDNS.NET
- Two PR that can be closed
Matthieu Volat
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
Kai Wang
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- [releng_10 tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- vi loop when resizing window
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
Bob Willcox
- vi loop when resizing window
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- HEADS UP: merged llvm/clang 3.4
David Wolfskill
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
Garrett Wollman
- sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE
Alexander Yerenkow
- vi loop when resizing window
Zhihao Yuan
- vi loop when resizing window
Zhihao Yuan
- [CFT] switch default version of xorg on 10-STABLE
Niclas Zeising
- UTF-8 Sorting
Wolfgang Zenker
- NanoBSD customizations in FreeBSD 10?
- bigbluebutton fails to compile with freeswitch mod_conference in FreeBSD10
- crash on zpool import - help get data back
Eugene M. Zheganin
- crash on zpool import - help get data back
Eugene M. Zheganin
- crash on zpool import - help get data back
Eugene M. Zheganin
- crash on zpool import - help get data back
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Network stack returning EFBIG?
wollman at
- NanoBSD customizations in FreeBSD 10?
- NanoBSD customizations in FreeBSD 10?
- Build failed in Jenkins: FreeBSD_stable_8 #36
jenkins-admin at
- Build failed in Jenkins: FreeBSD_stable_10 #100
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : FreeBSD_stable_8 #37
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : FreeBSD_stable_10 #101
jenkins-admin at
- Najbrže rastući besplatni oglasnik za kupovinu i prodaju
- Any news about "msk0 watchdog timeout" regression in 10-RELEASE?
jason-freebsd-stable at
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 23:27:13 UTC 2014
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 23:27:17 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).