TCP packets remain unsent

Willy Offermans Willy at
Sat Mar 29 14:02:43 UTC 2014

Dear FreeBSD friends,

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 05:25:54PM +0100, Willy Offermans wrote:
> Dear FreeBSD friends,
> I have a problem with my relatively new FreeBSD server. I came across the
> problem when sending e-mails of larger size and copying files with scp.
> The e-mails were not sent out because of time-out error and the copying was
> extremely slow, though successful after a while. I already started a thread
> on this topic on freebsd-current. See
>, topic
> sendmail Broken Pipe Error. I got some help to narrow down the
> error: Sending out e-mails of larger size stops at some point. TCP packets
> were not transferred to the smarthost causing a timeout error. There were
> still some TCP packets waiting to be sent.
> My system is a HP ProLiant Gen8 MicroServer with FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0
> r261266M. The server has two network cards:
> bge0 at pci0:3:0:0:        class=0x020000 card=0x2133103c chip=0x165f14e4 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
>     vendor     = 'Broadcom Corporation'
>     device     = 'NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
> bge1 at pci0:3:0:1:        class=0x020000 card=0x2133103c chip=0x165f14e4 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
>     vendor     = 'Broadcom Corporation'
>     device     = 'NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
> I do not know if there any known issues with these cards (drivers).
> Before the time out error occurs, the CPU loading of natd and dhcpd is
> steadily increasing to extreme values to my opinion:
>  1235 root          1  93    0 28908K  2144K RUN     0  54:05  71.78% natd
>  1614 dhcpd         1   4    0 26784K 14936K RUN     0  29:24  38.77% dhcpd
> I followed an advice of another FreeBSD friend to modify tcp_input.c
> <snip>
> ...
> You may want to locally apply SVN r258821 to sys/netinet/tcp_input.c,
> in case it has not been merged back to the FreeBSD version you use:
> --- sys/netinet/tcp_input.c     (revision 258820)
> +++ sys/netinet/tcp_input.c     (revision 258821)
> @@ -2429,13 +2429,15 @@
>                 hhook_run_tcp_est_in(tp, th, &to);
>                 if (SEQ_LEQ(th->th_ack, tp->snd_una)) {
> -                       if (tlen == 0 && tiwin == tp->snd_wnd) {
> +                       if (tlen == 0 && tiwin == tp->snd_wnd &&
> +                           !(thflags & TH_FIN)) {
>                                 TCPSTAT_INC(tcps_rcvdupack);
>                                 /*
>                                  * If we have outstanding data (other than
>                                  * a window probe), this is a completely
>                                  * duplicate ack (ie, window info didn't
> -                                * change), the ack is the biggest we've
> +                                * change and FIN isn't set),
> +                                * the ack is the biggest we've
>                                  * seen and we've seen exactly our rexmt
>                                  * threshhold of them, assume a packet
>                                  * has been dropped and retransmit it.
> ...
> </snip>
> However this did not solve the issue.
> So my question to you is if someone else encountered a similar problem with
> NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe and if someone is able to take this
> up and to help me to solve this issue. I would love to run this FreeBSD
> server as a swiss clock as other beastie servers, I have setup in the past.
> -- 

I could narrow down the cause of the error:

If I remove the following line from my firewall rules, I could sent out
e-mails without issues.

 /sbin/ipfw add 50 divert natd all from any to any via bge0

I do not know yet how things are related, but I will dig into it.

If someone has a hint, please respond to the list.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
De jrus wah,


 W.K. Offermans
e-mail: Willy at

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