reason 23 why we've moved to linux

Chris H bsd-lists at
Tue Mar 25 20:11:53 UTC 2014

>> On 03/23/2014 05:12 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>>>> Now be honest Randy, and tell us why you started this thread.
>>> in the hope that ports will be made usable before so many people give up
>>> that critical mass is lost.  a real tragedy if the great freebsd core
>>> dies because of ports lack of usability.
>> I have run production FreeBSD ever since 2.x.  I also work in an environment
>> with north of 1000 Linux servers (plus AIX, plus Solaris, plus Windows...)
>> Guess what?  There is no clear winner here.  RHEL RPM is a nightmare
>> unless you manage it very carefully.  Yum make is better but you still
>> have to pay attention.  There's a reason RH strongly encourages the use
>> of Sat Server.
>> Debian?  Well apt-get mostly works until it doesn't and you have to paw your
>> way through key problems and the like.  SuSE?  Ditto.  AIX lpps?
>> Nice, until you confront a piece of open source they don't support or haven't
>> upgraded.  Have fun compiling your own version.
>> Complex systems environments require complex procedures and policies.  The idea
>> that some technology magically will make this work is absurd.  Moreover,
>> unlike some random hobbyist desktop (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That),
>> enterprise class server environments migrate carefully, thoughtfully, only
>> after reasonable testing, and only if really needed.  On that basis, I can
>> assure you that the FreeBSD ports system isn't particularly "less usable"
>> than any commercially supported environment out there and certainly not
>> linux broadly.  It comes down to what you're willing to do to execute
>> clean, stable upgrades.
> The past experience you reference, I would consider an accurate assessment of
> that of my own, over a ~25 year period. But that /past/ isn't the issue being
> addressed in this post. The /present/ is. While I would never consider Lin*
> as a possible alternative. Because it has too many "chiefs", which ultimately
> results in never knowing what to expect in the near future, let alone long-term
> affects/results. This is probably my primary reason for tracking FreeBSD all
> these years. But here in recent months, things have changed. So much so, and
> without any perceivable course -- oh yes, I hear all the claims/statements.
> That I've felt compelled to consider other alternatives. I track -STABLE. I've
> filed quite a few PR's. I've spent quite some time attempting to help the
> maintainer(s) to squash some of them. I've provided actual cures, and patches.
> Where the cure was simply to add NO_STAGE=(yes|true). I was told that that
> wasn't a cure, and that I needed to "upgrade" to the new pkg(8) system. Ahem.
> I'm tracking -STABLE, in this case, it meant 8.4-STABLE. If I'm not mistaken,
> 8-STABLE is supported till June 30, 2015. If I'm also not mistaken, 8-STABLE
> comes with/uses the pkg_ system. Fact is, many are tracking 8-STABLE for just
> this reason; without "deep pockets", and wealthy benefactors, this gives
> them the opportunity to re-tool for the new pkg system, or see if pkg(8)
> ever actually "pans out", and if it does, what it looks like in the end.
> That's what "stable" is all about. One other example; I had a couple of
> builds that each required graphics/gimp. I was unable to install it on the
> first one, because graphics/libopenraw failed to build against devel/libboost.
> I filed a pr(1), and noticed there was also another outstanding for 3mos.
> The second install was a month later -- same issue, but newer r#. So I took
> the time to "wind back" through the revs, until I found a revision where
> graphics/libopenraw would build. Then took the time to file another pr(1),
> indicating the issue, /and/ providing the solution.
> One week later, I received notice that the 2 pr's I'd filed had been closed.
> Reason being; they were too similar to the previous one. What?! Forget the
> fact I'd just spent a boat load of time I /didn't/ have, to find a solution
> to the problem. But totally disregard the solution?! Did they actually /read/
> the pr's? Or were they just looking to make the pr count look better?
> But the "kicker" for me was the new "EOL" announcement for pkg-tools:
> pkg_install EOL is scheduled for 2014-09-01. Please consider migrating to pkgng
> go see Joe blogger, for more info...
> For starters, tracking 8.4, means you get pkg-tools, not pkg(8). While pkg(8)
> /may/ turn out to be the best thing, since "sliced bread". For reasons
> stated earlier, it should not be /forced/ upon those who track 8-STABLE, and
> /certainly/ not, until June 30, 2015. After which, the whole point becomes
> pretty much moot. The initial message has a pause/sleep timer. Indicating
> that placing:
> in make.conf(5) will eliminate further warnings. However, such is not the case.
> New installs, or largish upgrades, require being spammed some 1000 times with
> this message to go visit Joe blogger. Rubbish! This speaks to the point I had
> intended to make, by this reply. IMHO, it shows a terrible short-sighted view
> that appears to be affecting FreeBSD in the past few months. There appears to
> be too much strain on those that oversee the project. In the ~25yrs I've been
> tracking, I have /never/ seen so many oversights. So little thought to the
> "big picture", long-term affect(s). I may be off in my perception. But I
> can't make sense of it, any other way.
>> In truth, in almost 2 decades of use both in my own business and by some of
>> my clients, FreeBSD has shown far less aggravation in this regard than the
>> Tower Of Babel linux distros have become.  Me?  I don't much care.  The more
>> screwed up things are, the more opportunities for additional work I find :)
> I couldn't agree more. I /loved/ Micro$oft for this. They were a /huge/
> money-maker, in this regard. However, I could never wish FreeBSD, with a
> strategy like this.
> Thank you for your indigents,
Ahem... that was to read indulgence
> and sorry if this comes off as a "rant"
> (not intended).
> --Chris
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