December 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Dec 1 00:06:15 UTC 2012
Ending: Mon Dec 31 17:33:06 UTC 2012
Messages: 661
- CPU upgrade vs CPUTYPE
Toomas Aas
- ld; extracting from libraries; and related questions
Gary Aitken
- audio playback with variable tempo
Gary Aitken
- [Bulk] audio playback with variable tempo
Gary Aitken
- audio playback with variable tempo
Gary Aitken
- switching from i386 to amd64
Gary Aitken
- http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Sultan Al-Rabai
- Akarshani Amarasinghe has added you on SkillPages
Akarshani Amarasinghe
- correct way for installing python extensions for 3.3?
Shane Ambler
- static ip address and ifconfig
Shane Ambler
- Strange mouse behavior in Gnome2
Shane Ambler
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
- Radeon HD 2400 PRO, DRI setup problem
Fernando Apesteguía
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Matthias Apitz
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Matthias Apitz
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Matthias Apitz
- jitsi (was: Re: working SIP phone for FreeBSD?)
Matthias Apitz
- about unattended installation
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre
- about unattended installation
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre
- question about my new Dell 3010
Zane C. B-H.
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
Luke Bakken
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
Luke Bakken
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Tzanetos Balitsaris
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Tzanetos Balitsaris
- following 9-STABLE but getting 9.1-PRERELEASE
Marco Beishuizen
- changing prompt for user in jail
Aldis Berjoza
- Brian Blencoe
Brian Blencoe
- Brian
Brian Blencoe
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Warren Block
- question about my new Dell 3010
Warren Block
- question about my new Dell 3010
Warren Block
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
Warren Block
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
Warren Block
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
Warren Block
- "Dialog" on some ports looks odd
Warren Block
- switching from i386 to amd64
Warren Block
- PS: Partitioning - please not that again
Warren Block
- Partitioning - please not that again
Warren Block
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
Warren Block
- Optimus VGA support in new release 9.1
Warren Block
- NFS client over private network
Frank Bonnet
- NFS client over private network
Frank Bonnet
- using AWK
Frank Bonnet
- reboot after removing ipv6 ?
Frank Bonnet
- redirect incoming telnet to com port
Robert Bonomi
- Safe Way to Tell if Process is Running
Robert Bonomi
- modem communication
Robert Bonomi
- using iniparser.h
Robert Bonomi
- static ip address and ifconfig
Robert Bonomi
- following 9-STABLE but getting 9.1-PRERELEASE
Robert Bonomi
- VPS FreeBSD Hosting
David Brodbeck
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Kurt Buff
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Kurt Buff
- Fwd: Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Kurt Buff
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- Why am I not getting network connectivity on boot?
Christian Campbell
- SMS application
- ath0 + wpa/wpa2 + apple airport extreme = no joy.
Adrian Chadd
- Listen to file changes
Arthur Chance
- switching from i386 to amd64
Arthur Chance
- ZFS info WAS: new backup server file system options
Arthur Chance
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
Arthur Chance
- KDE4 has no FolderView in FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE
Elias Chrysocheris
- gpart and FreeBSD 8.x
Julien Cigar
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Stephen Cook
- using AWK
Ben Cottrell
- using AWK
Ben Cottrell
- Boot of 9.1 under qemu-kvm 1.3 hangs at pci probing
Bruce Cran
- Install on Intel
Fleuriot Damien
- SOLVED - Re: CARP within VirtualBox Does it work?
Fleuriot Damien
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Fleuriot Damien
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Fleuriot Damien
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Fleuriot Damien
- Brian Blencoe
Fleuriot Damien
- uname -r output values?
Fleuriot Damien
- "Dialog" on some ports looks odd
Dan Mahoney, System Admin
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Tim Daneliuk
- Xorg got stuck sometimes
David Demelier
- Xorg got stuck sometimes
David Demelier
- Xorg got stuck sometimes
David Demelier
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
David Demelier
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
David Demelier
- dhclient and random disconnects
David Demelier
- dhclient and random disconnects
David Demelier
- svn revision in uname
David Demelier
- Full disk encryption without root partition
David Demelier
- Full disk encryption without root partition
David Demelier
- Save € 2,000 with Gan Direct All-in-One Insurance
Gan Direct
- Save € 2,000 with Gan Direct All-in-One Insurance
Gan Direct
- i am new with this
Erich Dollansky
- Questions not working again?
Erich Dollansky
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Erich Dollansky
- switching from i386 to amd64
Erich Dollansky
- i386 vs. amd64
Erich Dollansky
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Erich Dollansky
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Erich Dollansky
- About QUOTA support in stock kernel
Patrick Dung
- dual boot winxp & 9.1-rc3
- CTM status
- uname -r output values?
- uname -r output values?
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- changing prompt for user in jail
- changing prompt for user in jail
- Upgrade icu failed
Matthias Fechner
- Upgrade icu failed
Matthias Fechner
- Upgrade icu failed
Matthias Fechner
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Daniel Feenberg
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
Mark Felder
- CARP within VirtualBox Does it work?
Damien Fleuriot
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Damien Fleuriot
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Damien Fleuriot
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Damien Fleuriot
- uname -r output values?
Damien Fleuriot
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
Damien Fleuriot
- switching from i386 to amd64
Aryeh Friedman
- i386 vs. amd64
Aryeh Friedman
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
Derek Funk
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Matthias Gamsjager
- IPv6 Ready Logo test to Freebsd9.0(host), nd.p2 169-175 failed.
haohao Gao
- Listen to file changes
C. P. Ghost
- svn revision in uname
C. P. Ghost
- updatedb?
C. P. Ghost
- Login class and limit
Lowell Gilbert
- svn revision in uname
Lowell Gilbert
- svn revision in uname
Lowell Gilbert
- static ip address and ifconfig
Lowell Gilbert
- static ip address and ifconfig
Lowell Gilbert
- SMS application
Waitman Gobble
- audio CD/CD-TEXT
Waitman Gobble
- how to get audio from youtube?
Waitman Gobble
- Paperless bills from GreenPost
- regarding carp and nginx
Ruben de Groot
- resolvconf overwriting /etc/resolv.conf
Ruben de Groot
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
Ronald F. Guilmette
- Full disk encryption without root partition
Bernt Hansson
- PPPOED: reading data of line quality from the A/DSL modem
O. Hartmann
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
John Hein
- http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Johan Hendriks
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
Chris Hill
- static ip address and ifconfig
Chris Hill
- Resizing HAST volumes
Scott Hilleard
- Atheros, AirPort Extreme, WPA issues
Christopher Hilton
- ath0 + wpa/wpa2 + apple airport extreme = no joy.
Christopher Sean Hilton
- Atheros, AirPort Extreme, WPA issues
Christopher Sean Hilton
- ixgbe ALTQ support on 9.1-RELEASE
Mike Hix
- Torrents Page
Paul Hohberg
- problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT
Robert Huff
- problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT
Robert Huff
- problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT
Robert Huff
- GNOME (was: Gnome)
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- Issue with the pkgng repository
Walter Hurry
- pkg upgrade?
Walter Hurry
- Issue with the pkgng repository
Walter Hurry
- pkg version?
Walter Hurry
- Startup Notification?
Walter Hurry
- Startup Notification?
Walter Hurry
- pkgng
Walter Hurry
- Obsolete Shared Libraries?
Walter Hurry
- updatedb?
Walter Hurry
- Upgrade icu failed
Walter Hurry
- Upgrade icu failed
Walter Hurry
- Another question about pkgng
Walter Hurry
- 12/5/2012
- HI
Alejandro Imass
- Merry Christmas everyon1
Foo JH
- exclude directories from find command
Jens Jahnke
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
Jens Jahnke
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
Jens Jahnke
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
Jens Jahnke
- Question on how do I tell make to choose between static and shared versions of a library
Manish Jain
- Question on how do I tell make to choose between static and shared versions of a library
Manish Jain
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
- shell script problem
Dhénin Jean-Jacques
- shell script problem
Dhénin Jean-Jacques
- Gnome
Mike Jeays
- static ip address and ifconfig
Mike Jeays
- regarding carp and nginx
Joar Jegleim
- regarding carp and nginx
Joar Jegleim
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
Leslie Jensen
- Anyone using squid and pf?
Leslie Jensen
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
- kdialog error message
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
- svn incantation for 9.1-RELEASE
- svn incantation for 9.1-RELEASE
- Torrents Page
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- kernel panic leads to core dump
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- Pre-Release Snapshot?
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- svn revision in uname
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- switching from i386 to amd64
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- FreeBSD/EC2 -9.0-Current 2011-01-01 (ami-f4db2a9d)
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- i386 vs. amd64
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- CPU upgrade vs CPUTYPE
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- wifi support?
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
- buffalo wli-uc-gn wireless card sometimes unusable and emit "run0: wcid=xx out of range"
- Thunderbird 17.0.1_1 Seg Fault 11's on Enigmail and Lightning
Joseph a Nagy Jr
- Optimus VGA support in new release 9.1
Sam Fourman Jr.
- Newbie question about freebsd-update: single user mode is not needed anymore?
Jose Garcia Juanino
- Newbie question about freebsd-update: single user mode is not needed anymore?
Jose Garcia Juanino
- about unattended installation
Amitabh Kant
- about unattended installation
Amitabh Kant
- Using the new C++11 stack on 9.1
Marcus Karlsson
- set connection to a modem
Ilya Kazakevich
- Gnome
Ilya Kazakevich
- dual boot winxp & 9.1-rc3
Ilya Kazakevich
- redirect incoming telnet to com port
Ilya Kazakevich
- netstat -i
Ilya Kazakevich
- "Dialog" on some ports looks odd
Ilya Kazakevich
- static ip address and ifconfig
Mikel King
- static ip address and ifconfig
Mikel King
- static ip address and ifconfig
Mikel King
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- question about my new Dell 3010
Gary Kline
- how to get audio from youtube?
Gary Kline
- how to get audio from youtube?
Gary Kline
- which C function is best to check for directory EXISTANCE?
Gary Kline
- make do not work in 10-Current
Eugen Konkov
- make do not work in 10-Current
Eugen Konkov
- can not build FreeRadius 2.2.0
Eugen Konkov
- bind to all interfaces
Eugen Konkov
- bind to all interfaces
Eugen Konkov
- Installing chromium port
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Paul Kraus
- ZFS info WAS: new backup server file system options
Paul Kraus
- Unecpected change default route in 9.0, 8.2
Radek Krejča
- http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Anil Kumar
- [solved] Malformed UTF-8 in x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2
Martin Laabs
- Full disk encryption without root partition
Martin Laabs
- Postgrey eats 100% CPU
Patrick Lamaiziere
- no more localhost name ?
Patrick Lamaiziere
- poudriere upgade perl in jail
Patrick Lamaiziere
- bind to all interfaces
Patrick Lamaiziere
- wifi support?
Greg Larkin
- Listen to file changes
Jack Mc Lauren
- using AWK
Jack Mc Lauren
- using AWK
Jack Mc Lauren
- using AWK - Thanks :)
Jack Mc Lauren
- Installing chromium port
Jack Mc Lauren
- exclude directories from find command
Jack Mc Lauren
- shell script problem
Jack Mc Lauren
- using iniparser.h
Jack Mc Lauren
Sergio de Almeida Lenzi
- SMS application
John Levine
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
John Levine
- FreeBSD/EC2 -9.0-Current 2011-01-01 (ami-f4db2a9d)
George Liaskos
- Strange mouse behavior in Gnome2
Alexander Lindemann
- Strange mouse behavior in Gnome2
Alexander Lindemann
- getpwnam_r returns EINVAL on FreeBSD 8.3
Dan Lists
- getpwnam_r returns EINVAL on FreeBSD 8.3
Dan Lists
- Boot of 9.1 under qemu-kvm 1.3 hangs at pci probing
Juergen Lock
- svn incantation for 9.1-RELEASE
Reed Loefgren
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
- [solved] Cannot boot - creating partition and installing FreeBSD is [solved]
Ralf Mardorf
Ralf Mardorf
Ralf Mardorf
Ralf Mardorf
Ralf Mardorf
- [Bulk] audio playback with variable tempo
Ralf Mardorf
- [solved] PPPoE
Ralf Mardorf
- KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage
Ralf Mardorf
- KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage
Ralf Mardorf
- [Bulk] Re: audio playback with variable tempo
Ralf Mardorf
- [Bulk] Re: audio playback with variable tempo
Ralf Mardorf
- [Bulk] Re: audio playback with variable tempo
Ralf Mardorf
- Software Manager - try again later
Ralf Mardorf
- Software Manager - try again later
Ralf Mardorf
- switching from i386 to amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- switching from i386 to amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Partitioning - please not that again
Ralf Mardorf
- PS: Partitioning - please not that again
Ralf Mardorf
- Partitioning - please not that again
Ralf Mardorf
- PS: Partitioning - please not that again
Ralf Mardorf
- Partitioning - please not that again
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Ralf Mardorf
- Kernel panic after excessive access to NFSv4 as client (FreeBSD-9.1)
Takahide Matsuoka
- route issue
Yavuz Maşlak
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Jerry McAllister
- Safe Way to Tell if Process is Running
Martin McCormick
- Safe Way to Tell if Process is Running
Martin McCormick
- Safe Way to Tell if Process is Running
Martin McCormick
- gpart and FreeBSD 8.x
Rick Miller
- gpart and FreeBSD 8.x
Rick Miller
- ipfwNG project?
Rick Miller
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Rick Miller
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Rick Miller
- root filesystem and soft-update
Rick Miller
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Rick Miller
- root filesystem and soft-update
Rick Miller
- FreeBSD Ports Batch Install
Rick Miller
- make release and mfsroot
Rick Miller
- make release and mfsroot
Rick Miller
- make release and mfsroot
Rick Miller
- mfsroot starts sysinstall how?
Rick Miller
- mfsroot starts sysinstall how?
Rick Miller
- mfsroot starts sysinstall how?
Rick Miller
- FreeBSD 8 or 9 on HP ML350 G8
Rick Miller
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Adam Vande More
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Adam Vande More
- updatedb?
Adam Vande More
- svn revision in uname
Anders N.
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.18 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
David Naylor
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.19 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
David Naylor
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
David Naylor
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.18 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
David Naylor
- Sound lag in Wine
David Naylor
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
David Naylor
- redirect incoming telnet to com port
Dan Nelson
- what replaces javaws? using icedtea-web and openjdk6.
Dan Nelson
- Organic SEO for
Sophi Nelson
- Organic SEO for
Sophi Nelson
- mfiutil stating battery not present after installing battery
Gary Newcombe
- NFS client over private network
Olivier Nicole
- netstat -i
Olivier Nicole
- netstat -i
Olivier Nicole
- netstat -i
Olivier Nicole
- installworld strangeness
David Noel
- set connection to a modem
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Safe Way to Tell if Process is Running
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- root filesystem and soft-update
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- serial connection
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- switching from i386 to amd64
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Obsolete Shared Libraries?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- shell script problem
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- what replaces javaws? using icedtea-web and openjdk6.
Antonio Olivares
- what replaces javaws? using icedtea-web and openjdk6.
Antonio Olivares
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Antonio Olivares
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
Antonio Olivares
- FreeBSD 802.11 Testbed
Hooman Oroojeni
- How to Make Customized Boot-able DVD or USB
Hooman Oroojeni
- serial connection
Jonathan P
Kimmo Paasiala
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
Dima Panov
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Chad Perrin
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Chad Perrin
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
Chad Perrin
- IPv6in4 tunnel with only one /64 prefix
Frédéric Perrin
- "last" not showing recent login activity
Matthias Petermann
- "last" not showing recent login activity
Matthias Petermann
- How to handle parallel versions of maintained port?
Matthias Petermann
- set connection to a modem
Chris Petrik
- i am new with this
Chris Petrik
- Questions not working again?
Al Plant
- set connection to a modem
- Gnome
- i am new with this
- Install on Intel
- question about my new Dell 3010
- question about my new Dell 3010
- Brian
- mount -u effects
- mount -u effects
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
- how to get audio from youtube?
- audio playback with variable tempo
- [Bulk] audio playback with variable tempo
- http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- [solved] PPPoE
- audio playback with variable tempo
- Listen to file changes
- modem communication
- Software Manager - try again later
- Software Manager - try again later
- Software Manager - try again later
- switching from i386 to amd64
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
- Question on how do I tell make to choose between static and shared versions of a library
- switching from i386 to amd64
- Partitioning - please not that again
- PS: Partitioning - please not that again
- using AWK
- using AWK
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
- updatedb?
- updatedb?
- which C function is best to check for directory EXISTANCE?
- Upgrading FreeBSD 8.3 amd64
- shell script problem
- shell script problem
- static ip address and ifconfig
- static ip address and ifconfig
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- static ip address and ifconfig
- problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT
- KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage
Michael Powell
- KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage
Michael Powell
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
Michael Powell
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
Michael Powell
- route issue
Michael Powell
- i am new with this
- i want to order one software
- switching from i386 to amd64
- using AWK
- updatedb?
- updatedb?
- exclude directories from find command
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- Full disk encryption without root partition
Jack Raats
- Optimus VGA support in new release 9.1
Ashkan Rahmani
- [solved] KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage
Mardorf Ralf
- Software Manager - try again later
Mardorf Ralf
- Can't get start_precmd to do *anything*
Chris Rees
- Can't get start_precmd to do *anything*
Chris Rees
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
Frank Reppin
- Solar Windows - US Air Force Approved
Dennis Roberts
- Solar Windows - US Air Force Approved
Dennis Roberts
- Sound lag in Wine
- Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?
Chris Ross
- Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?
Chris Ross
- Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?
Chris Ross
- Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?
Chris Ross
- Curious question about using zfs send -R and receive on FreeBSD
Christopher J. Ruwe
- Dell H710 and H310 Raid Controller
Omer Faruk SEN
- making a custom iso
Omer Faruk SEN
- SMS application
Boris Samorodov
- make do not work in 10-Current
Boris Samorodov
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Paul Schmehl
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Paul Schmehl
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Paul Schmehl
- "Dialog" on some ports looks odd
Paul Schmehl
- Can't get start_precmd to do *anything*
Paul Schmehl
- Can't get start_precmd to do *anything*
Paul Schmehl
- Can't get start_precmd to do *anything*
Paul Schmehl
- rescan of sata channels
Gerhard Schmidt
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
Helmut Schneider
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- pkg upgrade?
Matthew Seaman
- Issue with the pkgng repository
Matthew Seaman
- netstat -i
Matthew Seaman
- netstat -i
Matthew Seaman
- pkg version?
Matthew Seaman
- 9.1 on FTP
Matthew Seaman
- question about my new Dell 3010
Matthew Seaman
- question about my new Dell 3010
Matthew Seaman
- pkgng
Matthew Seaman
- pkgng
Matthew Seaman
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
Matthew Seaman
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
Matthew Seaman
- Question on how do I tell make to choose between static and shared versions of a library
Matthew Seaman
- "last" not showing recent login activity
Matthew Seaman
- "last" not showing recent login activity
Matthew Seaman
- shell script problem
Matthew Seaman
- how to configure host login account to use jail?
Matthew Seaman
- ports and pbi
Matthew Seaman
- Wine-fbsd64 updated to 1.5.20 (32bit Wine for 64bit FreeBSD)
Matthew Seaman
- Optimus VGA support in new release 9.1
Matthew Seaman
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Hans Petter Selasky
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Hans Petter Selasky
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Hans Petter Selasky
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Michael Sierchio
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Michael Sierchio
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
Hugo Silva
- following 9-STABLE but getting 9.1-PRERELEASE
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Using the new C++11 stack on 9.1
Herbert J. Skuhra
- root filesystem and soft-update
Bas Smeelen
- 9.1-RC3 LiveCD missing features
Bas Smeelen
- Questions not working again?
Bas Smeelen
- Questions not working again?
Bas Smeelen
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Bas Smeelen
- zfsboot error 1 just sometimes
Bas Smeelen
- portmaster: hal-0.5.14_20 and xorg-server-1.7.7_6, 1 (re)installation fails
Bas Smeelen
- updatedb?
Bas Smeelen
- updatedb?
Bas Smeelen
- updatedb?
Bas Smeelen
- updatedb?
Bas Smeelen
- kldload if_run error
Bas Smeelen
- exclude directories from find command
Bas Smeelen
- poudriere upgade perl in jail
Bas Smeelen
- poudriere upgade perl in jail
Bas Smeelen
- audio playback with variable tempo
Ian Smith
- audio playback with variable tempo
Ian Smith
- shell script problem
Ian Smith
- exclude directories from find command
Roland Smith
- correct way for installing python extensions for 3.3?
Roland Smith
- svn incantation for 9.1-RELEASE
Christer Solskogen
- svn incantation for 9.1-RELEASE
Christer Solskogen
- CTM status
Julian H. Stacey
- Stickers
Julian H. Stacey
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Julian H. Stacey
- Help! Firefox + acroread costs me $$$$
Julian H. Stacey
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
Julian H. Stacey
- grep -Dskip doesn't skip FIFOs
Marco Steinbach
- grep -Dskip doesn't skip FIFOs
Marco Steinbach
- grep -Dskip doesn't skip FIFOs
Marco Steinbach
- make do not work in 10-Current
Ryan Steinmetz
- Changes to kern.geom.debugflags?
Marius Strobl
- Stickers
- Question on "zero signal"
Michał Stępień
- Login class and limit
Charles Swiger
- Login class and limit
Chuck Swiger
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
Hanafi Syahroini
Mike Tancsa
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
Jason Taylor
- Gain Organic Traffic:Freebsd.Org :PS
Justin Taylor
- Nova CPE Krazer Sky Station 5GHz N - CPE Antena Integrada de 18dBi e Com Saída para Antena Externa
Vendas Krazer Technologies
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Devin Teske
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Devin Teske
- make release and mfsroot
Devin Teske
- make release and mfsroot
Devin Teske
- make release and mfsroot
Devin Teske
- mfsroot starts sysinstall how?
Devin Teske
- using AWK
Devin Teske
- using AWK
Devin Teske
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
Devin Teske
- FreeBSD as VMWare guest / disk resizing
Devin Teske
- updatedb?
Devin Teske
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Devin Teske
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Devin Teske
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
Devin Teske
- about unattended installation
Devin Teske
- about unattended installation
Devin Teske
- about unattended installation
Devin Teske
- uname -r output values?
Devin Teske
- wifi support?
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
Bill Tillman
- Mounting a samba share on boot?
Bill Tillman
- sssd 1.8.4
Alexey Tyurikov
- gPXE booting FreeBSD?
- Login class and limit
- Login class and limit
- Login class and limit
- ipfwNG project?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- List all hard drives on system (with capacities)... How?
Nikos Vassiliadis
- PPPOED: reading data of line quality from the A/DSL modem
Nikos Vassiliadis
- SMS application
Andrea Venturoli
- set connection to a modem
Peter Vereshagin
- PPPOED: reading data of line quality from the A/DSL modem
Peter Vereshagin
- SaMBa 4 - man pages
Celso Viana
- which C function is best to check for directory EXISTANCE?
Karl Vogel
- Stickers
Chris Whitehouse
- Torrents Page
Willem Jan Withagen
- grep -Dskip doesn't skip FIFOs
David Xu
- grep -Dskip doesn't skip FIFOs
David Xu
- Can't set xfce4 logout dialog buttons
Dr. ZaITo
- Newbie question about freebsd-update: single user mode is not needed anymore?
Zyumbilev, Peter
- pkgng
- working SIP phone for FreeBSD?
- HI
J chhayani
andrew clarke
- audio playback with variable tempo
- CARP within VirtualBox Does it work?
- SMS application
- openjdk port build failures
- openjdk port build failures
- Curious question about using zfs send -R and receive on FreeBSD
- Curious question about using zfs send -R and receive on FreeBSD
- ZFS info WAS: new backup server file system options
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
- FreeBSD as an Access Point
- static ip address and ifconfig
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
illoai at
- portmaster + unknown dependency problem
lokadamus at
- about unattended installation
- Bad gpg signature on 9.1 announcement mail?
- Bad gpg signature on 9.1 announcement mail?
- Somewhat OT: Is Full Command Logging Possible?
n j
- FreeBSD Release Date Challenge, plus other stuff the project needs
n j
- question about my new Dell 3010
- OT - A Generation Lost in the Bazaar
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
- dhclient and random disconnects
- dhclient and random disconnects
- Startup Notification?
- reboot after removing ipv6 ?
- bind to all interfaces
- FreeBSD/EC2 -9.0-Current 2011-01-01 (ami-f4db2a9d)
- HR, legal and business documents in kenya
Offdocs kenya
- Install on Intel
- Dear ELFRIEDE, cabbage soup is now available in hyper-concentrated capsules
The oldest method of weight loss
- set connection to a modem
s m
- modem communication
s m
- expect doesn't work correctly with cu
s m
- plink can not work with serial port
s m
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- Full disk encryption without root partition
- set connection to a modem
saeedeh motlagh
- redirect incoming telnet to com port
saeedeh motlagh
- plink can not work with serial port
saeedeh motlagh
- question about my new Dell 3010
perryh at
- Share your best pictures on loomel
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
long at
- bash pipe redirection gets stuck
long at
- aclocal-1.12: error: ''
Oleg simonoff
- getting packets on a specific port by pf
- mount -u effects
- mount -u effects
- 9.1 on FTP
sib at
- new backup server file system options
yudi v
- Gnome
ren_pro at
- what's wrong with the openbsd-netcat?
lei yang
- what's wrong with the openbsd-netcat?
lei yang
- kldload if_run error
Вячеслав Агапов
- d-link dwa-125 up
Вячеслав Агапов
- d-link dwa-125 up
Вячеслав Агапов
- ports and pbi
иван кузнецов
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 17:33:06 UTC 2012
Archived on: Mon Dec 31 17:33:12 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).