IPv6 Ready Logo test to Freebsd9.0(host), nd.p2 169-175 failed.

haohao Gao haohaokg at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 08:10:28 UTC 2012

Dear Freebsder:
       I made a Ipv6 ready  logo test to Freebsd9.0,but nd.p2 169-175 items
were failed .
      These failed items are related to Redirection. I find the lack of
neighbor solicitation make these items fail .
       Maybe the existence of neighbor cache of the tester Freebsd cause
the lack of 'necessary' neighbor solicitation.
       I don't know how to make these failed items pass.
       I am looking forward to receive your reply.

    attachments are the image of tester Freebsd's /etc/rc.conf and some
related images about the test.

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