KDE trouble, perhaps related to display wizard usage

Michael Powell nightrecon at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 13 19:31:43 UTC 2012

Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-12-13 at 13:08 -0500, Michael Powell wrote about drivers.
> I tested vesa, ati and radeonhd before I posted my request. There where
> tons of resolutions available and there aren't performance issues. Just
> the frequencies are to low. However, at the moment I want to be able to
> use GUIs on KDE, to get a panel back, that is always accessible. Perhaps
> KDE gets broken, when I edited the panel settings, buy using the
> correlated GUI.

OK - in spite of X supposedly being capable of true auto-configure these 
days I still use a hand-crafted xorg.conf to get what I want. That being 
said, this description gives me the idea that this is a KDE problem and not 
Xorg related, per se.

Easiest way to test KDE is to either rename the .kde folder to something 
like .kde-backup and log out and back in again. You can achieve the same 
thing by creating another user account as well, and when you log in as that 
user you will be starting KDE config all over again from scratch. If problem 
disappears with this there is a botched KDE config somewhere.

This also sounds vaguely like something I heard about wrt to some Plasma bug 
a version or two back in KDE. Don't recall exact details as I never 
experienced it. One time when I did have some small glitch I found when I 
renamed or deleted the ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc file and restarted KDE, 
starting over fixed my problem. YMMV

Could also try Googling something concerning 'disappearing Plasma panels' 
and see if there are any hits on this as a Plasma related bug.


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