February 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 01:02:51 UTC 2021
Ending: Sun Feb 28 20:49:50 UTC 2021
Messages: 238
- 11.4-STABLE - libcxxrt changes (?) broke libreoffice
Bengt Ahlgren
- 11.4-STABLE - libcxxrt changes (?) broke libreoffice
Bengt Ahlgren
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Chris Anderson
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Chris Anderson
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Chris Anderson
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Chris Anderson
- 11.4-STABLE - libcxxrt changes (?) broke libreoffice
Dimitry Andric
- 11.4-STABLE - libcxxrt changes (?) broke libreoffice
Dimitry Andric
- 11.4-STABLE - libcxxrt changes (?) broke libreoffice
Dimitry Andric
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
John Baldwin
- FreeBSD-EN-21:07.caroot.asc question
Greg Balfour
- FreeBSD-EN-21:07.caroot.asc question
Greg Balfour
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA1 Now Available
Glen Barber
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 Now Available
Glen Barber
- [RESENT] FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 Now Available
Glen Barber
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 Now Available
Glen Barber
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA3 Now Available
Glen Barber
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA4 Now Available
Glen Barber
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Konstantin Belousov
- Microcode update prevents boot
Konstantin Belousov
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Konstantin Belousov
- 13.0-beta3: em/igb driver incoming bytes values doubled in netstat
Eric Borisch
- Ugly black bars in dialog processor
David Boyd
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Olivier Certner
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Olivier Certner
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Christos Chatzaras
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Christos Chatzaras
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Christos Chatzaras
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Christos Chatzaras
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Alexander V. Chernikov
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Alexander V. Chernikov
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Alexander V. Chernikov
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
- stable/13 buildworld fail
Peter Cornelius
- stable/13 buildworld fail
Peter Cornelius
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Peter Cornelius
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Peter Cornelius
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Tim Daneliuk
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Tim Daneliuk
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Karl Denninger
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Karl Denninger
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Karl Denninger
- Microcode update prevents boot
Leon Dietrich
- Microcode update prevents boot
Leon Christopher Dietrich
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Stefan Ehmann
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Andrey V. Elsukov
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Stefan Esser
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Kyle Evans
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Kyle Evans
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Kyle Evans
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Kyle Evans
- DHCP and chnaging the MAC address on a network card
Pete French
- DHCP and chnaging the MAC address on a network card
Pete French
- DHCP and chnaging the MAC address on a network card
Pete French
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Pete French
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Matthew D. Fuller
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Andriy Gapon
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Andriy Gapon
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Andriy Gapon
- uchcom update
Andriy Gapon
- Any way to get hsm(4) device under stable/12?
Andriy Gapon
- 13.0-BETA1: ipfw regression?
Dewayne Geraghty
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Dewayne Geraghty
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
- DHCP and chnaging the MAC address on a network card
Eugene Grosbein
- est and turbo boost
Eugene Grosbein
- est and turbo boost
Eugene Grosbein
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Mateusz Guzik
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 Now Available
Kelly Hays
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Johan Hendriks
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Johan Hendriks
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Johan Hendriks
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Johan Hendriks
- Problems with SDHCI on Denverton SoC on stable/12 and stable/11
Justin Hibbits
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Kurt Jaeger
- lots of "no such file or directory" errors in zfs filesystem
Peter Jeremy
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Carl Johnson
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Carl Johnson
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Carl Johnson
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Carl Johnson
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Carl Johnson
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Mark Johnston
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Mark Johnston
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Mark Johnston
- Microcode update prevents boot
Mark Johnston
- dtrace issue on releng/13.0
Mark Johnston
- Baja de peso en tiempo record. GARANTIZADO.
Baja 15 Kilos
- Setting for displaying utf8 characters on all vt consoles results in panic on 14-CURRENT and 13.0-ALPHA3
Yasuhiro Kimura
- Setting for displaying utf8 characters on all vt consoles results in panic on 14-CURRENT and 13.0-ALPHA3
Yasuhiro Kimura
- Setting for displaying utf8 characters on all vt consoles results in panic on 14-CURRENT and 13.0-ALPHA3
Yasuhiro Kimura
- installation of sample configs
Gerrit Kuehn
- est and turbo boost
Jack L.
- 13.0-BETA3 frequent file system (UFS) hangs
Jack L.
- Drastic slowdown for geli attach
Ian Lepore
- [pf] stable/12: block by OS broken
Xin Li
- [pf] stable/12: block by OS broken
Xin Li
- [pf] stable/12: block by OS broken
Xin Li
- git to svn update frequency ?
Warner Losh
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Warner Losh
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Warner Losh
- git to svn update frequency ?
Warner Losh
- stable/12 git -> svn mirror delayed
Warner Losh
- stable/12 git -> svn mirror delayed
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Warner Losh
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Warner Losh
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Warner Losh
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Warner Losh
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Warner Losh
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Warner Losh
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Warner Losh
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Warner Losh
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Warner Losh
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Warner Losh
- uchcom update
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Matthew Macy
- Trying do mount a slice containing a mounted partition makes the filesystem unreadable
Arrigo Marchiori
- Trying do mount a slice containing a mounted partition makes the filesystem unreadable
Arrigo Marchiori
- Trying do mount a slice containing a mounted partition makes the filesystem unreadable
Arrigo Marchiori
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
David Marec
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
David Marec
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
David Marec
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
David Marec
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Ed Maste
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Ed Maste
- stable/12 git -> svn mirror delayed
Ed Maste
- stable/12 git -> svn mirror delayed
Ed Maste
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Ed Maste
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Ed Maste
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Ed Maste
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Ed Maste
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Ed Maste
- 13-stable default boot options problem
Paul Mather
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Paul Mather
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Mark Millard
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Mark Millard
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Mark Millard
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
Mark Millard
- git to svn update frequency ?
Mark Millard
- git to svn update frequency ?
Mark Millard
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Mark Millard
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Mark Millard
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Mark Millard
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
George Mitchell
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 and slow IO
Kevin Oberman
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Kevin Oberman
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Kevin Oberman
- Drastic slowdown for geli attach
Kevin Oberman
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Kevin Oberman
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Kevin Oberman
- Drastic slowdown for geli attach
Kevin Oberman
- How do I know if my 13-stable has security patches?
Kevin Oberman
- Suspected mbuf leak with Nginx + sendfile + TLS in 12.2-STABLE
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA3 Now Available
Yoshihiro Ota
- 13-stable default boot options problem
Alex V. Petrov
- 13-stable default boot options problem
Alex V. Petrov
- 13-stable default boot options problem
Alex V. Petrov
- FreeBSD Port: bison-3.7.5,1 core dumped
Alex V. Petrov
- latest stable13.0-ALPHA3 can not start varnish anymore.
Kristof Provost
- [pf] stable/12: block by OS broken
Kristof Provost
- FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade
Greg Rivers
- Drastic slowdown for geli attach
Greg Rivers
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- FreeBSD-EN-21:07.caroot.asc question
Herbert J. Skuhra
- 13.0-BETA3 frequent file system (UFS) hangs
Florian Smeets
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- Page fault in _mca_init during startup
Alan Somers
- stable/13 and zfs <> openzfs
Alan Somers
- Setting for displaying utf8 characters on all vt consoles results in panic on 14-CURRENT and 13.0-ALPHA3
Toomas Soome
- x1 gen3 long boot with usb errors
Pavel Timofeev
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2 Now Available
Jason Tubnor
- Rasberry Pi 4 has no USB
Emmanuel Vadot
- FreeBSD 13.0-BETA2: Xorg slow
Maurizio Vairani
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Brian W.
- When did pkg(8) drop support for 12-stable?
Brian W.
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- dtrace issue on releng/13.0
Dean E. Weimer
- dtrace issue on releng/13.0
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Dean E. Weimer
- stable/13 buildworld fail
David Wolfskill
- Any way to get hsm(4) device under stable/12?
David Wolfskill
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Marek Zarychta
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Marek Zarychta
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
Marek Zarychta
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Marek Zarychta
- 13-BETA3 installation from source problems.
Marek Zarychta
- pkgbase: Missing /etc/master.passwd in FreeBSD-runtime 12-stable pkg
mj-mailinglist at gmx.de
- Fwd: Re: Weird loader behavior
- option FIB_ALGO and dpdk_lpm4
mike tancsa
- git to svn update frequency ?
mike tancsa
- git to svn update frequency ?
mike tancsa
- git to svn update frequency ?
mike tancsa
- git to svn update frequency ?
mike tancsa
- git to svn update frequency ?
mike tancsa
- stable/12 git -> svn mirror delayed
mike tancsa
- stable/13 and zfs <> openzfs
- stable/13 and zfs <> openzfs
- mergemaster and etcupdate
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
- where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?
- rel/13.0 make buildworld fails with custom src.conf
Last message date:
Sun Feb 28 20:49:50 UTC 2021
Archived on: Sun Feb 28 20:49:51 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).