git to svn update frequency ?

mike tancsa mike at
Thu Feb 18 10:33:14 UTC 2021

On 2/17/2021 12:10 PM, Warner Losh wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2021, at 6:05 AM, mike tancsa <mike at> wrote:
>>     I noticed on a box that I update RELENG_12 via git there are more
>> recent commits then if I use svnlite to track.  Are they only
>> periodically updated ? If so, how frequently do they get refreshed ? 
>> e.g. I see the new OpenSSL version in git, but not when I update via
>> svnlite.
> Yes. There is a lag for a number of reasons. The updates happen on a batched basis (it’s a script I wrote) and then there’s a delay in replication to the main subversion servers. I believe that the rate is on the scale of hourly, but lwhsu will have to answer that detail.
Hi Warner & Li-Wen,

    I think something might be broken somewhere ? The last update is
from ~ 36 hrs ago and there have been many commits to the git repo since
for RELENG_12.

# svnlite update
Updating '.':
At revision 369283.


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