FreeBSD 13/stable and zpool upgrade

Kurt Jaeger pi at
Fri Feb 19 21:26:19 UTC 2021


> We can't do that. gptzfsboot is for something else that we can't get rid
> of: BIOS/CMS booting. It's never been used for EFI booting at all. There's
> no way to for EFI to use it, nor is there anyway for us to build it to just
> work. You have to copy BOOTx64.efi to your ESP. What we could do, but don't
> currently, is automate this process.

We do not need it automated. We need it to be described in enough detail
that we can write that BOOTx64.efi to the proper place. If there are some
steps to find out where to write it etc., fine. Describe those steps.

But mentioning a vague solution without more details lets far
more unexperienced people try to fix complex issues, which will
end in desasters.

> That's been bogged down in
> implementation details. It's easy if there's only one, but if you have a
> USB stick installed, you don't want that to accidentally be upgraded, for
> example... and I have test boxes with a dozen ESPs to test different boot
> scenarios... And multiboot systems also can be screwed up by automatically
> copying things into the ESP...

Then, before automating it, give us enough details so that we
can at least do it manually.

pi at         +49 171 3101372                  Now what ?

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