where to upgrade 12-stable now, svn still, or git?

tech-lists tech-lists at zyxst.net
Sat Feb 13 04:11:46 UTC 2021

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 06:11:25PM -0800, Mark Millard via freebsd-stable wrote:

>But I've no clue if such would be important to what you might need
>to do with 12.

you're right, I should have been more detailed.

My context is in looking after various 12-stable machines.

Basically I'm asking "which is the source for truth now". I'm not a dev
so this is non-obvious to me; all i'm interested in is keeping machines
up-to-date. I knew stable/13 and current/14 were going to git, but never
heard anything about stable/12 or earlier versions.

I saw on cgit that stable/12 was there. These older systems weekly 
update their sources via svn till now, in a cron job. At the time I wrote 
my message, I saw that svn still works, so was wondering which to use, 
which has the latest updates. 

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