September 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:48:16 PST 2003
Ending: Tue Sep 30 23:23:16 PST 2003
Messages: 872
- error in make installworld
- error in make installworld
- upgrading
Claus Guttesen
- upgrading
Claus Guttesen
- how to prevent flood with ipfilter or ipfw2
Daniel Blendea
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
- .fsck_snapshot
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
- Antigen forwarded attachment
- multiple problems with fxp0 and 4.8/9-stable
Info Account
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Info Account
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Info Account
- is this page fault a hardware problem?
- device bcm not in GENERIC
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
- device bcm not in GENERIC
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Dmitry Agafonov
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Dmitry Agafonov
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Dmitry Agafonov
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Dmitry Agafonov
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Andre Albsmeier
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Jose M. Alcaide
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Jose M. Alcaide
- psm0 lockup on boot (FreeBSD 4.9 PreRelease #2)
Jorge Aldana
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Jorge Aldana
- Problems with latest CVS: Error: input: Resource temporarily
Forrest Aldrich
- problems with groff
Forrest Aldrich
- problems with groff
Forrest Aldrich
- problems with groff
Forrest Aldrich
- Weird error when using VI on FreeBSD-4.x
Forrest Aldrich
- Boot from CF stalls when mounting root
Charles Anderson
- KERNEL BUG: lseek() broken on raw devices
Matthias Andree
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Jason Andresen
- Booting a 4.9 Beta CD on a USB CD/RW?
Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr.
- Booting a 4.9 Beta CD on a USB CD/RW?
Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr.
- "init 0" kernel panic
Dimitry Andric
- 4.9 stability update
Eric Anholt
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Gavin Atkinson
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Gavin Atkinson
Andrew Atrens
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
Andrew Atrens
- test
Illia Baidakov
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
John Baldwin
- device bcm not in GENERIC
Duncan Barclay
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Stuart Barkley
- Can get no STABLE
Simon Barner
- upgrading
Nick Barnes
- upgrading
Nick Barnes
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Nick Barnes
- default route
Nick Barnes
- Perl
Doug Barton
- DNS related ports from ports/net/ to ports/dns
Doug Barton
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch to
BIND and turn it on by default
Doug Barton
- tuning parameters for parallel access to umass devices?
Brian Behlendorf
- tuning parameters for parallel access to umass devices?
Brian Behlendorf
- MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout during boot - FreeBSD-STABLE
from today
Sebastian Benner
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
Michael Sig Birkmose
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Birrell
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Birrell
- kernel: wi0: timeout in wi_seek
Marcos Biscaysaqu
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Marcos Biscaysaqu
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Marcos Biscaysaqu
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Marcos Biscaysaqu
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Marcos Biscaysaqu
- how to prevent flood with ipfilter or ipfw2
Dan Blendea
- make world
Peter J. Blok
- kernel: wi0: timeout in wi_seek
Gregory Bond
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Gregory Bond
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Gregory Bond
- prerelease
Gregory Bond
- Release Engineering Status Report
Craig Boston
- Soundcard (fm801) problems
Barry Bouwsma
- 4.8-p7 kernel panic (kld pcm related panic)
Barry Bouwsma
- TV tuner
Jamie Bowden
- terminal issues.
Jamie Bowden
- Using dwarf2 in kernel debug?
Don Bowman
- Scanner for 4.8
Dave Bradshaw
- Scanner for 4.8
Dave Bradshaw
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Oliver Brandmueller
- IPv6 and logon information
Oliver Brandmueller
- donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation
Ramsey G. Brenner
- donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation
Ramsey G. Brenner
- [Fwd: donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation]
Ramsey G. Brenner
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Michael Bretterklieber
- Mail blocking
- prerelease
- prerelease
- Invalid time in realtime clock
Jim Bryant
- Getting SILO Overflows during burncd
Jim Bryant
- Sendmail vulnerability
- 4.9-BETA i386 ISO with packages available now.
Jonas Bulow
- mbmon broken on -stable?
Wilko Bulte
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Wilko Bulte
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (alpha) now available
Wilko Bulte
- v6 in tonight's cvsup
Randy Bush
- ld sig 11 in XFree86-4-Server
Randy Bush
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Randy Bush
- ASUS P4P8x with Intel 865P chipset Boot problems
Darcy Buskermolen
- 4.9-PRERELEASE panic during ata probe
Darcy Buskermolen
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Patrick C
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Patrick C
- distcc and incompatible with FreeBSD ports structure?
Patrick C
- psm0 lockup on boot (FreeBSD 4.9 PreRelease #2)
Patrick C
- 5.1 release cvsuping
Andrew J Caines
- New to stable!
Andrew J Caines
- Scanner for 4.8
Bill Campbell
- 4.9 stability update
Rocco Caputo
- Sendmail vulnerability
Vitor de Matos Carvalho
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Jonathan Chen
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Luoqi Chen
- reboot after panic: ata_dmasetup:...
Vladimir I. Chukharev
- reboot after panic: ata_dmasetup:...
Vladimir I. Chukharev
- reboot after panic: ata_dmasetup:...
Vladimir I. Chukharev
- kernel: wi0: timeout in wi_seek
Crist J. Clark
- www/gtkhtml3 won't build on my system
Joe Marcus Clarke
- How to force a kernel panic?
Archie Cobbs
- mergemaster error, sendmail, RELENG_4
Kenneth W Cochran
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Richard Coleman
- new versions of openssl released today
Richard Coleman
- Invalid time in realtime clock
Kim Culhan
- Invalid time in realtime clock
Kim Culhan
- buildkernel errors with "options SMBFS"
- buildkernel errors with "options SMBFS"
- is stable stable yet?
- Phantom Reboots ( WAS : is stable stable yet? )
- Delete e-mail address
Larsson Daniel
- Partition Table on the fritz
Matt Dau
- No nonodump...
Ceri Davies
- No nonodump...
Ceri Davies
- Release Engineering Status Report
Ceri Davies
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Ceri Davies
- 4.9 stability update
Ceri Davies
- 4.9 stability update
Ceri Davies
- [Fwd: donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation]
Ceri Davies
- [Fwd: Release Engineering Status Report]
Brad Davis
- PF in 4.8-STABLE
Brooks Davis
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Jan Demter
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Drew Derbyshire
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Chris Dillon
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Chris Dillon
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Chris Dillon
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Chris Dillon
- Sendmail vulnerability
Matthew Dillon
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Matthew Dillon
- Procmail rules [was Re: Sieve script to filter today's MS
Matthew Dillon
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE + NVIDIA
- Prebinding for DragonFly/FreeBSD-4
Matthew N. Dodd
- Good ol' ipfw or ipfw2?
Roderick van Domburg
- tar like util + file flags.
Dima Dorfman
- SV: I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Matt Douhan
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
Ian Dowse
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
Ian Dowse
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Ian Dowse
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Ian Dowse
- fsck stall'd?
Ian Dowse
- two minor lpr gripes
Garance A Drosihn
- 4.9R patch request (was 4.9 stability)
Garance A Drosihn
- Stange NIC Problem: DFE-538TX
Matthew Emmerton
- index build killed by ports/science/chemtool
Robert English
- problems with groff
Ruslan Ermilov
- problems with groff
Ruslan Ermilov
- make buildworld problem
Ruslan Ermilov
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Ruslan Ermilov
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Ruslan Ermilov
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Ruslan Ermilov
- problem with make buildworld (when Building an up-to-date)
Ruslan Ermilov
- make release failure: perl:No such file or directory
Ruslan Ermilov
- 4.9 stability update
Ruslan Ermilov
- portupgrade, was Re: Need to build some systems this week.
Clemens Fischer
- portupgrade with many old ports
Clemens Fischer
- USB Problem
Brandon Fosdick
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
Brandon Fosdick
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
Brandon Fosdick
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
Brandon Fosdick
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Brandon Fosdick
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Brandon Fosdick
- unionfs related patch
Marc G. Fournier
- unionfs related patch
Marc G. Fournier
- Processes Hanging
Marc G. Fournier
- unionfs related patch
Marc G. Fournier
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
Marc G. Fournier
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
Marc G. Fournier
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Marc G. Fournier
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Marc G. Fournier
- fsck stall'd?
Marc G. Fournier
- fsck stall'd?
Marc G. Fournier
- Problems sharing parallel port with 4.8-STABLE
Pete French
- Security hole in ssh ?
Pete French
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Pete French
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Pete French
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Pete French
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Pete French
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Pete French
- netinet/pim_var.h: No such file or directory
Steve Friedrich
- netinet/pim_var.h: No such file or directory
Steve Friedrich
- Can't load daemon at boot
Oliver Fromme
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
Oliver Fromme
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Oliver Fromme
- FAST_IPSEC doesn't seem to honor net.key.prefered_oldsa=0
- source broken ?
Vlad Galu
- Apparent problem with ida(4); patch included
Vlad Galu
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Vlad Galu
- 4.8-release crash while trying to access dvd with mplayer
Andriy Gapon
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Evgueni V. Gavrilov
- how to prevent flood with ipfilter or ipfw2
Evgueni V. Gavrilov
- 4.9-PRE Fatal trap 9: general protection fault while in kernel mode
Evgueni V. Gavrilov
- fwiw Please check the latinamerican keyboard exists
Pedro F. Giffuni
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Lowell Gilbert
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Lowell Gilbert
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Gianmarco Giovannelli
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Gianmarco Giovannelli
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Gianmarco Giovannelli
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Gianmarco Giovannelli
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch to
BIND and turn it on by default
Brett Glass
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch
to BIND and turn it on by default
Brett Glass
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch
to BIND and turn it on by default
Brett Glass
- Recap of stable/4.9 status, please?
Brett Glass
- Recap of stable/4.9 status, please?
Brett Glass
- Security hole in ssh ?
Yann Golanski
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Andrew Gordon
- Memory corruption with recent kernels?
Jan Grant
- Release Engineering Status Report
Jan Grant
- [PATCH?] vm/vm_map.h C++ incompatible
Adriaan de Groot
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Edwin Groothuis
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Edwin Groothuis
- kern/55727: rl(4) not working in recent 4.8-STABLE: watchdog
Eugene Grosbein
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
Eugene Grosbein
- ata-related kernel panic in recent 4.9-PRERELEASE
Eugene Grosbein
- kern/57174: 4.9-PRERELEASE panic: ata_dmasetup: transfer active
on this device!
Eugene Grosbein
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Eugene Grosbein
- Frequent reboots...
- Internal compiler error
Farid Hajji
- Internal compiler error
Farid Hajji
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Bob Hall
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Bob Hall
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Bob Hall
- Gateway Problem
Bob Hall
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
Bob Hall
- Apparent problem with ida(4); patch included
Mike Harding
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
Mike Harding
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
Mike Harding
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Mike Harding
- jumpy mouse
Mike Harding
- jumpy mouse
Mike Harding
- jumpy mouse
Mike Harding
- ar device
John Hay
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Fritz Heinrichmeyer
- upgrading
Alban Hertroys
- upgrading
Alban Hertroys
- 4.9 stability update
Marian Hettwer
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch to
BIND and turn it on by default
Scot W. Hetzel
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
Stephen Hilton
- IPFilter and Nmap
Toan Hoang
- IPFilter and Nmap
Toan Hoang
- IPFilter and Nmap
Toan Hoang
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
Paul Horechuk
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
Paul Horechuk
- Fw: usb problems - try this patch
Paul Horechuk
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Paul Horechuk
- default route
Mike Hoskins
- default route
Mike Hoskins
- default route brokeness
Mike Hoskins
- default route
Mike Hoskins
- default route
Mike Hoskins
- buildkernel b0rken
Michael L. Hostbaek
- buildkernel b0rken
Michael L. Hostbaek
- Fw: kernel trap 9 with interrupts disabled
- hang/crash with KDE's ``kamera'' (usb)
Chris Howells
- Ps problem with 4.9
Martin Hudec
- Processes Hanging
William L Stube II
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Administrator IPA
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Administrator IPA
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
- ATA problems caused by cable or drive?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Scanner for 4.8
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Ryan J.Taylor
- Ps problem with 4.9
- upgrading
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Antoine Jacoutot
- System hanging in acpi during shutdown
Peter Jeremy
- ACPI utilities
Peter Jeremy
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Peter Jeremy
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Peter Jeremy
- kldload problem with 4.8-RELEASE-p7 on HP DL380
Peter Jeremy
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
Peter Jeremy
- Kernel compile failure without pci.
Peter Jeremy
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
Peter Jeremy
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
Peter Jeremy
- kldload problem with 4.8-RELEASE-p7 on HP DL380
Peter Jeremy
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
Peter Jeremy
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Peter Jeremy
- 'No route to host after certain time' is fxp only?
- tar like util + file flags.
- Scanner for 4.8
- Scanner for 4.8
- Mail blocking
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
- ports/55928: vmware2 broken on -STABLE, presumably by PAE
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Request for FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE: PLEASE include this patch to
BIND and turn it on by default
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Make fails in 4.8
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
Poul-Henning Kamp
- Kernel panic with USB stick
Alexandre Kardanev
Josef Karthauser
- 4.9 Pre-Release build weirdness
T Kellers
- 4.9 Pre-Release build weirdness
T Kellers
- 4.9 Pre-Release build weirdness
T Kellers
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Joe Kelsey
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Joe Kelsey
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Joe Kelsey
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Joe Kelsey
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
Kris Kennaway
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
Kris Kennaway
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Kris Kennaway
- Release Engineering Status Report
Kris Kennaway
- Release Engineering Status Report
Kris Kennaway
- Internal compiler error
Kris Kennaway
- 4.9 stability update
Kris Kennaway
- portupgrade with many old ports
Kris Kennaway
- [snort] BAD-TRAFFIC loopback traffic 4.9-PRE
Kris Kennaway
- xl0 not responding
Kris Kennaway
- gcc 3.3.1
Kris Kennaway
- gcc 3.3.1
Kris Kennaway
- [snort] BAD-TRAFFIC loopback traffic 4.9-PRE
Kris Kennaway
- 4.9-BETA i386 ISO with packages available now.
Kris Kennaway
- distcc and incompatible with FreeBSD ports structure?
Kris Kennaway
- about gcc
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Kris Kennaway
- Heads up: panics should be fixed!
John Kennedy
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
John Kennedy
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Samuel Kesterson
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Samuel Kesterson
- TV tuner
Samuel Kesterson
- routing table looks a mess
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
- Weird DISKS behaviour on 4.8-STABLE
Vivek Khera
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Vivek Khera
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Vivek Khera
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Max Khon
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Max Khon
- "init 0" kernel panic
Franklin Kingma
- "init 0" kernel panic
Franklin Kingma
- unable to use 3.5 floppy
Nathan Kinkade
- Scanner for 4.8
Holger Kipp
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Holger Kipp
- Slow usb/umass CompactFlash reader
Mark Knight
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Mark Knight
- tar behaviour changed
Paul Koch
- testers needed for CAM INVARIANTS fix
Maxim Konovalov
- Ok, are all the panics fixed now?
Maxim Konovalov
- [snort] BAD-TRAFFIC loopback traffic 4.9-PRE
Pertti Kosunen
- [snort] BAD-TRAFFIC loopback traffic 4.9-PRE
Pertti Kosunen
- unionfs related patch
Alexandr Kovalenko
- unionfs related patch
Alexandr Kovalenko
- unionfs related patch
Alexandr Kovalenko
- unionfs related patch
Alexandr Kovalenko
- PATCH: for named (bind8) wrt. VeriSign
Flemming Kraglund
- Make installworld failure
Alex de Kruijff
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Alex de Kruijff
- Scanner for 4.8
Mikhail Kruk
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
Mikhail Kruk
- USB Problem
David LaCroix
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Clement Laforet
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Clement Laforet
- Recompiled kernel PRERELEASE: top command gives rubbish output !?!
Rob Lahaye
- 4.9 stability update
Rob Lahaye
[full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain time...
Rob Lahaye
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Rob Lahaye
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Rob Lahaye
- default route
Rob Lahaye
- default route
Rob Lahaye
- How to generate and test GENERIC-STABLE kernel ?
Rob Lahaye
- How to generate and test GENERIC-STABLE kernel ?
Rob Lahaye
- portupgrade, was Re: Need to build some systems this week.
Scott Lambert
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Scott Lambert
- Possible breakage of RELENG_4_8 kernels with security fix for
Scott Lambert
- [Full-Disclosure] FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:14.arp
Scott Lambert
- ATA problems caused by cable or drive?
Dan Langille
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
David G. Lawrence
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
David G. Lawrence
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
David G. Lawrence
- Please test: USB floppies
Nate Lawson
- ACPI utilities
Nate Lawson
- FAST_IPSEC doesn't seem to honor net.key.prefered_oldsa=0
Sam Leffler
- Mail blocking (was: I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Can get no STABLE
Andrew Leikand
- Security Advisory ISO
- Security Advisory ISO
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Don Lewis
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Don Lewis
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Don Lewis
- make release failure: perl:No such file or directory
Don Lewis
- 4.9 stability update
Don Lewis
- [PATCH?] vm/vm_map.h C++ incompatible
Don Lewis
- 4.9-PRE panics with ACPI + Fn key(100% reproducible)
Tai-hwa Liang
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Clive Lin
- [releng_4 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
Scott Long
- [Fwd: Release Engineering Status Report]
Scott Long
- Release Engineering Status Report
Scott Long
- 4.9 stability update
Scott Long
- donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation
M. Warner Losh
- 4.9 stability update
M. Warner Losh
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
M. Warner Losh
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
M. Warner Losh
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
M. Warner Losh
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
M. Warner Losh
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
M. Warner Losh
- About mergemaster
M. Warner Losh
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
M. Warner Losh
- tar like util + file flags.
M. Warner Losh
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Jeff Love
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Jeff Love
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Jeff Love
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Jeff Love
- "Noroute to host after certaintime"is fxp only?
Jeff Love
- Make fails in 4.8
Harold A. Mackey
- Sendmail vulnerability
Bruce A. Mah
- tar like util + file flags.
Tony Maher
- index build killed by ports/science/chemtool
Nakata Maho
- ar device
Pawel Malachowski
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Pawel Malachowski
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Pawel Malachowski
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Pawel Malachowski
- 4.9 stability update
David Malone
- qmail process hang on FreeBSD 4.8
Lay Chi Man
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Alessandro de Manzano
- PF in 4.8-STABLE
Art Mason
- 4.9-20030914-PRERELEASE hangs during boot
Makoto Matsushita
- Security Advisory ISO
Makoto Matsushita
- TV tuner
Frank Mayhar
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Dave McCammon
- terminal issues.
Dave McCammon
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Dave McCammon
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Andy McCarty
- jumpy mouse
Erick Mechler
- mergemaster fails when building temproot
Michael E. Mercer
- mergemaster fails when building temproot
Michael E. Mercer
- mergemaster error, sendmail, RELENG_4
Michael E. Mercer
- gkrellmd failure on -STABLE
Ryan Merrick
- 4.8 psm mouse failing
Ryan Merrick
- testers needed for CAM INVARIANTS fix
Kenneth D. Merry
- testers needed for CAM INVARIANTS fix
Kenneth D. Merry
- CAM/INVARIANTS fix committed
Kenneth D. Merry
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Kenneth D. Merry
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Kenneth D. Merry
- MFC of 1.15 of src/sys/dev/usb/uvisor.c
- STABLE kernel panic
- TV tuner
Aaron Mildenstein
- subscript
Dmitry A. Mishin
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Keith Mitchell
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Keith Mitchell
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Keith Mitchell
- upgrading
Scott Mitchell
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Make World bombs with noexec on /tmp
Marcel Moolenaar
- tar like util + file flags.
Dmitry Morozovsky
- DNS related ports from ports/net/ to ports/dns
Jeffrey J. Mountin
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
Ishii Naoyuki
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Jim C. Nasby
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Jim C. Nasby
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Jim C. Nasby
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
Faried Nawaz
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
Faried Nawaz
- spontaneous reboot
Miha Nedok
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Miha Nedok
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Miha Nedok
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Lyndon Nerenberg
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Simon L. Nielsen
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Simon L. Nielsen
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Simon L. Nielsen
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Simon L. Nielsen
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Simon L. Nielsen
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Jon Noack
- Initio INI-9100
Anton Noginov
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
Anders Nordby
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
Anders Nordby
- ports/55928: vmware2 broken on -STABLE, presumably by PAE import
Anders Nordby
- [NOT solved] Re: USB uscanner0 I/O-Error
Michael Nottebrock
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Daniel O'Connor
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Daniel O'Connor
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Daniel O'Connor
- TV tuner
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- TV tuner
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Invalid time in realtime clock
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- mergemaster error, sendmail, RELENG_4
Kevin Oberman
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Kevin Oberman
- gkrellmd failure on -STABLE
Eirik Oeverby
- Ps problem with 4.9
Eirik Oeverby
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Eirik Oeverby
- error in make installworld
Oldach, Helge
- FAST_IPSEC doesn't seem to honor net.key.prefered_oldsa=0
Oldach, Helge
- USB Problem
Helge Oldach
- terminal issues.
Helge Oldach
- 4.9-RC and bge
Helge Oldach
- Heads up: panics should be fixed!
Michael W. Oliver
- Heads up: panics should be fixed!
Michael W. Oliver
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Michael W. Oliver
- panics on 24 hour boundaries
Michael W. Oliver
- panics on 24 hour boundaries
Michael W. Oliver
- panics on 24 hour boundaries
Michael W. Oliver
- USB Problem
- USB Problem
- default route
Nick H. - Network Operations
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
Sergey A. Osokin
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
Sergey A. Osokin
- 4.9 stability update
Aleksey Ovcharenko
- No nonodump...
Sean Page
- No nonodump...
Sean Page
- No nonodump...
Sean Page
- No nonodump...
Sean Page
- Base pam_krb5 on recent -STABLE and credential cache storage
Jon Passki
- Weird error when using VI on FreeBSD-4.x
- dummynet & IPv6
Jan Pechanec
- 4.9-PRE panics with ACPI + Fn key(100% reproducible)
Dan Pelleg
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Peter Pentchev
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Peter Pentchev
- Need to build some systems this week. Snapshots?
Chris Pepper
- 4.9 stability update
Chris Pepper
- Custom boot blocks with /usr/src on NFS
Chris Pepper
- Custom boot blocks with /usr/src on NFS
Chris Pepper
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Chris Pepper
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Chris Pepper
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Chris Pepper
- Security Advisory ISO
Colin Percival
- 4.9-RC and bge
Damon Permezel
- 4.9-RC and bge
Damon Permezel
- 4.9-RC and bge
Damon Permezel
- 4.9-RC and bge
Damon Permezel
- 4.9-RC and bge
Damon Anton Permezel
- Make installworld failure
Elliott Perrin
- Make installworld failure
Elliott Perrin
- Make installworld failure
Elliott Perrin
- Scanner for 4.8
Henrik Persson
- spontaneous reboot
Wes Peters
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Wes Peters
- How to generate and test GENERIC-STABLE kernel ?
Wes Peters
- MFC of 1.15 of src/sys/dev/usb/uvisor.c
Jan L. Peterson
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Jan L. Peterson
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Jan L. Peterson
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Tracy Phillips
- www/gtkhtml3 won't build on my system
Joan Picanyol
- www/gtkhtml3 won't build on my system
Joan Picanyol
- [OT] Re: Recap of stable/4.9 status, please?
Joan Picanyol
- Can get no STABLE
Igor Pokrovsky
- DNS related ports from ports/net/ to ports/dns
John Polstra
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Polstra
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Polstra
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Polstra
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Polstra
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
John Polstra
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
John Polstra
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
John Polstra
- 4.9-RC and bge
John Polstra
- 4.9-prerelease (build linux module problem)
Andrew Porohin
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
Mike Porter
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Mike Porter
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Mike Porter
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Mike Porter
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
'Tim Pozar'
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
'Tim Pozar'
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Tim Pozar
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Chris Pressey
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Chris Pressey
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Chris Pressey
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Chris Pressey
- fsck stall'd?
Shawn K. Quinn
- device bcm not in GENERIC
Thomas Quinot
- MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout during boot - FreeBSD-STABLE
from today
Thomas Quinot
- dd can't write variable length data blocks to SCSI DDS streamer.
Spartak Radchenko
- fw driver WARNING
Peter Radcliffe
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
Peter Radcliffe
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
Peter Radcliffe
- 4.9 stability update
Peter Radcliffe
- 4.9 stability update
Peter Radcliffe
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Peter Radcliffe
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
Peter Radcliffe
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Peter Radcliffe
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Peter Radcliffe
- bug: RELENG_4_8 rc.diskless1 typo
David Raistrick
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
David Raistrick
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
Darren Reed
- is stable stable yet?
Scott Renna
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Tom Rhodes
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Tom Rhodes
- routing table looks a mess
David Richards
- Boot Time hang with Promise Controller
- buildkernel errors with "options SMBFS"
Tim Robbins
- fxp damages dmesg?
Tim Robbins
- New to stable!
Mam Ruoc
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Didier Rwitura
- 4.9-RC and bge
Paul Saab
- 4.9-RC and bge
Paul Saab
- 4.9-RC and bge
Paul Saab
- 4.8-p7 kernel panic (kld pcm related panic)
Galen Sampson
- 4.8-p7 kernel panic (kld pcm related panic)
Galen Sampson
- Broadcom 5788 gige chip support
Will Saxon
- [Full-Disclosure] FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:14.arp
Michael Scheidell
- It's time to get angry
Harald Schmalzbauer
- Prebinding for DragonFly/FreeBSD-4
Simon 'corecode' Schubert
- Prebinding for DragonFly/FreeBSD-4
Simon 'corecode' Schubert
- Filesystem problem
David Schultz
- unionfs related patch
David Schultz
- Squid memory leaks in -stable using libc malloc
David Schultz
- unionfs related patch
David Schultz
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Udo Schweigert
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
Udo Schweigert
- No nonodump...
Matthew Seaman
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Matthew Seaman
- upgrading
Matthew Seaman
- upgrading
Matthew Seaman
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Matthew Seaman
- xl0 not responding
Frank Seltzer
- xl0 not responding
Frank Seltzer
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Scott R. Sewall
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Scott R. Sewall
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Scott R. Sewall
- make release failure: perl:No such file or directory
Scott R. Sewall
- make release failure: perl:No such file or directory
Scott R. Sewall
- mergemaster fails when building temproot
Gregory Neil Shapiro
- Sendmail vulnerability
Gregory Neil Shapiro
- Call for testers: sendmail update in RELENG_4
Gregory Neil Shapiro
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Joe Shevland
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Hidetoshi Shimokawa
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Irvine Short
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Irvine Short
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Irvine Short
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Irvine Short
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Zhang Shu
- No nonodump...
Michael Sierchio
- fxp damages dmesg?
Michael Sierchio
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Michael Sierchio
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Michael Sierchio
- [Fwd: donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation]
Michael Sierchio
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Michael Sierchio
- Ok, are all the panics fixed now?
Mike Silbersack
- Heads up: 4.x VM problems fixed
Mike Silbersack
- HEADS UP: new if_dc needs testing!
Mike Silbersack
- 4.8 psm mouse failing
Doug Silver
- Recent -STABLE panics during boot (100% reproducable)
Dmitry Sivachenko
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
Melvyn Sopacua
- [PATCH?] vm/vm_map.h C++ incompatible
Melvyn Sopacua
- Mail blocking
Melvyn Sopacua
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after certain
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Andrew Sparrow
- Failure to build (ports) vmware2 in 4-9-PRERELEASE
Andrew Sparrow
- unable to use 3.5 floppy
Rogue Spider
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Charles Sprickman
- is stable stable yet?
Michael L. Squires
- is stable stable yet?
Michael L. Squires
- 4.9 stability update
Michael L. Squires
- kernel: wi0: timeout in wi_seek
Ruben van Staveren
- USB keyboard problem
Ruben van Staveren
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
Adrian Steinmann
- source broken ?
Kent Stewart
- 4.9-prerelease (build linux module problem)
Kent Stewart
- Make installworld failure
Kent Stewart
- upgrading
Kent Stewart
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Kent Stewart
- pcm0 freezes computer with recent -STABLE
Kent Stewart
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
Kent Stewart
- 4.9 Boot Hang when USB Devices Attached
Kent Stewart
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Kent Stewart
- 4.9-BETA i386 ISO with packages available now.
Murray Stokely
- [Fwd: donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation]
Murray Stokely
- [Fwd: donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation]
Murray Stokely
- Recap of stable/4.9 status, please?
Murray Stokely
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Murray Stokely
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (more bad news)
Murray Stokely
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Murray Stokely
Volker Stolz
- ext2fs BSD-slice subpartition?
Thomas Stratmann
- v6 in tonight's cvsup
Kirk Strauser
- Perl
Kirk Strauser
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Kirk Strauser
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Kirk Strauser
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Kirk Strauser
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Kirk Strauser
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Kirk Strauser
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Kirk Strauser
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Kirk Strauser
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Kirk Strauser
- Mail blocking
Kirk Strauser
- Scanner for 4.8
Dan Strick
- 4.9-20030914-PRERELEASE hangs during boot
Dan Strick
- 4.9-20030914-PRERELEASE hangs during boot
Dan Strick
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (more bad news)
Dan Strick
- Heads up: panics should be fixed!
- Heads up: panics should be fixed!
- 4.9 stability update
- panics on 24 hour boundaries
- crash dumps to ar not supported ?
Mike Tancsa
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Mike Tancsa
- Recent -STABLE panics during boot (100% reproducable)
Mike Tancsa
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Mike Tancsa
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Mike Tancsa
- Scanner for 4.8
Mike Tancsa
- Scanner for 4.8
Mike Tancsa
- is stable stable yet?
Mike Tancsa
- is stable stable yet?
Mike Tancsa
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Mike Tancsa
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Mike Tancsa
- recent stability problems with fxp driver
Mike Tancsa
- Release Engineering Status Report
Mike Tancsa
- 4.9 stability update
Mike Tancsa
- 4.9R patch request (was 4.9 stability)
Mike Tancsa
- cvs commit: src/contrib/sendmail/src version.c
Mike Tancsa
- 4.9-PRE crash with firewire :(
Mike Tancsa
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after
certain time...
Mike Tancsa
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after
certain time...
Mike Tancsa
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after
certain time...
Mike Tancsa
- [full build as of Sept. 24] "No route to host" after
certain time...
Mike Tancsa
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Mike Tancsa
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Mike Tancsa
- 'No route to host after certain time' (patch committed)
Mike Tancsa
- default route
Mike Tancsa
- default route (src/sys/netinet/if_ether.c patch)
Mike Tancsa
- default route
Mike Tancsa
- Good ol' ipfw or ipfw2?
Mike Tancsa
- "No route to host after certain time" is fxp only?
Mike Tancsa
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Mike Tancsa
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
David Taylor
- Recompiled kernel PRERELEASE: top command gives rubbish output
David Taylor
- TV tuner
Dmitry Terentjev
- hang/crash with KDE's ``kamera'' (usb)
Mikhail Teterin
- USB Problem
Olivier Tharan
- Procmail rules [was Re: Sieve script to filter today's MS
Thierry Thomas
- ahd0: Unexpected PKT busfree condition
- [releng_4 tinderbox] failure on alpha/alpha
- [releng_4 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
- [releng_4 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
- [releng_4 tinderbox] failure on alpha/alpha
- IPv6 and logon information
Jilles Tjoelker
- HighPoint RocketRaid 454
- HighPoint RocketRaid 454
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
- gdm fail
Drew Tomlinson
- Sendmail vulnerability
Marco Trentini
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Erik Trulsson
- strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Erik Trulsson
- Release Engineering Status Report
Erik Trulsson
- FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available
Erik Trulsson
- MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout during boot
Angelo Turetta
- thread safe functions missing ... ?
- Mirror Plex (Raid 1) after installing FreeBSD
- Proliant 5000 hangs on boot to 5.1 during install
Rick Updegrove
- Proliant 5000 hangs on boot to 5.1 during install
Rick Updegrove
- is stable stable yet?
Rick Updegrove
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Rick Updegrove
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Rick Updegrove
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
Rick Updegrove
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Rick Updegrove
- make buildworld problem
Yury V.Lukke
- make buildworld problem
Yury V.Lukke
- Make fails in 4.8
Ilya Varlashkin
- I've had enough. I'm starting a DNS blackhole list.
Thomas T. Veldhouse
- squid+wccp No buffer space available
Ventsislav Velkov
- gcc 3.3.1
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE + NVIDIA
Vulpes Velox
- Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1
Jacques A. Vidrine
- Sendmail vulnerability
Jacques A. Vidrine
- corruption of dmesg
Sergei Vyshenski
- fxp damages dmesg?
Sergei Vyshenski
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Bernd Walter
- ext2fs BSD-slice subpartition?
Cedric Ware
- Weird DISKS behaviour on 4.8-STABLE
ODHIAMBO Washington
- Make installworld failure
David Garcia Watkins
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Robert Watson
- Recompiled kernel PRERELEASE: top command gives rubbish output
Robert Watson
- panics on 24 hour boundaries
Robert Watson
- lpt changed?
Steve Watt
- DNS related ports from ports/net/ to ports/dns
Adam Weinberger
- 5.1-RELEASE-p2 daily panic
Brandon Weisz
- 4.9 stability update
Peter Wemm
- Missing Card in pccard database
Marco Wertejuk
- Fatal Trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode on IBM x340 after
Robert Westendorp
- 4.9 Pre-Release build weirdness
Doug White
- 4.9 Pre-Release build weirdness
Doug White
- Fw: kernel trap 9 with interrupts disabled
Doug White
- 4.9-20030914-PRERELEASE hangs during boot
Doug White
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Doug White
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Doug White
- Stange NIC Problem: DFE-538TX
Doug White
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
Doug White
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
Doug White
- buildworld tries to write to DESTDIR?
Doug White
- 4.9 panic AGAIN!!!!
Doug White
- .fsck_snapshot
Doug White
- 4.9 stability update
Doug White
- kldload problem with 4.8-RELEASE-p7 on HP DL380
Doug White
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
Doug White
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Doug White
- Compaq Proliant 5000 SMP won't boot
Doug White
- Custom boot blocks with /usr/src on NFS
Doug White
- tuning parameters for parallel access to umass devices?
Doug White
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Doug White
- tuning parameters for parallel access to umass devices?
Doug White
- About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)
Doug White
- Booting a 4.9 Beta CD on a USB CD/RW?
Doug White
- Broadcom 5788 gige chip support
Doug White
- about gcc
Doug White
- Large memory issues on 4-STABLE
Doug White
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
Doug White
- Very slow SSh since upgrading machines to RELENG_4_8
Greg White
- make world
Sean Winn
- HEADS UP: ATA bus dma code MFC'd
Rolf Witt
- Sieve script to filter today's MS annoyances
Barney Wolff
- Apparent problem with ida(4); patch included
David Wolfskill
- make world
David Wolfskill
- Stange NIC Problem: DFE-538TX
William Wong
- upgrading
Bill Woods
- IPFilter and Nmap
Mark Woodson
- New snapshot: network stack cloning / virtualization patches
Marko Zec
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- jail + postgresql + System V IPC
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- gdm fail
Peng Zhang
- about gcc
Zhang, Peng
- about gcc
Peng Zhang
- Rootvp
a-hobbs at
- rootvp won't boot
a-hobbs at
a-hobbs at
- Can't load daemon at boot
andris at
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
dcx dcy
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
dcx dcy
- FreeBSD 4.9-PRE+ nvidia
dcx dcy
- donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation sales dept
- donating 10% to FreeBSD Foundation sales dept
- 4.9 stability update
dglo at
- 4.9-PRERELEASE wedges on reboot
dglo at
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
- IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host
- Gateway Problem
tobias erlacher
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
ian j hart
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
ian j hart
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
ian j hart
- HP Laserjet 1200 on USB
ian j hart
- ports tree
Mars honeycomb
- Perl
- ipfw + trasnparent proxy
jon at
- 5.1 release cvsuping
stuart nichols
- USB keyboard problem
- USB keyboard problem
- USB keyboard problem
- USB keyboard problem
- USB keyboard problem
- USB Problem
regis rampnoux
- USB Problem
regis rampnoux
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
regis rampnoux
- USB Problem
regis rampnoux
- fix/workaround for usb probe lockups on nForce2 mbs
regis rampnoux
- USB hangs during boot of 4.9
regis rampnoux
- Patch for boot-time USB hangs in 4.9-PRERELEASE
regis rampnoux
- Make World bombs with noexec on /tmp
sevn at
- Make World bombs with noexec on /tmp
sevn at
- No problems with 4.9 RC1 so far
sevn at
- Mail selection options in sysinstall(8).
a clever sheep
- Help running 'make release' w/ r/o CVSROOT
horio shoichi
- 5.1 release cvsuping
- 5.1 release cvsuping
- two minor lpr gripes
roger n. tospott
- "init 0" kernel panic
udo.krebelder at
- .fsck_snapshot
yeskw at
- problem with make buildworld (when Building an up-to-date)
yeskw at
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 23:23:16 PST 2003
Archived on: Sun Oct 19 19:23:42 PST 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).