4.9-RC and bge

Damon Permezel zeph at damon.com
Tue Sep 30 05:14:41 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, Sep 30, 2003, at 19:03 Australia/Brisbane, Helge Oldach 

> Damon Anton Permezel:
>> Recent SUP.
>> Installed on Dell PowerEdge 4600.
>> Getting tons of:
>> Sep 30 12:23:16 zige /kernel: bge0: gigabit link up
>> Sep 30 12:23:46 zige last message repeated 98 times
>> Also getting some TCP retransmits.  This causes noticable delays in
>> pretty much everything I do now.  Not a problem prior to the SUP.
>> I was on 4.8-STABLE before.
>> When pulling/replacing cables, it went into a mode where it would
>> drop link, renegotiate, drop link, reneg, ... for a few minutes and
>> then it stopped.  Had to power cycle machine to recover.
> I am using a Dell 2650 whose bge identifies as:
> bge0: <Broadcom BCM5701 Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x105> mem 
> 0xfcf10000-0xfcf1ffff irq 11 at device 6.0 on pci3
> bge1: <Broadcom BCM5701 Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x105> mem 
> 0xfcf00000-0xfcf0ffff irq 13 at device 8.0 on pci3

bge0: <Broadcom BCM5700 Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x7104> mem 
0xfcf00000-0xfcf0ffff irq 10 at device 6.0 on pci1

The kernel is from a SUP of less than 12 hours ago.  Things went from 
"ok" to "lousy" as soon as I rebooted.

The CVS log indicates that there have been 2 recent changes based on 
BCM5701 errata.
I suspect that this is hosing the 5700.

date: 2003/09/26 16:02:04;  author: ps;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
MFC rev 1.55
By not setting No_CRC in the Mode Control Register, we must also
reduce the size of the packet by 4 bytes to remove the ethernet crc.

Approved by:	re
date: 2003/09/23 02:34:49;  author: ps;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -2
MFC: rev 1.54, Do not set the No_CRC bit in the Mode Control Register.

Tomorrow, I will pull out the revision prior to those changes and see 
if it fixes it.....

> I acknowledge that I have seen many of the "gigabit link up" messages
> formerly, but they disappeared some weeks ago. They definitely don't
> show up with a recent kernel (built just after the sendmail commits 
> last
> week).
> I don't see tcp retransmits either (total of 29, to be precise :-)).
> Maybe you are still using an older kernel, or there is something broken
> with your network infrastructure? I am running with the bge's connected
> to different Cisco switches (4507R and 3550).
> And yes, this is a heavy traffic system.
> Helge
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