December 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Dec 1 04:37:38 UTC 2016
Ending: Fri Dec 30 09:59:40 UTC 2016
Messages: 191
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Brandon Allbery
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Brandon Allbery
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Brandon Allbery
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Brandon Allbery
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Brandon Allbery
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Brandon Allbery
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Dimitry Andric
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Dimitry Andric
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Dimitry Andric
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Dimitry Andric
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Dimitry Andric
- Compile error while building world
Dimitry Andric
- Cannot buildworld r310779 on FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r310265 amd64
Dimitry Andric
- if_cxgbev build error on -stable
John Baldwin
- Please Get Back To Me
Afshur Basir
- The EASIEST CHRISTMAS present for everyone..
Banana Bed
- if_cxgbev build error on -stable
Konstantin Belousov
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Scott Bennett
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Stefan Bethke
- CARP master election changed in 11.0 ?
Robert Blayzor
- CARP master election changed in 11.0 ?
Robert Blayzor
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Warren Block
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Warren Block
- Regression in pciconf utility in releng/11.0
David Boyd
- freebsd-update <bleep>
Randy Bush
- freebsd-update <bleep>
Randy Bush
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Fernando Herrero Carrón
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Fernando Herrero Carrón
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Fernando Herrero Carrón
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Fernando Herrero Carrón
- if_cxgbev build error on -stable
Andrey Chernov
- if_cxgbev build error on -stable
Andrey Chernov
- current state of nfs between FreeBSD and ESXi
Marko Cupać
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Andrey V. Elsukov
- Strange dtrace warning on running svn, perl and other programs on stable/10 r310494
Trond Endrestøl
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Chris Ernst
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Chris Ernst
- Comprovante Bancario.
Setor Financeiro
- 10.3-STABLE - PF - possible regression in pf.conf set timeout interval
Damien Fleuriot
- bsdconfig
Peter Fraser
- Build failed in Jenkins: FreeBSD_stable_10 #465
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1520 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_11-i386 - Build #311 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_9-i386 - Build #526 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1536 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_11-i386 - Build #312 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1537 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_9-i386 - Build #527 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_stable_9 - Build #1226 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_9-i386 - Build #528 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_stable_9 - Build #1227 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_9-i386 - Build #529 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1547 - Failure
jenkins-admin at
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1548 - Fixed
jenkins-admin at
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
Andriy Gapon
- FreeBSD_STABLE_10-i386 - Build #1547 - Failure
Andriy Gapon
- Any chance that r299900 can be merged to releng-10.3 from stable-10 ?
Daniel Genis
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Eugene Grosbein
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Eugene Grosbein
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Eugene Grosbein
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Eugene Grosbein
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Eugene Grosbein
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Eric van Gyzen
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Eric van Gyzen
- zpool get all: Assertion failed / Abort (core dumped)
Steven Hartland
- vfs.zfs.vdev.bio_delete_disable - crash while changing on the fly
Steven Hartland
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Steven Hartland
- current state of nfs between FreeBSD and ESXi
Johan Hendriks
- bugs in memstick GPT table, and in gpart(8)
Perry Hutchison
- bugs in memstick GPT table, and in gpart(8)
Perry Hutchison
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Kurt Jaeger
- Strange dtrace warning on running svn, perl and other programs on stable/10 r310494
Mark Johnston
- negative number of logins
Ronald Klop
- broken source upgrade 9.3-STABLE to 10.3-STABLE
Ronald Klop
- panics collections on FreeBSD 11.0-RC1 RC2 PRERELEASE RELEASE STABLE
Ivan Klymenko
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Xin LI
- Huge hpet0 interrupt storm, but only if HGST HTS721010A9E630 HDD is present at the boot _and_ formatted with recognized fs (??)
Jakub Lach
- Huge hpet0 interrupt storm, but only if HGST HTS721010A9E630 HDD is present at the boot _and_ formatted with recognized fs (??)
Jakub Lach
- Huge hpet0 interrupt storm, but only if HGST HTS721010A9E630 HDD is present at the boot _and_ formatted with recognized fs (??)
Jakub Lach
- Should 4K AF disk with FAT32 (newfs_msdos -F32 -S 4096) be unmountable?
Jakub Lach
- Huge hpet0 interrupt storm, but only if HGST HTS721010A9E630 HDD is present at the boot _and_ formatted with recognized fs (??)
Jakub Lach
- bsdconfig
Jakub Lach
- FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r310265 amd64 seems to be cpi-ing garbage to mounted FAT32 fs after 10-20 GB.
Jakub Lach
- Cannot buildworld r310779 on FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r310265 amd64
Jakub Lach
- Cannot buildworld r310779 on FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r310265 amd64
Jakub Lach
- zpool get all: Assertion failed / Abort (core dumped)
Miroslav Lachman
- zpool get all: Assertion failed / Abort (core dumped)
Miroslav Lachman
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Miroslav Lachman
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Ian Lepore
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Ian Lepore
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Ian Lepore
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Warner Losh
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Warner Losh
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Warner Losh
- camcontrol rescan seems to be broken
Warner Losh
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
K. Macy
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
K. Macy
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
K. Macy
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
K. Macy
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
David Marec
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
David Marec
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
David Marec
- Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?
Mark Martinec
- Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?
Mark Martinec
- Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?
Mark Martinec
- freebsd-update <bleep>
Paul Mather
- Wine Enthusiasts List
Peter McCrea
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Adam Vande More
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Adam Vande More
- ASM1062 AHCI timeouts, ppt(4) BAR aligning [Was: Re: svn commit: r309251 - head/sys/dev/ahci]
Alexander Motin
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Thomas Mueller
- card=0x812911ec on FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #1 r309672
Marat N.Afanasyev
- Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo com muitas realizações
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Andreas Nilsson
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Kevin Oberman
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Kevin Oberman
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- gdb broken on stable/11 and current?
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Slawa Olhovchenkov
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Gary Palmer
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Gary Palmer
- Rel.10.3 zfs GEOM removal and memory leak
- stoped work powerd++ after 6 november
Alex V. Petrov
- 11-stable on AMD FX-8370 Eight-Core Processor no cpufreq support
Alex V. Petrov
- NFS server hang with backing store on ZFS and quota nearly exhausted
- Compile error while building world
Jack Raats
- Compile error while building world
Jack Raats
- Get Alerts for Asia’s Largest Event for Project Cargo & Breakbulk Industry
Patrick Romero
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Larry Rosenman
- share/mk/ disables lang/gcc48 build with CPUTYPE
Harry Schmalzbauer
- ASM1062 AHCI timeouts, ppt(4) BAR aligning [Was: Re: svn commit: r309251 - head/sys/dev/ahci]
Harry Schmalzbauer
- ASM1062 AHCI timeouts, ppt(4) BAR aligning [Was: Re: svn commit: r309251 - head/sys/dev/ahci]
Harry Schmalzbauer
- Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?
Christian Schwarz
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Christian Schwarz
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Christian Schwarz
- webcamd panic - is it just me?
Anton Shterenlikht
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Ian Smith
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Ian Smith
- suspend/resume on Skylake (Lenovo T460s) with FreeBSD11 stable
Ian Smith
- bugs in memstick GPT table, and in gpart(8)
Ian Smith
- bugs in memstick GPT table, and in gpart(8)
Ian Smith
- frequent timeouts with mvs(4) SATA controller, GELI, and ZFS
Alan Somers
- Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?
Alan Somers
- cannot detach vdev from zfs pool
Alan Somers
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Michelle Sullivan
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Michelle Sullivan
- CVE-2016-7434 NTP
Michelle Sullivan
- Vestibular SENAI 2017/1 - 50% de desconto no 1º semestre para Industriários e Dependentes
FIERGS | FATEC - Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia
- O Que Você Quer ser Amanhã? Cursos Técnicos 2017 na Faculdade SENAI
FIERGS | FATEC - Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia
- Vestibular SENAI 2017/1 - Oportunidade de 50% de desconto no 1º semestre para ex-aluno SENAI
FIERGS | FATEC - Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia
- O Que Você Quer ser Amanhã? Cursos Técnicos 2017 na Faculdade SENAI
FIERGS | FATEC - Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia
- Vestibular SENAI 2017/1 - Oportunidade de 50% de desconto no 1º semestre para Diplomados
FIERGS | FATEC - Faculdade SENAI de Tecnologia
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Antony Uspensky
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Artem Viklenko
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Artem Viklenko
- Alert - Your Credit Card has been charged
Riley Ward
- Possible issue building kernel modules: dialog4ports invocation
David Wolfskill
- NFS server hang with backing store on ZFS and quota nearly exhausted
Garrett Wollman
- vfs.zfs.vdev.bio_delete_disable - crash while changing on the fly
Eugene M. Zheganin
- webcamd panic - is it just me?
Eugene M. Zheganin
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
Eugene M. Zheganin
- [ZFS] files in a weird situtation
Eugene M. Zheganin
- iscsi limit to 255 entities
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Upgrading boot from GPT(BIOS) to GPT(UEFI)
Eugene M. Zheganin
- camcontrol rescan seems to be broken
Eugene M. Zheganin
- cannot detach vdev from zfs pool
Eugene M. Zheganin
- cannot detach vdev from zfs pool
Eugene M. Zheganin
- camcontrol rescan seems to be broken
Eugene M. Zheganin
- camcontrol rescan seems to be broken
Eugene M. Zheganin
- ATTN:Invoice B-9821354
receptie at
- ATTN:Invoice B-9821354
receptie at
- Compile error while building world
jack at
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
hiren panchasara
- sonewconn: pcb [...]: Listen queue overflow to human-readable form
hiren panchasara
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
- make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf
Last message date:
Fri Dec 30 09:59:40 UTC 2016
Archived on: Fri Dec 30 09:59:43 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).