Is System V IPC namespace still shared across jails?

Alan Somers asomers at
Tue Dec 13 15:29:32 UTC 2016

I've already added support for sysvmsg, sysvsem, and sysvshm to
iocage.  They all default to "new", which means you won't have to do
anything special in your jail config to make postgres work.  You can
find the patch below.  The only reason it hasn't been merged is
because it can't (yet) be made to work correctly on the develop branch
of iocage.  But it works fine on the master branch.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Mark Martinec
<Mark.Martinec+freebsd at> wrote:
> 2016-12-12 20:38, Christian Schwarz wrote:
>> With the new jail parameters, new namespaces for SysV IPC are possible
>> on FreeBSD 11.
>> For those ezjail users, add something like this to the jail's config
>> after creating it using 'ezjail-admin create':
>> export jail_postgres_parameters="sysvmsg=new sysvsem=new sysvshm=new"
>> Cheers,
>>   Christian
> Thank you, this is it!
> I missed it in the JAIL(8) man page, and is not mentioned in release notes.
> Now if only the iocage would recognized the sysvmsg, sysvsem, and sysvshm
> options:
> # iocage set sysvmsg='new' xxx
>   ERROR: Unsupported property: sysvmsg!
> I guess I should file a bug report.
>   Mark
>> man 8 jail
>>>  ...
>>>  allow.sysvipc
>>>       A process within the jail has access to System V IPC
>>>       primitives.  This is deprecated in favor of the per-
>>>       module parameters (see below).  When this parameter is
>>>       set, it is equivalent to setting sysvmsg, sysvsem, and
>>>       sysvshm all to ``inherit''.
>>>  ...
>>>    sysvmsg
>>>       Allow access to SYSV IPC message primitives.  If set to
>>>       ``inherit'', all IPC objects on the system are visible to this
>>>       jail, whether they were created by the jail itself, the base
>>>       system, or other jails.  If set to ``new'', the jail will have
>>>       its own key namespace, and can only see the objects that it has
>>>       created; the system (or parent jail) has access to the jail's
>>>       objects, but not to its keys.  If set to ``disable'', the jail
>>>       cannot perform any sysvmsg-related system calls.
>>>     sysvsem, sysvshm
>>>       Allow access to SYSV IPC semaphore and shared memory primitives,
>>>       in the same manner as sysvmsg.
>>>> Regarding installation of PostgreSQL in a FreeBSD jail, the web hold
>>>> plenty of
>>>>  warnings/advice that each postgres instance should have a unique UID,
>>>> otherwise
>>>> they stumble across each other's feet:
>>>> | allow.sysvipc
>>>>  |   A process within the jail has access to System V IPC primitives. In
>>>> the
>>>>  | current jail implementation, System V primitives share a single
>>>> namespace
>>>>  | across the host and jail environments, meaning that processes within
>>>> a jail
>>>>  | would be able to communicate with (and potentially interfere with)
>>>> processes
>>>>  | outside of the jail, and in other jails.
>>>> Is this still the case in FreeBSD 11.0 ???
>>>> I remember hearing rumors that the System V namespace
>>>> no longer is (will?) be shared across jails.
>>>> (Couldn't find it being mentioned in release notes.)
>>>>   Mark
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