make buildkernel does not respect KERNCONF or JOBS in /etc/make.conf

Herbert J. Skuhra herbert at
Tue Dec 13 00:12:50 UTC 2016

Kevin Oberman skrev:
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 1:16 AM, tech-lists <tech-lists at> wrote:
>> On 12/12/2016 09:07, Thomas Mueller wrote:
>>> My question is, do you build modules redundantly, or just once?
>>> I don't want to build the same modules more than once.
>> For me - redundantly, I guess. It's not like it takes a lot of time or
>> space on the compiling machine, and I ensure that everything that needs to
>> be built, is built.
>> PUMPKIN = heavily modified config with all the stuff I don't need stripped
>> out, and a couple of non-default lines.
>> GENERIC = unmodified kernel that should work if by some chance PUMPKIN
>> doesn't.
>> --
>> J.
> Clearly the documentation is a bit behind the times. For some time people
> have used KERNCONF to build multiple kernels, but that was a lucky things
> that was not officially supported. It just happened to work. Then, with
> 11.0, it no longer did in many cases sue to changes in the kernel build
> system. When people complained, there did not seem to be a way to fix this
> without blocking future goals in speeding up and enhancinghte standard
> kernel build.
> The result was BUILDKERNELS. It was specifically designed to allow the
> building of multiple kernels and the appropriate modules. This would always
> take longer and use more disk space, but it would work reliably. Now, bit
> building a single, local kernel, KERNCONF is the best way, though I suspect
> that it make only a small difference until new capabilities are added later
> in the life of 11.
> So, while it seems the man pages need to catch up, building multiple
> kernels should be done with KERNCONF in either make.conf or src.conf and
> multiple kernels with BUILDKERNELS.


From /usr/src/Makefile.inc1:

   1137 .if ${TARGET_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
   1138 KERNCONF?=      GENERIC64
   1139 .else
   1140 KERNCONF?=      GENERIC
   1141 .endif
   1151 .if defined(NO_INSTALLKERNEL)
   1152 # All of the BUILDKERNELS loops start at index 1.
   1153 BUILDKERNELS+= dummy
   1154 .endif
   1155 .for _kernel in ${KERNCONF}
   1156 .if exists(${KERNCONFDIR}/${_kernel})
   1157 BUILDKERNELS+=  ${_kernel}
   1158 .if empty(INSTALLKERNEL) && !defined(NO_INSTALLKERNEL)
   1159 INSTALLKERNEL= ${_kernel}
   1160 .endif
   1161 .endif
   1162 .endfor

So setting BUILDKERNELS has no effect.


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