Upcoming zope release 2.8

Colin Alston karnaugh at karnaugh.za.net
Sat May 28 05:58:04 PDT 2005

Tim Middleton wrote:

>If someone does a Zope 3 port, I wonder how modular it should be made. For 
>example we actually do have a hunk of Zope 3 already in the ports system in 
>the form of devel/py-zopeInterface (required by twisted 2)...
If you're using systems with Twisted 2.0.x you should rather keep a copy 
of the zope.interface module in wherever your project is, and not as a 
global package to avoid breaking older code when updating etc, unless 
you're using it with Zope specifically (yuk!)

Colin Alston <karnaugh at karnaugh.za.net>

About the use of language: 
  "It is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe.  It is 
  equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead."
   -- E.W.Dijkstra, 18th June 1975. (Perl did not exist at the time.)

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