Upcoming zope release 2.8

HAYASHI Yasushi yasi at yasi.to
Fri May 27 19:16:23 PDT 2005


I like your method 1.

It seems better when www/zope28 and www/zope30 have to go together.
I hear that zopeX3 is quite different from Zope2, so they will coexist
long time.

Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
> 1. We start a new www/zope28 port right now with zope2.8b2 and continue 
> zope2.7 as www/zope until all major zope appication are migrated to 2.8. 
> Than we move www/zope to www/zope27. www/zope28 stays as it is. 
> 2. We wait until zope28 is released (sheduled for June 11th). than we 
> copy www/zope to www/zope27 and update www/zope to version2.8 

yasi at yasi.to

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