Upcoming zope release 2.8

Tim Middleton x at Vex.Net
Fri May 27 13:29:47 PDT 2005

On Tuesday 24 May 2005 17:38, Michael Dexter wrote to 
freebsd-python at freebsd.org:
> I also favor this method as I would like to begin working with Zope
> X3 which many people are using in production use.

If someone does a Zope 3 port, I wonder how modular it should be made. For 
example we actually do have a hunk of Zope 3 already in the ports system in 
the form of devel/py-zopeInterface (required by twisted 2)...

Tim Middleton | Vex.Net    | "Are the gods not just?"  "Oh no, child.
x at veX.net     | VexTech.ca | What would become of us if they were?" (CSL)

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