Installation fails after creating disklabel

Bruce Cran bruce at
Fri Apr 10 05:16:14 PDT 2009

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:03:27 +0200
Jochen Fahrner <freebsd at> wrote:

> Hi,
> >
> > After creating the partitions the installation aborts with the  
> > following error message:
> >
> > "Error mounting /dev/ad0s5 on /mnt: Operation not permitted"
> I've got it! Disk partitioning works not the same way as on i386  
> platforms.
> The normal way is to have "slices" (created by fdisk), each slice  
> divided into "partitions" (using disklabel).
> On FreeBSD PPC (Mac only?) disklabel cannot divide slices into  
> partitions. Each slice can only have 1 partition. So one has to
> setup the whole partition layout with Mac OS disk utility, and then
> create the correct partition in each slice using disklabel.
> I think this should be explained somewhere in the install
> documentation.

There's also a PR about this:

I think the issue is that fdisk doesn't know how to deal with the Apple
Partition Map (
Hopefully things will be better with 8.0 since it'll use gpart for

Bruce Cran

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