Installation fails after creating disklabel

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Fri Apr 10 07:33:34 PDT 2009

Am 10.04.2009 um 14:16 schrieb Bruce Cran:

> There's also a PR about this:

Yes, that's the problem.

> I think the issue is that fdisk doesn't know how to deal with the  
> Apple
> Partition Map (
> Hopefully things will be better with 8.0 since it'll use gpart for
> partitioning.

fdisk and disklabel are two separate things. fdisk splits the disk  
into slices. disklabel splits the slice into partitions. The terms  
are a bit confusing: "Partitions" in the Windows world are "slices"  
in the BSD world.

There is no fdisk for the PPC, so you have to use Apple disk utility  
for creating slices.
Disklabel should work exactly as on i386 platforms.

IMHO the problem with disklabel is the following:
the partitions have the same device names as the slices, so mounting  
the second partitions goes wrong.

I used slice ad0s5 for my BSD. So disklabel should generate  
partitions ad0s5p1, ad0s5p2, ad0sp3 and so on. Instead it generates  
ad0s5 for all the partitions. That's the problem.


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