Installation fails after creating disklabel

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Fri Apr 10 05:03:49 PDT 2009


> After creating the partitions the installation aborts with the  
> following error message:
> "Error mounting /dev/ad0s5 on /mnt: Operation not permitted"

I've got it! Disk partitioning works not the same way as on i386  
The normal way is to have "slices" (created by fdisk), each slice  
divided into "partitions" (using disklabel).

On FreeBSD PPC (Mac only?) disklabel cannot divide slices into  
partitions. Each slice can only have 1 partition. So one has to setup  
the whole partition layout with Mac OS disk utility, and then create  
the correct partition in each slice using disklabel.

I think this should be explained somewhere in the install documentation.


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