Lightning removed from ThunderBird?

Alex V. Petrov alexvpetrov at
Wed May 23 09:10:23 UTC 2018

>From Internet:

"I was able to get Lightning back by following these steps:

	Temporarily rename your existing .thunderbird directory (for example:
	Start up Thunderbird and click 'Keep' when asked about using the
built-in calendar
	Close Thunderbird
	Copy the only extension present in the extensions directory of the new
profile to the extensions directory of your existing profile
	Trash the new .thunderbird folder
	Rename your existing .thunderbird~ directory back to .thunderbird

23.05.2018 12:07, Andrea Venturoli пишет:
> Hello.
> As an heavy user of ThunderBird + Ligthning I was a bit worried when I
> saw the following commit message this morning:
>> mail/thunderbird: drop LIGHTNING as it's unusable after r470672
> I understand this was later backed out, but I'd like to ask some questions.
> Is Lightning going away or is this temporary?
> In the former case, are there any suggested replacements?
> Or can Lightning be installed independently of the port?
> Any pointer to what's going on here more generally?
> Has this anything to do with the (imminent?) switch to version 60?
> Sorry to bother, but I just would like to avoid being caught by surprise
> if/when Lightning will suddenly stop working one morning...
>  bye & Thanks
>     av.
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