Lightning removed from ThunderBird?

Jan Beich jbeich at
Wed May 23 10:38:12 UTC 2018

Andrea Venturoli <ml at> writes:

> Hello.
> As an heavy user of ThunderBird + Ligthning I was a bit worried when I
> saw the following commit message this morning:
>> mail/thunderbird: drop LIGHTNING as it's unusable after r470672
> I understand this was later backed out, but I'd like to ask some questions.
> Is Lightning going away or is this temporary?

Maybe as long as Lightning from works and contains
localization data (see bug 189054 and bug 227379).

> In the former case, are there any suggested replacements?
> Or can Lightning be installed independently of the port?

After r470672 Linux version of Lightning installed from should work fine. However, r470672 accidentally
disabled FreeBSD version of Lightning which I've later fixed by r470675.

> Any pointer to what's going on here more generally?
> Has this anything to do with the (imminent?) switch to version 60?

I haven't looked yet at Thunderbird 60 and how it handles Lightning.

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