Lightning removed from ThunderBird?

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Wed May 23 07:03:39 UTC 2018

Andrea Venturoli wrote on 2018/05/23 07:07:
> Hello.
> As an heavy user of ThunderBird + Ligthning I was a bit worried when I 
> saw the following commit message this morning:
>> mail/thunderbird: drop LIGHTNING as it's unusable after r470672
> I understand this was later backed out, but I'd like to ask some questions.
> Is Lightning going away or is this temporary?
> In the former case, are there any suggested replacements?
> Or can Lightning be installed independently of the port?
> Any pointer to what's going on here more generally?
> Has this anything to do with the (imminent?) switch to version 60?
> Sorry to bother, but I just would like to avoid being caught by surprise 
> if/when Lightning will suddenly stop working one morning...

Just "me too" - I am using Seamonkey, currently in version 2.49.1 where 
Lightning lo longer works even if I have LIGHTNING=on selected in 
options. I will try 2.49.3 soon but I am worrying about future of the 
Are there any compatible replacement usable on FreeBSD desktop?

Miroslav Lachman

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