insanely-high interrupt rates -- PARTIAL resolution (Pi2)

Ian Lepore ian at
Sun Apr 21 17:57:40 UTC 2019

On Wed, 2019-04-17 at 14:56 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
> On 4/9/2019 19:25, Ian Lepore wrote:
> > On Tue, 2019-04-09 at 09:55 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
> > > On 4/3/2019 11:48, Andrew Gierth wrote:
> > > > [...]
> > 
> > I've just posted for this. 
> > Hopefully I'll get it committed in a day or so and merged to 12-
> > stable
> > a few days after that.
> > 
> > -- Ian
> I am running that now on a Pi2 and so far the load problem is gone
> but
> the spurious interrupt warnings are not....
> On my bench without the I2c inputs connected (which do analog reads) I
> do NOT get the spurious interrupt prints.  With it connected I do.  The
> process that reads them is code that is running in both cases, but if it
> cannot find the I2c devices it logs the error but continues, so all it
> gets to is trying to open the unit, doesn't see it when probed, and
> gives up.
> It appears that I2c is an inherent part of the spurious interrupt thing
> still and while the timer issue appears to be fixed that doesn't resolve
> the other problem.
> Any ideas on how to track down exactly what is generating those warnings?

After spending the whole day yesterday trying all the usual driver
techniques for eliminating spurious interrupts, I was unable to make
them go away completely, but I also convinced myself they're harmless.

I was a little surprised that the "read after write" technique didn't
work.  That is, after writing to the i2c control register to clear all
the interrupt-enable bits, read back that register.  In theory, at
least on normal arm chips, that ensures that the prior write has
reached the hardware before the read can procede, so it's a way to
guarantee that the write has taken effect and the interrupt can no
longer be asserted, before returning from the interrupt handler.  But,
on the rpi chips even that doesn't work... you can read back the
register and verify the interrupt-enable bits are cleared, and still
after returning from the handler, it re-interrupts immediately.

If you stick in a nice long DELAY() after clearing the control
register, the spurious interrupts go away, but that's a horrible fix. 
It would be especially horrible for i2c devices that do a lot of
transfers, you'd end up with the delay time overwhelming the time to do
the actual transfers themselves.

So, in r346489, I moved the reporting of the spurious transfers under
the bootverbose flag, so that normally you just won't see them anymore,
but we can still enable the reporting if we suspect some device driver
is behaving badly.  I'll mfc that change to 12-stable after a few days.

-- Ian

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